Skye: Duntulm Castle
This place was so cool! It's just a ruin, not really preserved in any way, and it sits right at the edge of a cliff. In this country, something like this would be cordoned off, with big fences and "no entry" signs so that no stupid person would hurt themselves, then sue the land owner for huge damages. Everywhere we went in Scotland, we were allowed to clamber around wherever we wished, and if we had been stupid enough to fall off a precipice, it was our own bad luck. Pam, Lauren and I, being intrepid and brave women of the world, thumbed our noses at danger! We scoffed at the warning sign and ventured forth! ...except that I wasn't allowed too close to the really dangerous bits, seeing as I have a tendency towards accident.....

So Duntulm Castle is really old...first built in the 14th century and added on to for years until it was finally abandoned in the 1730s. The story goes that in the 1730's the infant heir to the chieftain fell (or was tossed??) from the window of the tower and was killed on the rocks below. The nursemaid who had charge of him was then set adrift in a boat to die. Another person told us, though, that the nursemaid was actually tossed over the tower wall at high tide to be dashed to bits by the sea. Either way...pretty brutal! We decided that maybe this was the "Baby Drop" window. Or maybe this one??
Another, much earlier, story told that in the late 1400's the current chieftain was convinced that his son was trying to seize power from him, so he walled his son into a chamber in the dungeon, with only a barrel of salted beef to keep him going, until the son died of thirst and/or madness. Such a warm and nurturing period in history, no? This was a cellar...maybe the dude is stilled walled in here somewhere. Oooooooooooooooooooooo....spooky!!
This is a view of Tulm Island, I think...