Saturday, December 4, 2010

Welp, burned my face off..

So...a couple of weeks ago I used a certain type of face wash that my skin did NOT like at all..I had a little (ok not very little) reaction to this wash and literally burned my face off..That night when it happened, once i put it in it was burning, I took it off and my face was bright red all over and stung so bad. So I had cold rags on my face for a few hours..I honestly thought the next morning it would be gone..Wrong-O! I woke up the next morning and my face was not only still red, but had huge burn marks all over my face..Wow did I ever look beautiful that day :) It not only looked great, but it was pretty painful. I was able to get into a dermatologist that day, thank goodness..They gave me a very lovely shot in my hip and put me on some steroids..Thankfully this did the trick and knocked out the redness and burns fairly quickly. After a few days my face was back to normal..I should have took a picture of my face at its worst, but I couldn't bare to look at myself like that so I couldn't bring myself to take the pic haha...However, my roommate Chelsey took this lovely picture of me laying on my bed that night with my cold cute :)


Chelsey, Emily, and ME!
These are the 2 lovely ladies that live with me right now...They are great! Chelsey I've known for a few years, we also roomed together for almost a year when I was going to SUU. She is so much fun and one of my very good friends :) She's working on her bachelor in accounting at UVU and is gonna do great. Emily is from Florida and I just met her a few months ago when I moved in..she just started in the law program at BYU and is married to the library haha, but it has been good living wither her.

Christmas Decorating :)

Usually I'm not huge on decorating my apartment all out for christmas..I don't like to spend money on decorations and usually I am able to go home for a week or so for Christmas break so it just seems a little pointless to me. This year I'm feeling a little different though, maybe because I am only going home for a few days...but I got some fun Christmas decorations and me and my roomy Chelsey decided to make our apartment very festive..It turned out great and I love it!