We are very very lucky pups...and we have very very lovely friends.....
And we got quite the surprise this
past week.
Imagine our surprise when we opened the mail
box and saw a package
addressed to us!!!! OH BOY OH BOY!! An then we
opened the box and saw this
beautiful box!!!!!!!!! OH MAN OH OH MAN!!!!!!!!!
And it was from our King
WFT stuffie destuffer the one and only OUR MAN
AND LOOK AT WHAT WAS INSIDE!!!! WE NEARLY FAINTED!!!! SO what PL2 has been doing is breaking them in
half and we get 1/2 a cookie in our crates at night before bed and she gives one of us the chocolate part one night and then switches. Somehow I think Archie is getting more chocolate parts
because I heard PL2 ask him last night if he got the chocolate part last night
because she couldn't
remember and he
said NO and that is not true but I am going to try that
tonight.......... And they are
individually wrapped..
so fancy.. we have never had such fancy cookies(Archie said that is not true, we did the last time
Jax sent us lovely cookies and
Archie said he wants to go live at Jackson's house)
Then we answered the door Friday and we got this.......another package from e England(see it says Royal Mail??AN IT WAS
ADDRESSED TO US!!!!! And it was from MY
(the first time PL2 saw a picture of Eric she was quite taken aback and thought it was a
picture of me..AGATHA!! so he is my
twinny and
Archie's step
twinny..I don't think anyone could really look like Archie......he is one of a kind....)PL2 put it on the ground and we opened it...but of course she forgot the camera........

There was a package of these FABULOUS treats...

You can't really see it here, but in our ahem haste to open the package we sort of ripped open the side and some may have slipped out,
So PL2 put them in this......
AND LOOK AT THIS!!!Have you ever seen anything like it!! I thought I could use it for the car but PL2 said no way it was for her....rats......

The best part???WILL YOU LOOK AT THESE ICE CREAM CONES??????This blue one is
Archie's...he allowed me to take a snapshot of it......

Look closely in my crate( yes that really is the color of that giant bone...) Can you see a pink ice cream cone to the left????That is mine and I have it
locked in my crate...
Why you ask????
Harumph....here's why..I
mean he has his blue one why does he want
my pink one? SO PL2 said I can lock it up an
then he will not get it......

I am going to hang around a little just in case he figures out how to get in.. extremely
doubtful,but you can never tell..