Friday, June 28, 2013

Exciting News

On Monday, June 24th, our daughter, Andrea, gave birth via c-section to their brand new baby boy.  Little Noah was born healthy and beautiful.  We are so grateful that all went well.  As you can see by his smile, Reggie loves being the big brother.
One of our other daughters, Anna, drove from her home with her two little boys to watch Reggie and to help out while Andrea and Yoho were at the hospital.  I think it was so nice of her to do that.  The two big boys are having a great time playing together.  They have been swimming, playing at the playground, visiting the new baby and playing at home together.
We are so excited to have this new little baby in our family.  I love them all so much and feel very blessed.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Our Week

 Saturday evening we went to a very nice piano recital that the Allens invited us to.  It had lots of little kids, but they were so cute.  Even the youngest little pianist of about 4 years old held her hands just right.  As the recital went on, more and more advanced students played pieces.  They all did such an awesome job.  Even those kids who were no older than 10 were playing very difficult pieces and doing them without any mistakes.  The older ones were awesome playing Chopin and other difficult composers.  We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
 Thursday we took a day off from the office and went to Plattsburg N.Y. We got our meds and then spent a lovely day with the Howards.  We were celebrating our 48th anniversary.  I can't even believe that it's been that long.  It sounds so old and really it is, but I still don't feel old at all.  For lunch we went to KFC and then for dinner we went to Texas Road House.
 I chose Roadkill this time and it was very good.  However, there was so much food that we all took food home.  We had enough for dinner the next evening.

 Yesterday I was busy filling zone orders when these 2 missionaries asked me to meet them on the second floor.  I went down and there they were standing in a classroom holding this pastry box.  They then sang Happy Birthday to me.  My birthday isn't even until next week, but they said they wanted to be the first to wish me a Happy Birthday.  How thoughtful is that?  I was so surprised and happy.
 I took their picture when they came upstairs and they said they had to have a picture with me.  So, her I am with Elder McCook and Elder Smith.  These two sharp Elders are just awesome.
 Normally I get zone orders on Friday once a month and then on the following four week days,  I fill two zones orders a day.  Friday of that week, after zone council, the Zone leaders come up and I give them their orders.  Well, next friday Pres and Sis Cannon are having their last day.  Their three years are up and we will be getting a new mission president.  Because of this, zone council will be on Tues. and I will give out zone orders then.  It is a LOT of work to get those zone orders together.  So yesterday afternoon after getting all of the zone orders, I began working and getting them together.  Elder Arhets always helps me move the big boxes full of books.  I had finished Ottawa's order and saw that I had twelve boxes of stuff.  Each box is so carefully packed by me.  It is tiring too, but I was working on the next order.  Elders Ruby and Wilber came to the office and asked if they could help me.  At first I said no, but then thought, "why not?"  I asked them if they really had the time to help and they said, "Yes we will be so happy to help."  They helped me with all the rest of the orders.  Oh my gosh!  It was awesome to have the help.  Within a couple of hours we were all done.  All the orders gathered, packed up, labeled, and put in the hallway, waiting for pick up.  I was so happy and grateful that they helped me.  It saved me hours of work.  We had fun together too, chatting and laughing as we were getting the work done.  I will certainly make them a yummy treat next week.
      This was my yummy pastry; Italian cannoli from the "best" Italian bakery in all of Quebec
 This morning we, the senior couples, had a brunch for Pres. and Sister Cannon.  We all gathered at the mission office and had the brunch in the High Council room.  There was a ton of food with lots and lots of left-overs.
                                                                 "We remember"
 I made the chicken enchilada ring and several people told me it was their favorite dish.  That made me feel good and happy.  Besides this we had tons of fruit, pastries, breads, juices, and dessert.  I am sure everyone had a good time.  I'm certain everyone enjoyed themselves.

                                          Each couple wrote a note to President and his wife.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Every Three Months

 Every three months we have zone conferences.  Since we have 6 zones now, we have 3 busy days.  The first one was in Ontario.  Then we had 2 in Montreal, Isle de Montreal and Mount Royal and Rive Sud and Rive Nord.  Finally we had one in Quebec City which I did not go to because of my visit to the ER instead.
Here I am in the top photo with the two assistants, Elder Williams and Elder Heder. I love those two great guys.  We do training in this room.

 After our part of the training John and I go out to inspect all of the cars.  We now have 60 cars in the mission and 3 more coming next week.  The cars we get are brand new Chevy Cruizes and  Subaru Imprezas.  As you can imagine, the missionaries love the new cars.
 We have a nice lunch prepared for us.
 Just look at all of these wonderful missionaries from all over the world.

 Elder and Sister Rhodes from Alberta were originally assigned to India, but their visas never cleared so they are serving in Canada clear up in Abitibi.
 After eating all of those who had birthdays in the past 3 months stand up in front.  Their companion tells about 2 of their best character traits and they get a little gift.  This time it is water bottles.

 The next conference was in the building where the mission office is.  This is the gym.  The building also houses the young adult ward.

 An entire different group of missionaries, but they are equally awesome.
 Getting ready for the group picture.

 After conference is over, many of them come up to the supply room and I help them get the things they need.

Conference is such a busy and tiring time, but I love talking to these great young missionaries and getting to know them.