Monday, March 31, 2014

My Etsy Shop

I am on a new etsy shop! We specialize in custom onesies. I have been making these as gifts for years and have been told for years, "you should sell these!" My friend Kellie has joined me on this adventure. Check us out on Etsy: 1zee2zeeDesigns and like us on Facebook.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Back to myself

Much has happened in the last 2 months...some great, some really not great at all. At the beginning of December Alma and I had made contact with a birth mother who had chosen us to be the parents to the baby boy due at the beginning of January. We were elated at the idea of becoming parents and so happy to be off the adoption roller coaster. We kicked into high gear with preparations: Baby prep, work leave prep, legal prep, travel prep, financial prep. We made a trip to California to meet the family, breezed through the holidays spending Christmas Day to set up the nursery, and were lovingly showered with gifts by my incredibly generous coworkers. The whirlwind we were in was very reminiscent of our move to Chicago for grad school...crazy, but something we had waited a long time for. Unfortunately, New Year's Eve night we got the call that brought all our plans to a screeching halt. She had changed her mind- simple as that. Changed her mind and broke our hearts. We always knew it was a possibility, we were just so hopeful it wouldn't be a part of our story. It was so hard to be able to mourn/grieve but to try to remain positive and trust that there is something to learn from it all. Just the other day at works a friend gave me a hug and said "Welcome back. This is the Amber I love. I love the other Amber too, but she was so sad. It's nice to see you again!" This brought a smile to my face, and yet made me sad at the same time. I don't like to think that I could be altered so much by the actions of others. So, we are back to our old selves and back on the hunt for the child who is meant to be a part of our family. We are so grateful for our family and friends who through their love and prayers have lifted us up and helped us see all of our many blessings.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

We've got news...

So I am almost 1000% positive no one looks at this blog anymore... I don't even look at it. But that seems like the perfect place to break out of my private bubble. We are officially certified to adopt! It has been a long process and we are only 1/3 of the way through this journey. We are now in the "finding phase". The numbers are fairly dismal as far as how many people place their children for adoption, and we have been advised that success comes from word of mouth and getting our information out there. So if anyone who knows and loves us and sees this post please keep us in mind! If you hear of someone looking for a loving family you can direct them to our profile on Profile ID# 30213967 or send us an email at Thanks for your support, and wish us LUCK!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kitchen keeping me busy...

Let's talk about where some/a lot of my time has been going recently. I am a confessed DIYer. Well, within reason...I'm not going to change my own oil or rewire electrical. I absolutely believe there are people who do that professionally and they are worth every penny they charge. But I refuse to pay someone to do something that I can reasonably do myself, especially when it saves me thousands of dollars.  With all that being said here are the pictures...
Here is the before.. way before when we first moved in.

Part of the destruction
Part of the process
Finished Product

So happy

A lot of work and time, and I will admit- some tears of frustration and a few swear words. But it is done and I am way happy with the results. We were out of town last weekend and when we walked into the kitchen it really just made me smile! Maybe someday new counter tops and appliances (when the current ones give out) and sink. Until then, look out ugly oak-y banister you are NEXT!

Chi Town Revisited

 So, we went to Chicago-our beloved old stomping grounds- for a wedding in March. Let me begin by saying there aren't as many pics as there should be simply because I was too busy either having fun, (or let's be honest here) eating to pick up the camera. This first picture is of one of my favorite restaurants- no pics inside...I was happily eating beef teriyaki baked rice, spicy Korean vegetable dumplings, and drinking a strawberry tropical freeze. The danger with food memories is that when you try to relive them they often disappoint. But not this fact not the entire time we were there. Everything was just as we remembered it. Ahhh, food makes me happy.
Me with Cory and Melissa at the rehearsal dinner. Great food and great company!

Dave's groomsmen looking handsome, particularly that dark one on the end. The church was beautiful as were the bride and groom. It was a lovely ceremony and we are so excited that Dave and Jess made us a part of it!

Here we are after the wedding. First time I had seen Alma all day...and the last time I was to see him for many hours after that. Busy busy groomsman.

Mr & Mrs Antymis

We were so privileged to stay with Jim & Lindsaey in their lovely home. We had so much fun and they were my built in companions when Alma was busy with wedding activities. We have missed our Chicago buddies. The Seatons went further above and beyond and hosted a brunch for the morning after the wedding for the ICO alums to get together. It was so nice to see everyone again, and pick up right where we left off.

Mmmmmm. Margie's. Homemade hot fudge and caramel. Mmmm.

Oh, the Seatons. We missed them the moment we left. Such amazing hosts...such amazing friends.

And Murray Seaton. Can't forget him because he is hilarious. Never been much of a pet person, but Murray softened my heart to it and I think for that Alma will be eternally grateful to him.  

We also got a chance to visit our old ward and see some familiar faces and have dinner with the Burtons. Sadly, we have no pictures of them. They were gracious dinner hosts as always and we had a blast, not to mention delicious food. It was so nice to be back in Chicago. We only wish we had more time and that all the same people could have been there too.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

I admit...freely

that I totally suck at blogging. Is it because nothing noteworthy or exciting happens in our life? Is it because we don't capture all things in pictures? Is it because I am super busy? Is it because I don't have kids? Is it because I hate being on the computer? Is it because no one would read it anyway? Is it my payback for publicly boycotting Facebook? 
Whatever the reason is I haven't quite decided if it is something I need to work on or something I need to let go. In the mean time, I might post on our recent trip to least I plan on it. We'll see.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Winter in AZ

There are a few ways to tell when it is winter in Arizona...
1- The calendar. Winter usually happens around November/December
2- The weather. It actually gets cool at night, and triple digit temps are no longer in the forecast.
3- My rants while driving no longer include the name of the car model that is causing me duress, but
rather the name of the state on the license plate. I'll give you an example from today, "Holy Crap Iowa, take the turn!!"  

I would like to thank the Snowbirds/Winter visitors for the increased revenues seen in our state when they visit, but would like them to answer one question for me...

How do you make it all the way from Iowa/Illinois/Ohio/Manitoba/Alberta to Arizona alive when you drive the way you do??