Monday, June 28, 2010

Ripplesketches - Donate to help the poor animals of the Gulf Coast

NOTE: If you bought this, I apologize for not getting it to you - I haven't gotten an address yet from the Ripple blog! Hopefully they send it to me soon!!

My daughter Gwyneth and I did some drawings for Ripplesketches, a blog set up by Kelly Light to help the poor animals that are being decimated by the BP Oil Spill. Please help these poor animals...i will throw in some freebies as well

Ripplesketches: Each sketchcard on this blog is $10.00. The $10.00 is a donation to help the animal victims of the Deep Water Horizon Gulf Oil Spill. Every penny is donated. The two Non-Profits that are benefitting are The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies and The International Bird Rescue Research Center. You can purchase a card if you donate directly to one of the non-profits and email me the confirmation and your address to The artist will mail you the signed card.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Time has Come!!! YAY!!

Well, after almost a year and a half, i have compiled the illustrations and written the text for my Oracle Deck and Coloring Book and...yes, right there in that little package are the cd's full of all that stuff...

Obviously it is far from done - the editing process now begins...but...can you believe it?!! I'm DONE!!! Yay, very excited! We'll keep you posted on the next steps...

Here's a potential example of one of the cards - (Not sure if it will end up looking like this though...we'll see)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Illustration Friday - Ripple

My 9-year-old daughter Gwyneth and I made some sketches for ripplesketches which was set up by Kelly Light to help the poor animals that are suffering from the Deep Water Horizon Gulf Oil Spill's just terrible what's happening there. If you donate $10 to The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies or The International Bird Rescue Research Center you can have one of these illustrations...please go HERE to find out exactly how...

UPDATE: not sure when ours will be posted or if they will be at this point - the blog posting is behind and hopefully this is a good sign that so many artists are donating works of art for this good cause...

here's mine:

here's my 9-year-old's work:
this is a bunny trying to swim in the oily gulf

and her other donation is a drawing of a horse trying to contact his turtle friend on his conch shell phone - except only oil is coming out:

(this hasn't been posted on ripplesketches just yet but i will keep my eye out for when it is)