Tuesday, June 30, 2009
oops! the link seems to be broken
How To Save A Life
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Owh, saya suke!
petikan pertama:
lecturer: do i have a partner?
student: (dengan nada yang konfiden) yes, you do.
student:yeah, bla bla bla (x ingat apa dia cakap sebab time ni aku tengah struggle nak tahan gelak sebab lecturer tu sepatutnya jadi client tapi dia boleh tanya soklan camtu)
petikan kedua:
lecturer: this seems too good too be true
petikan ketiga:
lecturer: how can u compare your site with the other two site?......they are not of the same class..........it is very obvious from the picture that it can't be compared........
petikan keempat:
student:.........Klang and Sepeng.......(sepeng tu sebenarnya sepang tapi sebab Klang kan bunyinya 'kleng' kalau disebut dalam BI maka student ni tersasul Sepang jadi 'sepeng')
petikan kelima:
lecturer: how can i know that it is more profitable to invest in this project than just leave that same amount of money in the bank (fixed deposit)? what's the yield?
petikan keenam:
student: it looks luxury, it seems luxury, but it's not luxury......................it's affordable
petikan ketujuh:
1st student:bla bla bla (until her part is done)
lecturer: *grins*
2nd student: blablabla (until her part is done too)
leturer: *still grinning*
(the situation continues until all members of that group finishes their part....how psycho is that?a lecturer that just grins throughout your presentation?)
Alhamdulillah, tamatlah sudah semester khas aku dengan tamatnya presentation siang tadi. Lega sebab lecturer2 tak psycho sangat dengan group kitorang (but this doesn't mean that they're satisfied with our presentation, rite?). Aku dah cuak tahap petala kelapan masa sebelum present, especially aku ni managing director *ehem,ehem*. Cuak kalau aku dipersalahkan kalau jadi apa2 (*******, nak kene cubit ni...*grins*). Dah la giliran last skali (ironi, sebab group aku adalah Group 1). Tapi nasib baik presentation berjalan dengan lancar walaupun aku macam tergagap-gagap (aku jenis darah gemuruh, kadang2 rasa nak muntah sebab nervous sangat). Groupmates aku pun dah buat sebaik yang mereka boleh. No complains now but we'll see after the grades are out.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Kamu Yang Empunya Diri Tahu Siapa Yang Saya Maksudkan
A few months back, i wrote an entry about my blog followers. Pastu, dalam salah satu komen, ada sorang kawan aku yang mengaku dia gak follower aku, tapi secara private. Bila follow secara private, aku tak dapat nak tau dia adalah follower aku so aku tak tulis la pasal dia. Oleh sebab dia adalah seorang yang istimewa bagi aku (tolong jangan salah faham ye), maka aku sort of janji nak tulis satu entry khas untuk dia. Maka, ini adalah post yang aku janji kat dia. Maybe dia takkan baca pun entry ni sebab sekarang ni dia macam sangat bizi tapi macam biasa la, apa aku kisah kan. So, here it goes.
Aku kenal dia masa matriks. Kalau nak suruh citer camne aku dengan dia boleh jadi kawan, aku memang tak boleh citer sebab aku pun taktau camne. Things just happens. Tapi yang aku ingat, aku mula rapat dengan dia lepas kitorang sama2 join sukoma. Dia main netball, aku main basketball. Aku tak sama kelas mau pun sama dorm dengan dia tapi sama2 sains fizikal. To me, she's my first true best friend.
Aku selalu lepak kat dorm, atau nak lebih exact lagi, cube dia. Aku dan dia mempunyai satu perasaan yang sama terhadap kolej matriks tu iaitu tak suka dan tak sabar nak blah dari kolej tu. Topik feveret kitorang adalah mengutuk kolej dan manusia2 didalamnya (ok aku tipu, bukan topik feveret tapi kitorang memang selalu kutuk kolej tu). Kitorang adalah antara manusia yang susah nak fit in kat tempat tu. There was some sort of stereotyping and typicalisation by the majority population of the college and we were few of the 'victims'. Memang sume member rapat aku kat matriks adalah manusia2 yang mempunyai masalah yang sama.
Aku dan dia gak suka borak pasal fakta2 dan juga hakikat hidup ni. How life's funny, how it is full of irony and so on. Dia la tempat aku whine,rant, and curse kalau ada something yang buat aku tak puas hati. Dia jadi tempat aku lepas geram kalau aku tengah bengang dengan manusia lain. Dia akan korbankan tangan dia untuk aku. Aku akan squezee tangan dia sekuat2nya sampai aku lega. Dia la orang yang aku cari masa aku tengah stress tahap petala kelapan. Kat dia gak la aku menangis bila aku dah tak tahan dengan stress tu (mind you,aku jarang nangis ok).
Aku dengan dia boleh click so well sebab kitorang mempunyai cara berfikir yang sama. Apa yang kitorang rasa amusing, orang lain akan rasa biasa. Apa yang kitorang faham, orang lain susah nak faham. Tapi aku belajar banyak benda dari dia. Aku belajar dari dia nilai satu persahabatan, dan bagaimana nak jadi seorang sahabat yang layak untuk dihargai. Dia sangat menghargai sahabat2nya (if orang tu tak cari pasal dengan dia la). Dari dia gak la aku belajar supaya tak tengok things from one perspective only.
Satu benda aku suka pasal dia adalah dia tak pernah discriminate atau judge orang lain easily. Bila orang tu dah cari pasal dengan dia baru dia betul2 jadi orang-yang-tak-best-untuk-dibuat-kawan. Kadang2, aku dan dia tak perlu spoken words untuk faham something. Kami adalah dua orang yang faham bahawa itu adalah ITU dan tak perlu kata2 untuk gambarkannya. Aku tak jumpa lagi orang yang camtu lepas abes matriks.
Apa yang pasti, aku sangat sayang (sayang as in hard to let go, not sayang as in love) dia sebab dia la salah sorang kawan yang betul2 aku boleh panggil sahabat. Walaupun kitorang jarang jumpa atau contact sebab masing2 bizi, tapi bila aku perlukan dia, dia ada.
Sebenarnya, banyak je lagi aku boleh citer pasal dia tapi aku taknak tulis panjang2. Maka, sampai sini je la aku citer pasal dia. Kepada tuan empunya diri yang aku tengah citer, aku rindu kau la...bila bley kita g berfoya-foya?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Satu Hari Yang Indah (not!)
im average
I have. . . (a point for each one)
1. smoked.
2. consumed alcohol.
3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex.
4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex.
5. kissed someone of the same sex.
6. had sex.
7. had someone in your room other than family.
8. watched porn.
9. bought porn.
10. tried drugs.
~ TOTAL: 5
1. taken painkillers.
2. taken someone else's prescription medicine.
3. lied to your parents.
4. lied to a friend.
5. snuck out of the house.
6. done something illegal.
7. felt hurt.
8. hurt someone.
9. wished someone to die.
10. seen someone die.
~ TOTAL: 6
1. missed curfew.
2. stayed out all night.
3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself.
4. been to a therapist.
5. received a ticket.
6. been to rehab
7. dyed your hair.
8. been in an accident.
9. been to a club.
10. been to a bar
~ TOTAL: 1
1. been to a wild party.
2. been to a Mardi Gras parade.
3. drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night.
4. had a spring break in Florida.
5. sniffed anything
6. wore black nail polish
7. wore arm bands.
8. wore t-shirts with band names.
9. listened to rap.
10. owned a 50 Cent CD.
~ TOTAL: 2
1. dressed gothic
2. dressed girly.
3. dressed punk.
4. dressed grunge.
5. stole something.
6. been too drunk to remember anything.
7. blacked out.
8. fainted.
9. had a crush on a neighbor.
~ TOTAL: 2
1. had a crush on a friend.
2. been to a concert.
3. dry-humped someone.
4. been called a slut.
5. called someone a slut.
6. installed speakers in your car.
7. broken a mirror.
8. showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
9. brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush.
~ TOTAL: 4
1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper.
2. seen an R-rated movie in theater.
3. cruised the mall.
4. skipped school.
5. had surgery.
6. had an injury.
7. gone to court.
8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping.
9. caught something on fire.
10. lied about your age.
~ TOTAL: 4
1. owned/rented an apartment/house.
2. broke the law in the police's presence.
3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf
4. got in trouble with the police.
5. talked to a stranger.
6. hugged a stranger.
7. kissed a stranger.
8. rode in the car with a stranger.
9. been harassed.
10.been verbally harassed.
~ TOTAL: 2
1. met face-to-face with someone you met online.
2. stayed online for 5+ hours straight.
3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight.
4. watched TV for 5 hours straight.
5. been to a fair.
6. been called a bad influence.
7. drink and drive.
8. prank-called someone.
9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex.
10. cheated on a test.
~ TOTAL: 4
Grand Total: 37
If You Have Less Than 10.. write [im a Goody Goody]
If You Have More Than 10.. write [im still a goody goody]
If You Have more Than 20..write [im average]
If You Have More Than 30..write [im a bad kid]
If You have more than 40..write [im a very bad influence]
If You Have more than 50..write [im a horrible person]
If You Have more than 60..write [i should be in jail]'
If You Have more than 70..Write [i should be dead]
taknak tag sesape...sape nak wat,wat....
p/s:saya budak baek....heeee
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Menulis Entry Sambil Memikirkan Masa Depan Yang Tak Pasti Dan Pada Masa Yang Sama Melayan Perasaan
Maka aku tulis la entry ni. Sekadar nak kurangkan keserabutan dalam kepala dan kepenatan badan. Aku takkan complain macam2 kat sini. Aku hanya akan tulis apa yang ada dalam kepala otak aku sekarang ni. Aku sebenarnya nak tulis banyak entry tapi sume topik yang ada dalam otak aku sume separuh je. Kalau aku tulis campur2, nanti orang yang baca tak faham pulak.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Adoi la tag ni......
-cik hannah sayang saya lebih maka dia suruh saya buat tag ini.....adoi la....
1. Last beverage: air gatorade kaler ungu...sgt sedap
2. Last phone call: my mom
3. Last text message: my little sis
4. Last song you listened to: right now - akon...dengar kat blog cik marina
5. Last time you cried: can't remember
6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Been cheated on: by lover, no...by friends etc, yes
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: nope
9. Lost someone special: maybe...dunno
10. Been depressed: lots of time kot
11. Been drunk and threw up: i don't drink
12. black.
13. brown
14. white.
15. Made a new friend: yup,lots of them...hee
16. Fallen out of love: maybe
17. Laughed until you cried: definitely...check dis post
18. Met someone who changed you: depends on definition of changed...but in a way, ya ada
19. Found out who your true friends were: yup...somehow, something happened somewhere
20. Found out someone was talking about you: yes...
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: what friend's list? (pinjam jawapan cik hannah)
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: again, friend's list mana? (juga pinjam jawapan cik hannah)
23. How many kids do you want?: dunno...anak tanggungjawab yg besar, tak mampu nak fikir skrg (takut nk fikir psl benda2 cmni)
24. Do you have any pets: nope
25. Do you want to change your name: no, i like my name as it is
26. What did you do for your last birthday: involved in a college's project until i was ill
27. What time did you wake up today: 7 sumthing...bloody IP punye pasal
28. What were you doing at midnight: tido sebab dah penat dengan IP (tp x lena sebab kena curse dengan cik nurul dn cik hanim =P)
29. Name something/someone you CANNOT wait for: currently, i cannot wait for IP to end....
30. Last time you saw your Mother: dia kat depan mata sekarang
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: for my life to be more organised
32. What are you listening to right now: iklan aiskrim wall's kat tv + suara baby cinta dalam video kt handphone
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: INTEGRATED PROJEECT
35. Most visited webpage: here, i think
36. Whats your real name:
37. Nicknames:
38. Relationship Status: single and emotionally not available...
39. Zodiac sign: virgo
40. Male or female?: female.
41. Primary school: skss
42. Secondary school: smk*****.
43. High school/college/university? : um
44. Hair color: black kot
45. Long or short: short
46. Height: 16-sumthing cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: no
48: What do you like about yourself?: the fact that i'm a genius?ehehe (perasan giler)
49. Piercings: yup
51. Righty or lefty: righty.
52. First surgery: takdak
53. First piercing: on earlobes, when i was about 5 or 6...first and last
54. First best friend: dunno but i considered a certain someone i met during matrix as my first true best friend
55. First sport you joined: can't remember
56. First vacation: can't remember.
58. First pair of trainers: can't remember
- tolong jangan tanya berkenaan yang 'firsts' sebab aku memang tak ingat
59. Eating: nothing but planning to eat rice + chicken curry + sambal belacan later
60. Drinking: nothing but plannig to drink fruit juice later...or maybe gatorade kaler ungu
61. I'm about to: eat and drink
62. Listening to: dialogues from Men In Black (the television is 50 cm right beside me)
63. Waiting : to finish this to eat my rice + chicken curry + sambal belacan
64. What kids?: if i do have kids, it doesn't matter, as long as they are healthy and grew up to be great kids.....
65. Get Married?: dunno...dun ask why
66. Career?: a great swindler..ahahaha
67. Lips or eyes: lips...no,eyes...no,lips...no, eyes...errr, both?
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs.
69. Shorter or taller: taller...tapi kalau shorter murah rezeki.ehehe
70. Older or Younger: no preference.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: a spontaneous romantic?!
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nak dua2...hee
73. Sensitive or loud: in the middle
74. Hook-up or relationship: definitely relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: neither
76. Kissed a stranger: nope
77. Drank hard liquor: again, i don't drink
78. Lost glasses/contacts: lost, never but glasses broken, a lot of times
79. Sex on first date: apakah?! tak la
80. Broken someone's heart: dunno la....
82. Been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: no, i guess....
84. Cried when someone died: yes....but it's been a long time that i cried because someone died
85. Fallen for a friend?: yup
86. Yourself: not really
87. Miracles: yes, but only after it happened
88. Love at first sight: nope n i dun believe in love either
89. Heaven: yes.
90. Santa Claus: definitely no
91. Kiss on the first date: tak kot
92. Angels: if angels here means malaikat, then yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: a boyfriend pun xde, ni plak more than
1....memang tak la....tapi macam best je ade lebih dari sorang boyfriend..ehehe...tapi macam penat gak...huhu
95. Did you sing today?: yes...mase tengah stress buat IP kat fac td
96. Ever being cheated by somebody?: generally, yes
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: in the womb?
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: hurmm, a day from
366 days? (last year (2008) was a leap year)...i can't decide because a lot has happened and alot of things i want to relive, whether a good or bad day...
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: not really but hey, dis is the words of someone who does not believe in love in the first place
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: oh tidak...saya letak 'adoi la tag ni......' sebab tag ni sangat panjang
1. cik marina (lagi)
2. en. asrul
3. cik mastura
4. cik asma'
5. cik sri & cik yen
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sila Jawab
Kalau aku tetiba kena hadapi benda ni, jujur aku kata memang aku taktau apa nak dibuat. Probably aku akan tepon sorang kawan aku yang sangat faham sifat aku dan rants kat dia. Pastu dia akan dengar dengan setia dan bagi pendapat dia. Maybe, after that I can make my decision. Kalau tak, aku akan cari sorang lagi kawan aku. Kalau pastu aku tak dapat keputusan lagi, aku akan cari lagi sorang kawan aku. Tapi yang pasti, aku memang tak boleh buat keputusan tanpa dengar pendapat orang walaupun benda tu pasal hidup aku.
Sesape yang rajin baca blog aku ni, kalau korang di tanya soalan kat atas, apa yang korang akan jawab? Sila jawab di ruangan komen ye....(dituju juga kepada encik silent reader hanzo)