Addie turns 5 on October 5th and we will be in Utah so I decided to do her little friend party before we left. We went with a "Baking" themed party this year. I had to talk her into it but she ended up loving it. So much better than the barbie party she wanted. What kind of mom am I, talking my child out of what she really wants...rude huh. Maybe next year I'll give her what she wants :) I thought it turned out cute. I made chef hats for each friend, all 15 of them.
It was crazy having 15 kids under 5 there decorating things and being crazy but they were well behaved and there were no major messes surprisingly.
Tonight we are taking her bowling and out to dinner and then to open even more presents. Me and the kids will be in Utah so we have to celebrate with Tan tonight. I'm sure she will have another little party while in Utah on her real birthday. Spoiled.
I can't believe I have a 5 year old. Most of the time I feel like I just graduated high school a few years ago. I keep thinking I'm still 22. Too bad I'm coming up on 28. Yikes. Can't wait to get Utah and feel some nice fall weather!! Excited is an under statement. It's been 105 here STILL. Jeans and cardigans here I come!