Monday, May 31, 2010

i'm tired but i'm happy

I'm off for another work assignment, outside KL.
Will be back in a couple of days..

How I miss writing in this space... like, real writing! (Eceh! Poyo tak?)
The past few entries had all been photos, photos and more photos.
If you are not bored, I AM!

Will get back in tune, soon!
Or maybe I'm just idea-deprived??
Take care dearies!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

life's a beach

Back from KK, I went for another short getaway with the family and few colleagues,
to somewhere closer to home - Cherating.

One of my colleagues mentioned to me: You just came back from KK and you're going for another trip to the beach?
My reply was: Nobody... certainly not myself; can ever get enough of sun, sea and sand!

Cherating is only few minutes away from my homestate...
On the way back, I took the colleagues for some satar-eating and keropok-shopping fiesta!

I spent my childhood in state where beaches were just few minutes away from home...
But, I had never appreciated those beaches until I became a permanent resident of The City of Jungle!

"Don't grow up too quickly; lest you forget how much you love the beach" - Michelle Held

sunny side up

Wow! I can't believe that I've been abandoning this blog for "quite' some time..
Now, "quite" is a very abstract word! Hahaha!

Well, I've been busy... with work and holidays.
I'm not about to blog about my regular routine at work, coz you know, when it's a routine, it tends to be boring!

I took my family to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah for a short holiday 2 weeks back.
It was a package that I got from AA's 0 fare last year.. Yes, NOW, Everyone Can Fly!
I like to 'consider' it as a gift from me to Mr. Hubby and the kiddos,
as well as a gift for Bonda and myself - in conjunction with Mother's Day!

I'm not gonna go into details about what to do, where to go, what to eat in KK,
coz I'm sure almost everyone I know, has been to KK, at least once!

But, what I'm gonna share is... it doesn't matter which holiday spots we are going to,
which hotel are we gonna stay in, what things are we gonna buy there...
What matters is that we are with each other, having fun and exploring something new...
It's corny, but I don't care!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

black is the new brown

I'm back from the fun filled getaway with the clan.
But now I'm superbusy with backlogged work!
Will write more SOON!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I'll be out of KL from Monday to Thursday next week..
And, I'll be superbusy tomorrow with events and deadlines!
Won't be updating for a while...
So, till then..
Don't miss me, coz I'll be missing you!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

please exit if you don't wish to see!

Due to "overwhelming" requests... (cehhh! ayat poyo tak hingat!!!)

Due to special requests from special friends, especially Coy and Mira,
I'm putting here, the ad published in Utusan Malaysia on 1 May 2010.
Sorry for the poor quality of the pix...
It's a scanned version... and we don't have a canggih-manggih punya scanner...

If you can read the testimonies given by the parents, ehem, especially yours truly punya...
You might say that I'm paid to do that.. but actually, that is the truth...
Mr. Son is now able to read and speak rather fluently in both languages...
Quite a drastic change that we've noticed, though only with the programme for 3 months...
(Yes, I'm the staff, but only this year I'm sending him for the Comp's programme!)

Ada rasa nak muntah ke?

syok sendiri!

Working as a PR, new ideas must always be presented, be it for articles (for newspapers or magazines) or for advertisements.
After years being here, I must admit, my creative juice is drying up!

So, for the regular ads that we need to place in the paper,
instead of featuring our students as the talents, my boss decided to feature students AND families;
to be portrayed as a "relaxed + ceria family".

To meet the deadline, we had to opt for staff who send their children to 'our' preschool.
Yours truly was included!
Itulah namanya, syok sendiri!

Normally, when it comes to work-related photo assignments,
I'm the one who's gonna be behind the lens.
But, suddenly, we were the talents!
Poyo tak??

the above pix wasn't the one chosen for the ad, and the ad has been published in Utusan Malaysia on 1 May.


My SIL just got back from her holiday trip with her gf.
Not just from any country!

She uploaded loads of photos.
I can imagine, pegi sana amik pix sikit, baik tak payah pegi, kan?

I am SUPER DUPER, 100% SURE that you had an amazing time there!!!
Next time, I'm hiding inside your suitcase!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


We just get the one life, you know.
Just one.
You can't live someone else's or think it's more important just because it's more dramatic.
What happens matters.
May be only to us, but it matters.

woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

“When things go wrong, you'll find they usually go on getting worse for some time;
but when things once start going right they often go on getting better and better."
C. S. Lewis

I guess, it's normal for a (normal) person to have good days and bad days..
If you know anyone who doesn't have bad days, please introduce that person to me! Haha!
Yesterday was one of my bad days...
What more, having some PMS doesn't really help with the mood.

I asked some of my friends, what would they do if they were having a bad day.
Some said, they would sleep... some said they would eat loads of ice cream!
Some also said, get a hug from somebody they love, and they'd feel all better...

So, what I did was... claimed for hugs from Mr. Son and Ms. Daughter,
and went to bed at 10pm.
Do I feel better?? Hmmmm.......
It's 9.30am... maybe it's still to early too tell?
