Thursday, December 31, 2009

last day of 2009 to be emo

I’m feeling a bit emo today…

The year is coming to an end, and 2 of most loved nieces are flying off today…

They will be furthering their studies, thousands of miles away from home….

My emotion is overwhelmed with sadness.

They are my 2 eldest nieces, whom I had helped (a lot) to babysit since they were just little babies!

Tengku Adriana Hani and Tengku Amelia Hani,

Maksu will miss both of you, tons!!!!!!!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take good care of yourselves…
This is the time when you have to really be ON YOUR OWN,

no more Mama to help with laundry, cooking and cleaning up for you…

You know what Maksu will do?

Whenever I miss you, I’ll think of those years back when I made scary faces every time you woke up from your nap, and that you’d ended up crying! Hehe!! Yes, Maksu can be mean, sometimes…

Write to me, whenever you are free…

You know well that Babah and Mama expect a mountain from the two of you,

but that doesn’t mean that you need to overstress yourselves in studies too much.

It might affect your health, especially you, Kak Long!

Maksu is gonna try not to cry (so much) at the airport later… *sigh*

This is where they are going

p/s: is it gonna be a happy new year?

Sob… sob…

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

some urban legends ARE true

  • I've always felt that I don't have a good voice.
  • I'm Malay, but that doesn't mean that my proficiency in Malay is any good (but that also doesn't mean that I have superb skills in English!).
  • I am the most 'selebet mekapless PR' rep in the whole wide world!
This video has proven the above 'urban legends' to be true!

Too much of head shaking = Heck! Nervous!

Too much of "emm... emmm... emmmm!" = Mentally translating words from English to Malay!

And, why on earth did I say "Alhamdulillah" to LadyGaga's winning????


realistic dream

Though my dreams, it's never quite as it seems.
Never quite as it seems.
(Dreams, Cranberries)

Have you ever dreamt of something so real that you end up waking in tears?
I had my share of experience couple of weeks back.. I woke up crying until my pillowcase was all wet!
It was not a pleasant experience AT ALL, and I don't wish to have the same dream again!
Sadly, we can't control what we will dream about, or what's gonna happen in our dreams, right?

It happened at home. I was lying next to Ms. Daughter, watching TV. Mr. Son was up in his room.
All of a sudden, I saw him, falling down the stairs...
I didn't manage to get him until he was already on the floor... I was holding him, the unconscious him!
He was very still, not moving at all... and his eyes were shut.
The next thing I knew, I was already in the hospital... talking to the doctor..
And the doctor said that his back was broken, including his right ankle!
Worst thing was, the doctor said that he was NOT gonna be OK!

Emm, I think, I better stop there before I get into tears again...
Dreams are just dreams... but dreams can twist your mind, in the most sickening way, sometimes...

Monday, December 28, 2009

birthday wish

Mr. Son's birthday is coming up soon..
As usual, the drill would be him telling his Ayah and his Ibu all the things he wants as his birthday presents...
I'm not planning to celebrate his 6th birthday in a big way, maybe just us and his cousins.
So, it won't be that bad to fulfill his wishlist..

Wishlist #1: A brand new scooter. He has never owned a scooter. Mr. Hubby wanted to buy before, but I said, DON'T! I know, if he has this, he will be scooter-ing inside the house, which will pretty much drive us mad!! Status: TBC!

Wishlist #2: A brand new bicycle. We've bought him bicycles before, but they would either ended up rosak, tayar pecah or rantai sangkut. So, this time, he has been more specific - buy a bicycle that's suitable for a 6-year-old-hyperactive-boy! Status: YES!

Wishlist #3: Another trip to Aquaria, coz he simply can't get enough of sharks! Status: YES!

Wishlist #4: A PSP! He used to have PS2 at home, but I've sold it to my sister. I don't think I'm getting him a PSP. It's gonna be a headache for me, with him having PSP, I don't think he'll get any of his homework done! Status: this is NO-NO!

Wishlist #5: A new haircut! Hahaha! Status: YES!

Wishlist #6: A jacket, coz he's getting bigger for his current jacket. Status: YES! Have made the order with my sister!

Of all his wishlists above, I had asked for ONLY one thing from him.. that next year, he would be more RAJIN to go to school and more RAJIN to go for his mengaji class.
My request was replied with a blank face from him!


And, Ms. Daughter is also telling me HER wishlist, though her birthday is still a long way to go. She wants a scooter too!! Adoiiii... kopaks kebana laa like this!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

ho! ho! ho!

Merry Christmas peeps!

[pic grabbed from here]

Above is the Christmas 'deco' of Saks on the Fifth Avenue.
Beautiful huh??
I just love the shape of snowflakes!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

what could have been

I was driving back from work earlier today, when an old memory came flashing into mind.
I was remembering the time when my college buddies and I were supposed to do placements for universities in the US.
After 2 years of completion, the AAD programme, we were supposed to further for another 2 more years in any selected university in the US of A.

Came final semester, we were all so busy googling which would be the best Uni to choose - shortlisting process was mainly done based on few factors - the location, the culture, the lifestyle, the facilities, the architecture of the Uni! Haha! Whether the Uni had excellent credits for their Undergrad Studies were totally not in the consideration process. Isk, isk... shallow, I know!

Within the whole gang, my coursemate would be Uya. So, we decided to apply for the same Uni.

1st selection: California State University, Sacramento.
Reason for choosing: It's located in California. Wouldn't it be cool to spend 2 years of living in California?? :p

2nd selection: University of Wisconsin, Madison
Reason for choosing: The Uni has few amazing buildings.. Haha! And, their College of Letters and Science (yes, an odd name for a faculty) for English major students was recommended by our Admission & Placement Officer.

The above pic was my 3rd selection: Ohio State University. Reason for choosing: I was actually torn in between this Uni and another Uni. Back then, someone whom I was 'very' closed with, got selected to this Uni. So, the reason I wanted to go there was solely to be 'slightly' more closer to him. Ehem, if you know what I mean.. Hehe! But, to get into OSU wasn't that easy. They only accept above 3.5CGPA, which I was not fortunate enough to achieve! (read: malas belajar!).

In the end, after all applications were filed up, MARA made the announcement that we would NOT be sent to the US, due to the economic downturn. Yeap, we were the 1st batch of AAD programme being 'hit' with the economy crisis.. So, for my batch/major, we were sent to UPM, and we regarded it as the University of Purdue.

A way to soothe our aching hearts back then.. Hehe!

Now, I'm wondering, how my life could have been different, IF I was selected to any of those Unis. Wow... it's amazing how a simple twist of fate could totally changed the course of our lives, huh?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the pointless entry

I’m waiting for Mr. Hubby to fetch me.
So, to kill time, I thought, why not share some ramblings with you…
Haha! I’m so full of nonsense, most of the time!

There are already 365 posts on my blog.
To me, “OMG! That’s a LOT!”
To others, perhaps, “Huh? What? ONLY 365? Oh please! Don’t even dream of giving yourself a pat on the back!”

I must admit, I love having this blog.

It’s one of the many ways I release my frustrations, and sharing wonderful moments with you out there…
I also love bloghopping. It’s one of the many fave past time hobbies that I have!
Some bloggers are very active and full of creative juice – blogs on daily basis.
Some can even make a living by blogging!
While some, their blogs are already collecting dusts and spider webs!

In a way, it takes a certain commitment to really be bloggers.

Some might ask, “Commitment?? WTH??”

Yes, bloggers must commit to:
- have a camera wherever they go, be it a compact digicam or a DSLR, to capture every possible moments or 'things' that can be blogged about
- not go on procrastination mode for more than 5 days.
- see things in a different perspective than others do, and to be able to tell a story about it.
- spend time editing photos captured by either a compact digicam or a DSLR.
- steal some time to update blogs regularly, if not on daily basis, even if time is not something that they have.
- reply comments left by some of the devoted readers.

See, it DOES take a lot of commitment to make it work! ;)

1) The above points are just my personal opinions.
2) The above points are not meant to offend any parties/bloggers.
3) The above points do not guarantee high number of hits towards one’s blog.

Owh, Mr. Hubby is here! Toodles!

something to cheer me up

  • Some would say Uggs can be ug(g)ly, but I find them kinda cool! Well, with the exception of those pairs with really horrible designs..
  • The Louboutin's studded flats are kinda cool too.. It can be a tool for protection. Wear them, and nobody would want to mess with you... just look at the studs on the flats!!! Tajam woooo!!
  • In this spirit of giving month, I would love to have the book by Edward Monkton... he has hundreds of poetry in the book, and they are all about shoes! Who would have thought that poetry and shoes could go well together huh?
  • Or, maybe the new year calendar that has hundreds of pumps, stilettos, peeptoes, flats, boots, sandals and perhaps, some avant-garde-out-of-this-world shoes as a pressie for the coming new year?? Calendar IS an important element in life, non?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"When those we love go away, they never really leave us;
they are with us now, wherever we are.
Those whom we have cherished, live on forever,
for love wraps itself around the heart.
Although it's difficult now,
someday beyond our tears and all the world's wrongs;
beyond the clouds and all that we can see and touch,
we shall all understand..."

I dedicate those words in this virtual space of mine,
to my very dearly beloved friend, Ems..
She needs all the strength and support that she can get at this very moment...

Please take good care of yourself...
If you ever need someone to cry your heart out with,
I'm all yours.... and don't ever forget that!
Me love you, babe!

Lots and lots of hugs,

Friday, December 18, 2009


Salam Maal Hijrah...
A new year, a new page in life is opened.
Let's colour the page with more good deeds....

Thursday, December 17, 2009

making the best of it

The Company celebrated its Glorious 2009 on Monday.
I was supposed to be on my off day, but because I 'just had' to attend the thingy,
LadyGaga pushed my off day to another date.
Till today, I have worked for 10 straight days, plus the extra hours of working till 10pm for 2 days!
You do the math!

Eventhough, I know for a fact that some of us didn't wish to be there,
we never fail to try to make the best out of everything.

In the spirit of giving, we 'gave' our support during the get-together.

Force us to be there? Fine, we'll be there.
Force us to sing? Fine, we'll do it.
Force us to eat nasi lemak served as lunch? Fine, we'll swallow it.

Hmm, like I said earlier, be it anywhere, we are ALWAYS the sport!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

the 'famous' of 15th

15th December seems to be a famous date for some of these 'famous' people!
Ehem, ehem... famous ke??

Happy Birthday to my dearest friend, Miz Nyna..
Sorry sis, couldn't meet up for footsal...
Work is like s**t!!!
We'll have our gossip session soon, that's my promise!

Happy Birthday to one of my PR Execs, Mansha.
She's taking a whole week off from work, basically to escape!
Isn't that nice, huh?

The 3rd person that is in the 'famous' of 15th clan is undoubtedly,
famous without the inverted comma!
Happy Birthday to Ahmad Izham Omar, the big man of 8TV and FlyFM.
Stay cool, Mr. Boss!

Any other 'famous' of 15th that I'm not aware of?

Monday, December 14, 2009

mooch the books

I've just joined the 'community'!!

'See' you there!

belated everything!

My team and I had just concluded the marathon last Saturday!
Finally, a peace of mind!!!
Ehem, not the marathon lari-lari ok??
Ni, marathon version lain.. :p

I'm still tired from all the stress-bug and traveling-bug..
Butt-cramps pun belum hilang lagi ni...

Enough of ramblings, let's get to the point, shall we?? :p

Belated congratulations to Luls..
She's now over 2 months preggy with the 1st baby!
We all know you're not that 'child-friendly', but don't worry..
The feel of 'motherhood' will come naturally..
Don't be shy to ask for pregnancy tips, either from me or Kak Ayu!

Happy belated birthday to Mr. Hubby!
I'm sorry for not being able to be around on your birthday...
I was half way dying, working my a$$ off in JB!
We'll have a belated celebration ok???

Happy belated birthday to my Bonda too!!
I love you!
I pray for your good health and good life!

He just turned 37, but he's still a 'kid' at heart!

p/s: I'm not supposed to be at work today... I sooo looked forward to not having Monday blues.. but then, my off days had been pushed to next week.. thanx to LadyGaga! But, the bright side is, I'll be having 5 days off from work next week.. maybe a quick getaway with Mr. Hubby and kiddos?? ;)

Monday, December 7, 2009

16 again

Ok, I hate to admit that I had spent quite an extensive hours Youtube-ing,
feasting eyes on none other than the messy-hairdo Rob Pattinson and the perfectly-white-teeth Taylor Lautner.
I felt like I was 16 again!
Wait, was there Youtube when I was 16?

Anyways, I hate to admit, Rob IS hot, BUT only when he speaks in his British accent.
Ok, I'm being unfair here... I think (almost) all British actors/singers are hot!
What is it with me and anything or anybody British??
I wish I know the answer...

And today, since I was feeling bored, and haven't done anything spontaneous for the longest time,
I got myself a tattoo!!
The 'design' is simply unique and definitely one of a kind!!

Masterpiece by Mr. Son

Have a wonderful evening dearies!

Friday, December 4, 2009

then and now

It's the season to be jolly.....
It's also the season to be unwell...!

Lala, Uya's princess has been under the weather for few days now...
I hope the cute girl will be better soon!

Same goes to Ms. Daughter..
She has been unwell since the Raya Haji day...
Day time, she's great and 'kicking'!

Night time, she'll go to sleep with that thing on her forehead!

To you out there..
Stay away from the rain..
Let's all stay healthy now!

mini him


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Almost all blogs that I hopped (now),
would have reviews on the new craze:
Twilight: New Moon

I've watched it twice: 1st time with Mr. Hubby, and the 2nd time with Uya.
p/s: Uya, thanx for belanja-ing the movie! ;)

Most of you might think that I must be a Twilight superfanatic, for watching it twice. Haha!
Well, I'm not a superfanatic-fan.
I'm not gonna write a review on the movie, coz I'm pretty sure (almost) all of you would have known about the storyline by now...
I'm just gonna share my 2 cents worth of take on:

Rob Pattinson being Edward Cullen:
Somewhat similar to the 1st movie, he IS still quite stiff, as far as his acting is concerned.
What more with his paleness, and oh-so-red lips, he constantly looks like he's having stomach pain or something.
I'm not gonna comment on his physical appearance, coz (almost) all women would say that he's superhot!

Kristen Stewart being Bella Swan:
She is just plain emotionless.
I totally agree with the FlyFM Rush Hour Team, when they said that somebody else could have played the Bella character better.

Taylor Lautner being Jacob Black:
Thank God! He cut his hair short! Haha!
The buffed-muscular-werewolf's character can be a bit annoying and desperate sometimes,
but, in my personal opinion, Taylor played it well.
I can't think of anybody else playing that character.
He's BROWN and he has the WHITEST teeth!! What's not to love??

New Moon:
Twilight's 'drama' and soundtrack were much better than New Moon.
But, if you are a sucker for deep, love-above-everything-else-thingy, New Moon will be your cup of tea.

Speaking of love,
Uya, let's watch Love Happens!!
It's gonna be out in cinema soon!!

The above is just MY PERSONAL OPINIONS. You can choose not to read them.