Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dino's, Dino's, Dino's!!!!

We got to go to the Dinosaur Museum with Ike's darling preschool class. We had so much fun. We invited Shunae, Jada, and Reese to come along. There were a million kids there, but the kids still had a fun time. (not sure of the face ike is pulling here)

Cal and Jada had such a fun time.

(jada's not to sure yet)

Me and my boys!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

WAYLON @ 3 Months

This little guy is so loved. His sister and brothers take such great care of him and love him to death. Waylon is a little sweetheart. We couldn't have asked for a better baby. He is sleeping 5-6 hours at night, takes excellent naps during the day, and is a happy content baby. We love him and can't believe he is 3 months old already. How time flies. We want him to stay little a bit longer! We love his smiles. He has finally shared those on camera. ENJOY!

Look at that round belly! He is getting so chubby! We love it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have to show off a few of the fun projects that lots of my talented relatives have made. I actually made this purse. I thought I'd use it at as a diaper bag, but then I got a good one from my sister-law, Amy. (see below)

Amy gave me this darling bag, and our cousin, Skye made it. Isn't it great!

My amazing sister in law, Brittany made me this blanket. It is her first sewing project. I can't believe how darling it is and such good work. I love it. And of course, we love pirates at our house!

Calin is always crafting and this is the latest. He taped a million papers together! It was so cute. He was super proud of himself! I found tape everywhere, but how could I get mad at this cutie!

My niece Ashlee made this adorable quilt. She has been sewing for only like a year and made this baby. She loves Zebra print and is way in to fashion. She did this all one her own, picked the fabric and sewed it all! She did great!

Here are Ashlee, Natalee, and Haylee with their finished ceramics from Jane's birthday. They turned out adorable!

Chloe's finished project!

Jane's finished puppy! I think they are all darling!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Count your Blessings.....

Today we blessed Waylon. What a blessing he is in my life. I am so grateful to be a mom and feel so lucky to have such wonderful children. I love this little guy and Adam gave him such a wonderful blessing.

Once again, thanks to my amazing sis-in-law Amy for the darling pictures. They turned out adorable, of course!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let's Party!

On Sunday we celebrated Jane's birthday and Waylon's blessing. It was such a fun day and we had lots of family and friends. Jane got lots of fun presents and was the princess for the day! Thanks everyone for coming and spending the day with us!

This is just a few of the fun items. She was spoiled!

On Saturday, I took her and her girl cousins, that were big enough, to Color Me Mine. What a blast. The girls loved it and had so much fun choosing and painting their projects!

Sweet Haylee chose a darling turtle!

Princess Natalee made a rainbow cupcake!

Cute Chloe made a purple, pink, and blue unicorn! She was so excited and such a character!

Miss Ashlee with her pink and green cupcake!

Surprise, Surprise, Jane picked a puppy dog and made it look like her dog, Pearl. She did such a great job and took her time and did lots of good details.

We had such a fun time. The kids loved their projects and all did such a great job! We can't wait to get the finished project in a couple of days!

My little Cowboys!

Grandpa O and Adam took Ike and Cal to some hunting banquet. They were so excited to spend time with Dad and Grandpa. They got to enter in to drawings for prizes and eat dinner. Ike and Cal won the fishing prize with lots of fishing gear and the camping gear with lots of fun things for camping. They loved it and were so excited! Thanks Grandpa!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Waylon @ 2 Months

This little pork chop is already 2 months old and we are enjoying every minute of him. He has been such a great baby and so much fun. He is very spoiled by everyone and doesn't lack in getting love! The kids love him! I need to do better at taking pictures of them with him. They are all so cute. Cal just loves to be soft and rub his check on Waylon's head. Ike loves to give him kisses constantly! Jane can't stand it when he cries and is ALWAYS the first to rescue him!
Waylon is doing really good at sleeping for the most part. He has been going for like 4-5 hours in the night sleeping which has been great and loves to cuddle and be loved on. He is now 11.1 pounds and 22 inches tall. He is growing like a weed. We got over the RSV pretty quick and he has been so good through it all! We love you Waylon!