Sunday, December 14, 2014

Grandpa Ike's Christmas Party

 We had so much fun at Grandpa Ike and Grandma Carol's Christmas Party with all the Olson's.  It was fun to see all the cousins and catch up!  The kids got to hit a fun pinata and got loads of toys and treats!  And of course, Waylon and the boys couldn't leave Uncle Zach alone for a minute!

 Jane sporting her fun surprises!

Me and my cute sister in law Katie!  I just love her so much!  Always fun laughs with her!

 Adam decided to curl up his mustache for the special occasion!

Grandpa Ike and Grandma Carol with their Reindeer Antlers!  We always have so much fun with the Olson bunch!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Shelton Family Party

 We went out to Wyoming to celebrate Christmas with the Shelton family.  We had a special visitor!

 Cal whispered what he wanted to Santa!

 All the grand kids with Santa and Grandpa and Grandma Shelton!

 I didn't think Waylon would even get close to Santa, but he was the first one and jumped right up on his laps!  He told him he wanted the, blue power ranger mask, the red power ranger mask, the yellow power ranger mask, the pink power ranger mask...he got done and ran up to me and said, I forgot the green mask!  

 Ike's turn!

We got to open gifts.  The boys got marshmellow guns from grandpa and grandma and Waylon got a cool sword.  Jane got a sketch art and lots of fun things!  I am so grateful for my family!  We always have such a good time together.  We usually always have a dance party and some type of friendly, who can stand on their head, do the most push ups, handstand, and whatever fun!  I am so grateful to have all of them!

Monday, December 8, 2014

I Love To See The Temple....

 We ventured downtown to see the lights at temple square for family night.  We had a good time.  There were a lot of people, but we braved the crowd and got to see all the lights and enjoy the temple.  I just love this family of mine and so glad I get to be with them forever!  

Funny side note... everywhere and anywhere we go Adam usually gets stopped by someone who tells him what an awesome beard he has.  Of course, at temple square we had a guy stop us and talked to Adam about his beard and then wanted to take a picture with him.  Adam said he felt like a super star.  
But what makes this even better is that this past weekend Adam was working at our house and was using a huge drill to put in some gates, he was pushing super hard on the huge drill to get it to go through metal and his beard actually got caught in the drill and seriously yanked out a HUGE chunk of his beard.  It was super painful and could have been a serious accident.  Luckily he has a thick beard that he can just do a little comb over and hide the bald spot.  I couldn't believe it.  It had to be so painful.  That beard though....(I love that in this picture it just blends in to his sweatshirt;)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


 Today Waylon drew all the Power Rangers and wrote his name all by himself.  He is getting so big.

Then we had to make a trip to Walmart and he told me he was so tired.  I guess he really was.  
(I love that I am now just noticing which isle I was on when I took this picture:)

Principal's Leader of the week

 Calin was awarded Principal leader of the week today.  He was so excited and was trying to hide his smile the entire time.  

 I think he was the most excited about his dad coming to see him get the award.  

We just love this boy so much and I'm so grateful that he likes school and is doing such a good job.  He makes us so proud!  I just love this boy!

Monday, November 24, 2014

FHE Jazz Game

 We got the chance to go to a Jazz game as a family.  We had such a good time.  We got really good seats and it ended up being a really fun game.  The kids all had fun, even though these pictures might not capture that, it was fun.  We got there early and as you can tell not many people were there, but it got packed and loud and fun!

The Jazz played the Bulls and lost by 2 points.  It was so fun right up to the end!  Jane loved it!  Hope we get to do that again soon!

Friday, November 21, 2014

A hunting we will go.....

These two mighty hunters took hunter safety this past month and passed the shooting test and the written test.  They were so excited.  The first few classes, Ike came home and said, "Mom, this was the best day ever!"  They really enjoyed the class and learned so much.  They will now make sure we are all safe all the time!