Saturday, August 26, 2017

Around the House

Rappelling, Date Nights, and a visit from Nana and Papa. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Gabe's Dance Recital

Gabe wanted to try a musical theatre class this time around. She ended up enjoying it quite a bit. The singing with the dancing was a fun change for her. She performed "The Farmer and the Cowman" from Oklahoma. She always amazes me with her fearless attitude. Performing is one of her favorite things. 
Giving his sister some flowers. 

Lasts Days of School & Preschool Graduations

It's always a busy time of the year in May with all the programs and end of the school year activities. We had a few preschool graduations. Since Ollie was at two different preschools this year, it definitely made fore a few graduations to attend.

Milo's was at the park and cute. They sang some songs for us and she presented them with certificates. Milo being Milo got bored half way thru and sat down. Oh well it did go kind of long. 

I had to take pictures of their last days of school.
They requested last day of school big cookies. We do it for the first day of school and thought they needed it for the last day too.

This graduation actually was kind of a nightmare. When you walked into the room you were facing the audience. So Ollie got to witness how many people would be watching him. I had to drag him into the room. Nothing we did would calm him or convince him to go sit in front of all these people with his class. So we got to have watch his class with him in our laps. I was kind of annoyed. Had I known he'd be such a stinker about it we wouldn't have gone. His teacher attempted to help but it just made it worse I think. 

I was kind of ok to be done with this school and his teacher. She and I struggled a bit. I loved most things about her. I didn't love that when Ollie was uncomfortable in doing something in class in front of everyone, she would punish him by making him do something by himself in front of the class. Then lecture me on it. Phew. It was tricky and at the same time I was grateful for everything else she did for him. He went to this one for his speech classes. I am grateful he gets to take the classes at the elementary school. 
His teacher sent me pictures of him all the time during class to show of the creations he was so proud of. 

Ollie had no worries whatsoever performing for this one. I think the teachers and the fact he was already at school made him feel a lot better about it. I was so grateful we could watch and enjoy it.