Friday, January 30, 2009

Here are some random pictures of the kids. My memory card has been full so I haven't taken in pictures in a couple of weeks. I finally burned the pictures to a cd and plan to get caught up here soon. Kloe has changed so much since the last time I took a picture of her. I promise I will put some new ones on soon.Kloe's favorite pass time is to take a bath,
just like her mom. And the boys love to help.
They all love to sleep in mom and dad's bed.

Off to School

Kaden started preschool this month at our rec center. He gets to go three days a week for 2 1/2 hours. Its a nice break for both of us. He loves it and is learning so much. Things that I have been trying to teach him for a while now he has learned in a few weeks. I don't know how people can home school their children, that wouldn't go over well in our home. More props to them. I'm so proud of him and his acheivements. I can't believe how old my little boy is getting.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Family Pictures at the Blessing

Here are some of the people who love Kloe the most. Thank you to all the family who came and supported us on this special day. We love you all!

Family picture

Adam's Parents
Me and My Mom

Kloe's Blessing

On New Years day Adam had the opportunity to give our little heavenly princess a baby blessing. It was a great way to start off the new year. I feel so blessed to have her a part of our family. She looked beautiful that day thanks to Adam's mom. She made her the most gorgeous blessing gown. Also, thanks to my mom for helping make the blessing lunch ascetically pleasing and delicious. She isn't spoiled is she?

This was on the serving table where we had taco salad. (I forgot to take pictures until we started cleaning up so there aren't very many pictures)
Dessert table with three different cheese cakes that my mom made.
This is where I asked people to write a little note to Kloe when they walked in. I will put it in her baby book so she can read it when she is older.
The beautiful DRESS!

Christmas 2008

We went to my sister Lisa's house in Boise for Christmas. My mom, dad, Lindsey, Jordan, and Ella went too. It was fun spending the holidays with family. We had a great time hanging out and the boys loved playing with their cousins. Thanks again Lisa for having us all at your house. You made our holidays great.Christmas morning waiting to see what Santa brought them.
Kyle got Pixos.
Kaden got a big bike with no training wheels.
Fun with cousins!

Pretty in Red

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. It was fun seeing family and friends over the holidays. Sorry we didn't get Christmas cards out this year, but here are some pictures we would have sent if I got my act together in time.