Saturday, November 24, 2012

Our Little Princess

Kloe was asked to take pictures for Little Adventures (a company that sells dress up clothes). She had the time of her life.  My camera died right when we got there but I got a few pictures.

They first had her dress up as Cinderella and then Belle

Halloween 2012

I know I am a little behind, but here is some of the fun we had this Halloween.  We have a tradition every year to do the haunted train ride in Lindon.  This is one of my favorite Halloween activities.

Here we are at Gardner's Village.  Not my favorite place.

We went trick or treating at some of the local grocery stores.

The cutest cat you will ever see!

Before our ward party.

Dad carving pumpkins because mom won't. HAHA!

We had a neighborhood/friends Halloween party at the clubhouse.  The kids loved it!

Some of the many Belle Monet babies.

School Halloween parade.  This year they had a dance party after for each grade level.  So much fun dancing with all the kids.

Trick or treaing down American Fork Main Street.  The weather was almost 80 degrees.  Warmest Halloween ever recorded in Utah!

SOOOOO much candy.  That night we went trick or treating in LIndon and North Orem.  We found two awesome haunted houses and a few houses that gave out full size candy bars.  One house even gave out soda with a full size candy bar.  Awesome!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

McKinley is 6 months!

Our baby girl is 6 months old already.  I can't believe it.  She is so much fun to have in our family.  We love her constant smiles and giggles and the way she lights up whenever she sees her brothers and sister.  She is such a happy baby and we just love her so much!

At the doctors...
Weighs 15 pounds 1 ounce -31%
Height 25 1/2 inches- 41%
Head Circ. 44.6 cm -95%

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Adam celebrated another birthday.  I love him so much and am grateful everyday that he is a part of my life.
He started out the day with sleeping in and then lunch at Tucanos!
Ended the day with an awesome Giants game (who later won the world series) and family snuggles on the couch.

Fun with glow sticks

Who knew you could have so much fun with a pack of glow sticks from the dollar store!

In the bathtub 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 5 of Fall Break: Children's Museum

We finally made it to the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum in SLC.  The kids love this place.  I wish it was a little closer to our house.  We would seriously go ALL the time.

The cute couple grocery shopping.  Is this a flash forward to the future?

I love you to the moon and back!

We decide to take Traks over to City Creek to do a little shopping.  
The train ride was the highlight of the day!

Clifford came for a visit too!

Day 3 of Fall Break: Swimming

We went to the Lehi indoor swimming pool with Erin and Wes, and Brittney, Davey and Sophie

Day 2 of Fall break: Sick/Movie

We were suppose to go to the children's museum but woke up with sick kids, so plans changed.  Kloe was croupy and Kyle said his stomach hurt in the middle of the night.  We took it easy most of the day, but after an hour of being awake, everyone was fine.  We decided to go to the movies instead.  In the spirit of Halloween, we saw Paranorman.  It was FREAKY!

Later that night we rented some movies and had a family movie night!