Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Sum

I didn't really stick with my 30 days of gratitude thing... It's not that I am not grateful, but honestly, who has the time to blog daily!?! Am I right?!! So, to sum up my gratitude list, as this year nears its inevitable end, I find myself most thankful for hope.

I hope that I can change some things beginning now. I hope that in a year from now I can tell you that I accomplished those things of which I wanted to change. I hope that I can become more like my ever-loving husband and not judge people. I hope to become comfortable in my own skin. I hope to focus on some of my talents this year; I am sure I have some, but it's going to take some time getting reacquainted. I hope  that I will be patient as I wait for those things that I want. I hope that I will know when the time is right and that I will have the courage to listen to my heart over my head. I hope that I will make significant contributions to the quality of life to those around me. I hope  that I will feel love for those that I am currently struggling. In the end, I hope to be a better me!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 15 Show me the money!

I'm thankful for Mr. & Mrs. Payday and their two beautiful children Cash and Check. They are great friends. Always punctual. They visit the same two days, sometimes a little sooner if the day falls on a weekend. They are really swell folks! I only wish they would stop by more often. If you see them, send them my way. They say money doesn't buy happiness. To them I say, "Huh, let me give it a try!" Kisses. Love you all!

Day 14 Sweet!

Dear Chocolate,

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

I love thee to the level of everyday's

Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;

I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

I love thee with a passion put to use

In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death.

("How do I love thee?... by Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 12


Today was one of those days that seemed to never end. We've been short-handed at work and most of the time I don't mind because usually being busy means the day will go by faster. Alas, the phones were going INSANE and there weren't enough people to answer calls or even send calls to. This equates disaster. Even though I was at work from 8:30-5:30 with not so much as a bathroom break, I felt rushed every single moment of the day. It took me 4 hours to make a flyer. 4 HOURS my friends!!! So simple and yet it took so long. I finished it literally at 5:31. Unfortunately our printer leaves at 4 on Fridays so the 500 copies needed for the event tomorrow (today) will have to be made by a volunteer. The good news is we have an awesome Honorary Chairman for the big event next year, Jerry Sloan. If only that introduction would come with free Jazz tickets. Le sigh. One can only hope.

Day 11

God Bless America! Happy Veteran's Day to our service-men/women! We live in a wonderful place! Yes, there are political/social/environmental/economical problems, but I am truly grateful to be an American! We live in the land of opportunity, the land of the free! That freedom does not come without its price and I'm so grateful to those that serve and have served our country. In particular, I'd like to thank my family and friends for their years of service. My mother-in-law's husband, Glenn (so my 'step' father-in-law) is a retired Marine.

He was injured when he was thrown through the windshield when his jeep was hit by a mortar shell. When he went through the windshield a huge piece of glass pierced his skull. He still suffers from that and other injuries accrued during his years of service. He has very little short-term memory which makes it difficult not only for him to retain recent events, but to multi-task (i.e. driving and talking/listening). He is an amazing man. Despite the physical and emotional impact of his service, and in spite of the great sacrifices he made, I know he'd do it over again. I sure love him and am so happy my mother-in-law found him.

Day 10

I am thankful for my man. He's so adorable! Not only is he so handsome, he kind and optimistic. Adam is completely accepting of others. He is always slow to judge, and when those around him make mistakes he is willing to help them pick up the pieces. One thing that is particularly wonderful about Adam is how hard he works. I am a lucky girl. The man works like crazy and is working diligently to finish his degree. Yes, he could switch to 'Bidness' and finish by next year, but he has his sights set on Chemical Engineering. Yes that means graduating in 2013 or maybe even 2014 instead of 2011, but I am so proud of him. I am amazed at his mind, particularly how he can teach himself physics and calculus. Who does that? There is nothing this man can't do save giving birth. Love ya bebeh!

Day 9

I am thankful for BIG laughs! You know those laughs that at the end you feel like you've done 200 sit-ups and can't catch your breath? I wish there was a way to order those!

One of my co-workers called me and asked if I had ever heard one of our fellow employees laugh. We'll call this fellow employee "SC". Honestly, when "SC" smiles, it's more of a grimace than a genuine toothy smile. It seems forced ya know? Like grinding teeth instead of moving your cheek muscles. Anyway, I have worked here for almost 4 years (sick... I can't believe it's been that long...) and I can honestly say that I have never heard "SC" laugh. I can't even imagine what it would sound like if he/she did. Rest assured, I will report on any developments this puzzle might have in the future. Anywhoodles, since it was pointed out that "SC" never laughs I couldn't help but think how drab life would be without a good chuckle now and then.

My recipe for belly laughs is first my family or friends. However when they are unavailable reruns of Friends or Seinfeld always do the trick as well as new favorites including: Modern Family, The Office, Better Off Ted, Arrested Development, Raising Hope and The Big Bang Theory.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 8

Today I am grateful for my car. Have I mentioned that I love my car?


Isn't she sexy? She is everything I've ever wanted. She may be small(ish) but she is MIGHTY. I am thankful that this little lady kept me safe when this big guy (enter exhibit A):

got all up in her grill...err... my driver's-side door/mirror/back door/bumper. This little champ kept me safe and considering the size of this monster, she can take a hit! Apparently a lane is only big enough for one car! Who knew? Apparently everyone, except the driver of the Waste Management big-rig because he tried to hop a ride on my sweet car. It's a miracle there wasn't more damage and I'm glad that the burning rubber smell was not from my side airbags but actually the GIGANTOR melted tire mark on the side of my car. Any who, I'm grateful that my car rocks the casba and for the insurance that will fix my car and pay for a rental in the process. Kisses to all and to all a good night!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Days 4, 5, 6, & 7

Wow. I'm on a roll with this updating my blog idea. Ha ha huh..hmmm... My excuse and reason is that I have been sick and therefore my mind has been swimming in a sea of NyQuil/DayQuil and Theraflu. This leads me to my next post on things I’m thankful for.

Day 4:
I am thankful for medicine! I have an annoying cold which is slowly feeding on every amount of energy I have and even though I hate tea, Adam has insisted that Theraflu is necessary. Man that stuff is NASTY, but it may be helping as my sore throat is gone. I wonder why they can't make cold medicine taste better. Adam thinks its hilarious watching me drink my various medicinal cocktails.

Day 5:
I am thankful for great friends! I honestly have the most wonderful and talented friends. Ever. Honestly. Last week I went to hear one of my friends sing in a Relief Society/Priesthood Mtg, while my other friend played the piano. The song followed an incredible lesson on the Holy Ghost, and the spirit was saturating. The song was incredible and there were not many dry eyes in the room. My friends are strong. They are incredible. This year in particular I have learned so much from them. I am the luckiest girl in the world.

Day 6:
I am thankful for my wonderful parents! They have unfaltering faith and are a great example to me. My momsie and daddums have a great love for life and have the most packed social calendars ever! They are always going on a trip to visit a friend or family member, or planning a vacation to some wonderful place. My parents are my rock. I love them.

Day 7:
I am thankful to have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I am thankful for the guts to bare it for the first time in gosh, 5 years in sacrament this past week. I was sitting in the far back of the overflow area of the chapel and let me tell ya, that is a looooooong walk. My heart was racing like mad; my voice was going in and out with thanks not only to my cold but to my inherited tendencies to cry when speaking about things that are important to me.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3: Pucker Up!

I would like to thank my dear friends at Neutrogena who developed this super moisturizing, delicious smelling, and dazzlingly sparkly lip gloss! My current flava, "Sparkle", (third from the right) tastes like peaches and glistens off my lips most temptingly. My sisters and I are adddddicted to this stuff! Its scent is subtle and delightful as cools and smoothes your lips! With SPF 20 and shine galore this lip gloss has it all!! If you enjoy sparkly lips without having to sacrifice SPF, flavor, color, and moisture, this lip gloss is for you!

I am Cheri Hansen and I approve this message.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 little things...

I have been wondering for months what I should or even if I should blog. I feel so narcissistic to imagine my day to day going's on to be of much interest... heck I'm not even that interested in my day to day going's on! Ha ha ha....huh...hmmmm. However, with the month of 'THANKFULNESS' upon us, what better reason to post daily than focusing on the great and the good? Without further ado I present to you dear readers, all three of you, my 'Thankful List'! (I'm both a cheater and a procrastinator so you will get not one but TWO today as I'm already a day behind!)

Day 1: I am thankful for my washing machine/dryer. Seriously! There are few things I enjoy more than cuddling up in newly dry towels or sleeping in the deliciousness that are my Tide and Bounce sheets! Mmmmmm! So wonderful! When Adam gets home from work and climbs into bed all showered wearing a newly laundered shirt I just love cuddling in his arms and falling asleep! Ah Mr. Tide & Mrs. Bounce! Oh how I love thee and thy child Downy.

Day 2: THANK heavens for little girls (and boys too)! Today my 16th niece was born (26th if you count both Adam's side and mine)! We were all so sure it was going to be a boy and could not have been more pleasantly surprised! Little Tiff is a wee 5 lbs and beautiful of course! Also this weekend Mileigh (Adam's sister's baby) and Jonah (my dear friend Marci's babe) were born! Yay for beautiful new pieces of heaven!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Of Note...

You know how you wait and wait and wait for your peeps to update their blogs and when they finally do they express how busy they've been... well... this is not one of those times! I haven't been to busy. No time hasn't just flown by. And no, not much has been 'happen'n in the hansen household' (alliteration points please). However... in case anyone, seriously anyone? cares what's been going on here is the 411, the gist, the haps, the skinny, the low down and so forth...

1. I'm doing this in list form because? BECAUSE I want to.
2. Adam was made a manager at ol' UPS, therefore he starts earlier and ends later than before (9 pm - 4 am). Translation=Cheri has a lot of alone time. Let's be honest, being alone 5 out of 7 nights is not only creepy, but boring.
3. We went to Yellowstone over the weekend and it was gorgeous as usual! We left as soon as Adam got of work and arrived at noon on Saturday. I caught a huge fish (it was the biggest out of everyone's, but who's bragging... oh wait... it's me...). We saw the sights, fished, and watched a mama grizz and her 3 bebehs roam the beautiful Hayden Valley. I have never seen a grizzly with cubs, let alone 3, and so this pretty much rocked my socks. Sadly we left at 11 am on Monday so Adam could be home in time to shower and get to work by 9 pm. Boo. It was a whirlwind trip but so worth it. Side note: I just found out that as a 'bsa' employee, I have access to our properties for fweeee. This means, I can take peeps and stay at the cabins in Jackson Hole and run the river for free not to mention all the other fun things they have i.e. kayaks, zip line etc... I wish I had known this sooner 'cause that's pretty much awesome.
The ladies at artist point - Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Adam & I at Tower

The Buffalo almost killed us...

Tower Falls

4. Last week whilst I was typing away at my desk I felt what seemed like a little pin prick on my arm. I automatically looked down to see this unidentified bug on my arm. Seriously NO ONE in my office had a clue what type of bug this was. It's body was small like a mosquito, but it didn't have wings or anything that looked 'stingy'... honestly it looked like a microscopic caterpillar. Any way ever since then I have had this bump on my arm that looks like a blister. tmi?  It's kinda freakin' me out and hasn't gone away. Seriously though, who get's bit by a bug at their desk? That same night while picking raspberries I was bit 5 times by mosquitoes, and I'm pretty sure one spider. I hate creepy crawly things so you can imagine this was a particularly horrifying day.
5. I'm old. I honestly go to bed by ten these days. Sometimes sooner. I can't even count the number of times people have called/text me at 9:30/10 and I am already in asleep in bed with an open book in my hand.
6. I have started reading the Harry Potter books with my sister(s) for our book club and I am LOVIN' them. I know... I am waaaay behind this 'trend', but they are honest to goodness fun summer reads. I have only read the first book, but I'm excited for numero dos.
7. I miss seeing my peeps. Adam and I used to have bbq's all the time at our house during the summer. The last bbq we had was on Father's Day. Also, I have been very spoiled over the years with my cutest friends. I have kept in touch with so many of them since high school/college and it was very rare for us all to go a month without at least getting together once for dinner/book club/someone's birthday/or other random celebration. Sadly we just haven't gotten together in what seems like years... though I know it's only been less than two months. Perhaps it seems longer to me cause I'm a lonely old social soul? Probably! Ha ha.
8. Along the lines of missing people, the last of my Vienna gals are moving away from me. I hope more than anything that we will stay in touch and that our paths will cross again! Speaking of Europe, my cute mama and papa found out today that a couple dropped out and they get to go see the Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany! They have been on the waiting list for months and finally today a spot opened up! Oh how I wish I could be a stowaway! I am even more jealous that their tour begins in Athens, Greece. Oh how I hope to go there one day! They also go to Italy. Le sigh. My cute mama has never been to Florence or Rome and I wish I could go again and experience it with her.
9. I'm tired now. It's 11 pm... which is waaay past my bedtime.
10. Nighty night!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


There are moments in life that stop time. The present fades and for a moment you gaze into eternity. The past few weeks have been filled with these moments. One of my dearest friends and her husband were preparing for the delivery of their little boy. Because of physical complications they knew that little baby Grant's time on this earth would be short. 

As the delivery date drew near I asked a few of my friends if they would join me in a fast for the mommy, daddy, and baby. I fast every month like most other Latter-Day Saints, but usually it's a "Oh! It's Fast Sunday" fast which I realize only minutes before we depart for church. No prayer is said to focus my fast on a singular purpose. Rarely do I legitimately fast for the 2 meals (i.e. we get out of church by noon and I'm usually eating a snack by 1:30). This time was different. Not only have I begun praying more fervently for these two amazing people and their beautiful family but this fast had purpose.  I was focused on this beautiful baby and his wonderful parents and big sister and for the first time in all my life I could have fasted for days. The spirit was so strong and I was filled with gratitude for our wonderful Savior and the Plan of Salvation.

A week ago little Grant was born. In his 30 hours on this earth I don't know of anyone who could feel more love. What a wonderful life he had! He was able to be surrounded by his family and spend hours in the warm arms of his dear mommy and daddy. He lived a life free of pain, free of sin, free of hate and all of the trials that plague this mortal life. Megan and Brad are truly choice parents. They are strong, humble, faithful, pure, loving, kind, and cheerful. There is no doubt in my mind that Grant chose these two wonderful beings to be his mommy and daddy and that he is now preparing for the day they will be reunited. I believe with my whole being that families can be together forever. I know that this beautiful family is an eternal one and for the first time I KNOW that I want a family of my own. I never met Grant while he lived, but I have felt his sweet angelic spirit. He has taught me more about the gospel than anyone I know.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

'El Vive

I have read, been taught, prayed, seen film depictions of, and heard about the atonement, the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ all my life. I thought I knew. I thought I had some idea of what it would have been like for the Savior as I pondered the scriptures and the lessons taught in primary, young women's, institute, and in my other church meetings. All of that changed when I listened to Jeffrey R. Holland's talk given last Easter. I don't believe that I have ever been so moved, so utterly and completely touched, by words in my whole life. We, all of us, are so incredibly and amazingly blessed. I only have '5 followers'. I don't have a blog to "change the world" ... or any noble purpose, but I do hope that someone, somewhere, will hear this message and be blessed by it as I have.

I love the Savior. Love does not even seem like enough when I think of the Savior and all he has done for us. I forget to say my prayers. I almost never read my scriptures. I attend the temple only a few times a year. I get relieved sometimes when a vacation overlaps a Sunday so that I can have a week off from my calling at church. How horrible is that? I am not worthy. I don't think I ever will feel worthy. I want to be better... I need to be better. But in all my faults... I do have one thing: I know, I know from the very depth of my soul that Jesus Christ lives! I know that He suffered more than anyone can suffer and that he ultimately gave his life for us. For me. I am not worthy, but through Him I can become the woman I want to be.

I am so grateful that even though I have too many imperfections to count I have always been solid and unwavering in one thing: my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How wonderful and merciful the plan of salvation is. How truly blessed we are to know that we will be with our families forever. That because of Christ's birth, atonement, death, and resurrection we may all return to him and our Heavenly Father.

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Frisky 'Frisco

I have loved San Francisco since I was a wee child. Being the youngest, when I was 8 I thought it was the shiz to visit my sister and her hubby whilst he finished podiatry school in San Fran and later in L.A. when he did his res at Cedars Sinai. San Fran is seriously beautiful! The architecture! The awesomeness that is the hilly streets! China Town! Delicious restaurants! The Pacific! The Golden Gates! Gazing at the bay and beautiful view of sail boats out your window! A trip with your sweetums! Spontinagety! All of this EQUALS I heart San Francisco! (Also, the Tanner family lived here... what more can be said?!).

As Adam's first trip to San Fran and my first trip as an adult we made some rookie mistakes. First was the unexpected CASH only $4.00 Bridge Bay Toll fee. Uh... who carries cash these days? Luckily we had some cash in the consol. Still, cash only? Lame.
Cheri's Travel Tip #1: Carry $20 in cash and also have $5 in quarters for the parking meters as no one will give you change for more than a dollar in quarters. LAME.

Second rookie mistake was how ridiculously expensive parking is. We're talking $3.50 per half hour! Uh seriously? Who charges for each half hour? Also, who wants to spend $20-30 on parking if it's not valet? Nobody. So that was a bit lame. Even if you park a mile away from your destination you're paying $12 for the day. Le sigh.
Enter Cheri's Travel Tip #2: It is well worth the extra $60+/night to have a place near Fisherman's Wharf. Not that the streets aren't tubular, but who wants to walk around creepy Vietnamese shops in unfamiliar and rather shady parts of a huge city? Nobody. Pier 39 Hotel = Better location. You aren't tied to the 2 hour parking meters and won't be spending $20+/day for parking.

I don't have any more tips. Everything else went quite smoothly! We pre-purchased our trip to Alcatraz online which was brilliant to avoid lines and it sells out weeks in advance! The island was gorgeous juxtaposed to the cold penitentiary walls! All the plants and flowers were in full bloom. Everywhere you turned there were gorgeous flowers and greenery with a spectacular view of the city! We also could have not asked for better weather! I remember San Fran being rainy, a bit chilly and windy. However, we experienced perfect weather! Our days were mostly sunny with light breezes. Awesomeness!

I wish we would have had more time to go to the Muir Woods. We'll do that next time I suppose! All in all it was a wonderful escape the hum drum day-to-day tasks and it was nice to take a trip with just Adam. We go on vacays all the time with family and friends but rarely just the two of us. We're a good time!
Here we are at the Golden Gate Bridge:
and Takin' the Ferry to Alcatraz!'

Aren't we cute in our Alcatraz Audio Tour Gear?!
as we took the boat back Ad snapped this pic of the island de Alcatraz... I like to think I'm on that sail boat..
Gotta love the movie BIG right? I wished for a million dollars... do you think it'll happen? 
And lastly, we stopped for some grub at Bubba Gump Shrimp at Pier 39 and visited Fisherman's Wharf:

Dear Spring Break in San Francisco,
You treated us well. Thank you for the sweet respite from school and work, the perfect weather, the delicious food and the super comfy bed. Next time how 'bout you leave out the horrible tooth ache resulting in an emergency root canal upon my return? Eh! Alright. I won't be picky...
Best wishes, The Hansens.

Friday, March 12, 2010

"so excited, 'cause we're reunited, hey hey"

It is no secret that I love to socialize! Better yet, I love to gather with friends/family! Therefore this year and in particular this week has been a little piece of heaven for me.

Reunion 1: My roommate from Vienna Mindy was in town visiting from Ohio so we did a little last minute "Vienna Reunion" with Mariss (who is soon moving to the AZ for hub's Med School), Cameo (who is soon leaving for some Grad School fun) and myself! I wish that more of the girls were in UT, but sadly so many aren't in state anymore so to all of you WE LOVE YOU! It was so fun to catch up with these girlies!

Reunion 2: Birthday reunion! I haven't seen my friend Travis since November so we gathered and celebrated his and Adam's birthdays on Friday with some Pizza Factory and cosmic bowling! It was crazy fun!

Reunion 3: While Adam went on a man date with my brother in law to play paintball, Marci and I reunited with Andi! This girl is honestly one of the most amazing women I know. She has the most gorgeous singing voice and is known at the elementary school she teaches at as “the rapping teacher”! Seriously she writes raps/beatboxes/sings to help the 3rd graders learn multiplication/measurements/states/counties etc! She is awesome! She is the sweetest girl and it’s a bit intimidating because she is honestly the ENTIRE package! She is the most Christ-like woman I know and is earnestly humble and encompasses ‘goodness’ in every aspect of her life. I have never heard this girl speak ill of anyone. She’s incredible and when you are with her you can’t help but think “I wanna be like this girl!” Anywho on Saturday I joined Andi and Marci for a girl night out! We went to dinner, did a ‘jam’ session with Beyonce on our way to Alice in Wonderland (Marci’s favorite Disney) and Andi introduced us to ‘sweet potato fries’. Sinfully delicious! Good times were had by all!

Reunion 4: Roommate Reunion/Baby Blessing! I haven’t seen my roommate Biz in 5 years! Isn’t that sad! We had some bizarre experiences and we all married the cute boys we dated while in this “love shack” on 7th East in Provo! Sigh. Wow. Those were some special times we had! Anyways, while at dinner Wednesday with the Vienna gals I found out little Biz had a baby girl and the blessing was this Sunday!

ALSO, in December I reunited with 2 of my dear friends while they were home for the holidays! Love you Q and Leis!

Reunited! And in case you were wondering “it feels so good”!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear bs, happy birthday to you!

It's no secret that I work for the BSA office in Salt Lake. No it's not where I thought I'd be at age 26, nor is it somewhere I planned on staying. Though I made more as a part-time teller for Zion's Bank than I do now for a full-time contributor to 'society' or whatever, I work with some awesome people and it's a nice place to spend 9 hours a day. 

As a secretary to 5 men and an assistant to all it is easy to get lost in my own work and the events I am working on *scout-o-rama*cough*.  Usually the furthest thing from my mind and/or interest is Scouting once I've 'left the building' so to speak, so initially I had no plans on attending our 100th Anniversary Gala. Though I am the complete opposite of a "Scouter", I decided to go and support my 'peeps' in their event, and honestly I am so glad that i did. One of the photographers posted her photos of the event on her blog. It was awesome! They certainly showed us off to the whole nation! Great JORRRB!

Speaking of  birthday's Adam celebrated #26 this week! It was pretty low key since we are going to San Diego in 2 weeks but he did enjoy some delicious Cold Stone and played the new Battlefield  Bad Company 2 which came out on his actual birthday (pre-ordered = best wife ever)! Love you hun even though you NEVER check our blog!

Well... Now I'm going to go watch some 'Big Bang Theory' (<--- THanks Stacie!) to hopefully ward off any nightmares I will have as a result of watching '2012' with Adam and Russ. Sigh. I HATE endoftheworld movies and am not sure why I decided to watch it. I blame John Cussack.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Ad + Cher = Happy

i am the Lucky girl that gets to be with this One man always. I am so VERY happy I finally said "yes" and married this man. Even when the goin' gets rough, my ad is loving, patient, optimistic, full of faith, and loves himself a new hairstyle... 

In the beginning it was bleached....

Then it was dark.... still missionary cut...

Then there was none....

Then it was dark with the faux-hawk.

Then it was blonde faux-hawk with matching pornstache...


And let's be honest... who can resist a man in full spandex?

...or one that looks like Ricky Schroder and Mark Paul Gosselaar?


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


With the dawn of a new decade so must the dreadful task of resolutions. I say dreadful because it seems like there must be a better way to start off a new year, nay, a new decade than with impending failure. Which, up to present, have been my attempts of resolution making and keeping. Me thinks my resolutions in the past have been of the too broad, too cumbersome, too much of the set-me-up-for-immediate-failure variety. So, this year I have decided to focus.
The Vision: Happiness in where I am in life and also where I am going.
How will I meet said "Happiness"? Well, I suppose you'll just have to keep visiting the ol'blog to see.

Start small I keep telling myself; so, I thought I'd list my current favorite things:
1. My latest accessory for this winter is the 'Crochet Headband'. Both cute and functional in these oh-so-cold Salt Lake winters. I think I shall go back and buy one in black...
Something sassy and unique to wear = happy cher.
2. Steamed Dreams found at The Greenhouse Effect. Hot chocolate is great, but I dare say a Steamed Dream is better. Don't believe me? Try it out for yourself!
Delicious vanilla steamed dream = happy cher.
3. Belts. No, not your brother's braided belt from 1993, but cute chunky belts worn over a long sweater or shirt. L-O-V-E. These puppies have made-over my drab work outfits.
New wardrobe accessories = happy cher.
4. Knee length boots. It's hard to find long skirts anymore. Are they even in style? I honestly can't think of the last time I saw someone in a long skirt, but I digress. Anywho, knee length boots are simply a winter godsend. Cute St. Nick brought me a pair of brown and black boots! Love him!
Boots to cover up my white legs = happy cher.
5. Mr. George Forman... grill that is. Mr. Hansen bought me a huge lean mean fat grilling machine. It has been lovely cooking more than one chicken breast at a time.
Less time cooking = happy cher.
6. Books. Currently reading Pride and Prejudice (for the nth-teenth time). Just finished Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and wish I didn't have to wait until August for book 3. Why oh why are all the fun reads turning into series?
$50 gift card to Barnes and Noble from dearest mother-in-law = happy cher.
7. Art. Hubbers bought me this gorgeous print of Jack Vettriano's called 'The Singing Butler'. I love the colors in this and the lines.
New set of Prismacolor Pencils = happy cher.
8. Music. I don't like blogs that have the music starting automatically. It always catches me off guard. BUT I love the music and will sometimes minimize my blog at work and listen to the tunes.
Good tunage = happy cher.
9. Movies. Mr. Hansen loves his movies. Seriously he is obsessed. I can't think of a single movie he hasn't liked. Love him. He makes it super easy to watch anything from Anne of Green Gables (shhh, don't tell him i told) to 300.
Spending time with ad when he's not studying or talking about cars = happy cher.
10.Lastly, but certainly not least are my dear friends and family. I don't get to see either of them very often, but when I do it's glorious.
Being with the gals = happy cher. (why oh why has it been so long?)

HaPpY LoVe MoNth EveRybOdy!