Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Silent Night

My mother has quite the skills when it comes to 'waterworks'. A talent she has most generously bestowed on her daughters. I didn't think I had it so bad when I was younger, but during the past months if I so much as see someone cry my eyes automatically respond by filling with tears. (Adam says it reminds him of a Disney cartoon when a helpless woodland creature's eyes slowly fill from bottom to top with a wall of water, complete with a quivering lower lip, then suddenly it's a downpour). To my dismay this superb skill has now expanded its original confines of Testimony Meeting, to music. I love music and I love to sing, and now find myself unable to finish any meaningful song. So long as I stick with Lady Gaga I'll be alright, but every time I travel to any of my favorites it's instantaneous waterworks! BlarG!

I was thinking about my family's traditions this evening and I can honestly say some of my favorite Christmas traditions surround my dear daddio. My dad is a gem. He is a stern, no frills kind of guy. However, this strong man is as tender as a teddy bear in the right setting. He taught high school German for over 30 years, all of my siblings have taken German at some point and 2 of us have even lived in Austria. On Christmas Eve after the games have been played and Santa has dropped in to say 'hello', we all sit around the Christmas tree and my dad sings 'Stille Nacht". We all join in (at least on the first verse). I love that spirit that surrounds us then. To an outsider we probably sound less than great, but to me it couldn't be farther from the truth. I look forward to that overwhelming, all inclusive, all consuming feeling of love, peace, and joy. It is tangible. It fills the air and my heart.

We taught the LDS primary song "Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus" a few weeks ago. I was unfamiliar with the song before then but this past Sunday, one of the speakers talked about Samuel; and I had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude to these amazing prophets and disciples that came before Christ. Having complete faith and hope that the Savior of the World would be born! What glad tidings this is for all of us. I am not a scholar of the scriptures or even a regular reader as sad as it is to admit that. But I do know. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, did come to earth, did suffer and die for us, and He prepared a way for us to be with Him and our loved ones forever.

I hope that all my loved ones will have peace and joy this Christmas.

Happiest Holidays!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December a la mode!

Thanksgiving gave us much to be thankful for. Adam got a part time job with UPS which will allow him to take, *gasp*, classes during the day! This is a first in 4 years! The downside is he works 10 pm - 3:30 am. It's been a 3 weeks and I am not really enjoying this schedule, but if it means only 2 years of school instead of 3, it is a sacrifice we'll make. Meanwhile, if you have any book suggestions send them my way!

We had planned on spending Thanksgiving with Adam's fam in AZ, but due to the new job we spent it with my family instead. We were sad to not get to see them, but glad that my entire family could be together which we commemorated with the oh so classic Family Portraits!

They turned out well considering the ginormity that is my family!

After Thanksgiving, Adam and I went into full Christmas mode. Decorating the house, hanging lights, finding and putting up the perfect tree, and planning the First Annual Hansen/Hadley Christmas Party. I have loved throwing parties since I was 14 (and I'm sure before then too ;-). I love myself a get together with lots of friends, fun, food, and festivities! My sister Vicki throws this incredible Christmas party every year, but sadly her move to Idaho means that we won't be attending those. SO! My sister Cindy decided that we should throw a party of our own! And honestly we could not have planned it to go better than it did, nor could my house hold more!

The party was complete with dinner, followed by a gingerbread house contest (each team was given 10 minutes to construct a gingerbread ouse, title the masterpiece, then we'd vote on the best one!).
This year had some classics:

And the winner is: Santa's Escape!
(It's an outhouse if you couldn't tell! Pretty sure it was the most hilarious thing I've seen in years! And yes, Santa is reading the paper).

Christmas edition Jeopardy:

white elephants:
(This was mine! It's a Snuggie for dogs!)

And lastly, but certainly not least, the Sub for Santa.
Thank you all for your amazing generosity.