Thursday, January 28, 2010

Right then, back to it! The Legs

Hello Everyone,

So I have an update for you all.

I've finally started gluing and pinning the legs. So far, I've learned to truly hate pinning. It does help, but it's a pain on such a large model. It is coming along quite nicely though.

I also did some test priming, to see what would be the best method. So far, the first method is working out great. I got some Krylon Matt Varnish and your Regular Chaos Black GW spray paint.

I used the Matt Varnish first, since it adheres better to resin than regular spray paint. I did about two light coats on each piece. It dries quite quickly, only takes about 15 minutes, once that was done, I sprayed the pieces with the Chaos Black spray paint.

After letting it dry over night, I went back to check how it turned out. After rubbing all the pieces, none of the primer came off. Success!

I learned things the hard way with my Greater Brass Scorpion, it was quite terrifying to see the paint peal off as I painted.

With that working out I went and tried it on several other pieces.

Since then I have pinned a few more parts around the pelvis/hip area. I just need to pin the toes, lower leg armor plates, and a couple of other things. I'll most likely have a larger update next week for everyone.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Holidays and New Years...

Well first off, Happy late Holidays and New years to everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates, but as some may guess, I have been busy during the last couple of weeks.

I actually have made progress in gluing and pinning the legs and I do have pictures, which I will upload a bit later. I'm going to have 4 days off, so I'm hoping to catch up on the work I've missed with this beast. :)

More updates to follow soon, until then, take care!