Até sempre...
Foto: Micas 08/2010
Today it is a very special day !!
Because this blog was started on the 14th, it has now been seven years.
Seven is a magical number for me for several reasons, and because it is half of the start date, it seems to be the perfect day to finish this “house”.
Seven years is already a long time for a blog’s life. The little house became too big thanks to all of you, but now it needs to be rebuilt…
Because life is made by permanently moving forward it is time for a change. There are too many interesting and new things to explore and do…
Many thanks to all of you, we will see each other somewhere around the corner!!
Because this blog was started on the 14th, it has now been seven years.
Seven is a magical number for me for several reasons, and because it is half of the start date, it seems to be the perfect day to finish this “house”.
Seven years is already a long time for a blog’s life. The little house became too big thanks to all of you, but now it needs to be rebuilt…
Because life is made by permanently moving forward it is time for a change. There are too many interesting and new things to explore and do…
Many thanks to all of you, we will see each other somewhere around the corner!!
"... Maio. Afinal, era maio. O tempo distendia-se por fim. Uma breve teoria: há certos movimentos que apenas são possíveis depois do início da primavera. Durante a invernia, o corpo esquece-os, mingua, endurece como as árvores. Em maio, o corpo recorda esses movimentos, julga reaprendê-los e, ao fazê-lo, redescobre a sua verdadeira natureza. É por isso que se fala de renascer na primavera, é por isso que as pessoas se apaixonam e é por isso que crescem as plantas. Esses movimentos são simples, todas as pessoas os sabem fazer. Ao serem empreendidos, dão lugar as multidões desgovernadas de sequências que, no fim da sua acção, acendem o sol."...
"José Luís Peixoto in " O Livro"