Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life isn't always kind, but at least Santa is...

My title is a perfect fit for this blog, because even though Santa has always been generous, he has yet to give me a photogenic Christmas morning picture!
This is daddy helping Deacon unwrap a very cool snail.
Here is my Delaney, trying on a shirt that she insists is a dress.

For Caleb, the gift opening isn't over until the stocking has been raided. I think he gets that from me. (Haha)

An overjoyed Christopher.

Deacon loves his new shape sorter!

What a pretty girl!

Cool duds, my man!

My soon-to-be little reader.

Mommy and her baby boy.
We were really lucky to have been able to go out to Hanford to be with my guys, the Barths, for Christmas. We sure miss you guys!