Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Few Words About My Cooper Boy

Cooper is a funny boy.  There is no doubt about that.  Some of my favorite things about him right now are:

-going to sleep with "Mumpy".  I brought the toddler bed into his room several weeks ago hoping that seeing it in there for awhile would make for an easier transition eventually.  He hates it, which is fine, since I'm happy to keep him in a crib for awhile.  But he has this little monkey toy that his cousin Abbey picked out for him when he was a newborn, and he has decided that the toddler bed is the official new home of "Mumpy".  Even if he doesn't want to go to sleep, he will go in, hug Mumpy, put him in bed with the blanket - "bee-bee" - then turn on the white noise, turn off the light, and go to bed quietly so as to not wake up Mumpy.

-helping him say prayers.  He folds his arms and says "amen!" when he wants it to be his turn to pray.  Irreverent as it may be, we all love when he prays because as we go through the list of names in the family and we get to his name he repeats, "PuhPuh", looks up, fake laughs, and bobs his little head up and down while he waits for everyone else to laugh.  This started as he was first talking and he would call himself "Poopoo" (I know, it was a major drawback to naming him Cooper), so of course we would all laugh.  Now it's morphed into more of a "puhpuh" sound but he still thinks we should all laugh at him.  I'm preemptively sad for when he stops doing this.

-his love of cars.  He is obsessed with Lighting McQueen, "eeen", Mater, "may-a", Dusty, Frank the combine, "Fank" and Mack.  He loves firetrucks and occasionally refers to them as "e-o-e-o"s, mimicking the sound they make.  His favorite place to play with cars is on the couch, where he lines them up, loudly instructing anyone who is in his way to "moooob!"

-his late-to-the-game "Frozen" fandom.  Over the last month or so he has developed an incessant need to have "Let it Go" be playing whenever we are driving.  If he sees a picture of Olaf or Anna or Elsa he shouts, "et go!" or "et go gin!"  We are all pretty tired of the soundtrack, but of course we do anything to make the little Coopster happy.

-his resourcefulness.  I actually don't know if this is something I love, but it definitely makes me laugh.  My countertops are no longer safe from the grasp of Cooper.  He pushes stools, chairs, whatever he can find to get what he wants.