Sunday, January 25, 2015

Cooper is TWO

Ah, Cooper.  The child who can make me laugh so hard and also has given me my gray hairs...I love this boy so much.  He is spunky, determined, silly, and LOUD.  

His birthday fell on a Wednesday, which is our busiest day of the week.  But we carved out a little time after preschool to go to the Dinosaur Museum.  These boys had the whole water/sand table to themselves for probably 20 minutes and we collected all the dinosaurs and lined them all up.  It was all fun until Cooper started splashing in the sandy water, then we had to clean up and move on.

Obligatory picture here...every time.  :)

Alli had a soccer game and Alex had a basketball game that night, so we had Cooper open his presents the night before.  Thanks to Christmas, he's a pro at ripping off that wrapping paper.  He loved it. 

Cooper is the kid who was sent to me to keep me humble.  He's made me rethink all my parenting tactics that have worked on my other kids.  He keeps us so busy, and he's everyone's favorite sibling.  We all love to sit by Cooper on the couch, and we hope he chooses our lap to sit on, (except for Alex.  Cooper has taken to sitting on Alex's lap at every meal.  It makes the rest of us laugh but I don't know how much Alex loves it.).  My favorite thing is when I say, "Cooper, I love you!" and he says "too!"  Melts me every time.  Love this kid.

Holly's Birthday

Someone turned NINE!

Oh, you wanted to see her face?  Here she favorite Holly in all the land.

It was an off year for friend parties, but that didn't stop us from having a fun day.  Holly started out the day going shopping with me to pick out a present for her friend Lily, who shares a birthday with Holly.  She went to Lily's party, and we picked her up a few minutes early for the next adventure.  We took the kids (except Cooper) to go see Into the Woods, and Brooke and Lindsay joined us.  It wasn't my favorite movie, but the kids liked it.  We went home for a little bit, then Alex took Alli to her soccer game and we all met up after at Brick Oven, and the Gardners came along, too. Holly opened her presents there. 

We hit the jackpot with Holly.  It's like we rolled up all the good qualities someone can have, slapped a winning smile on her and called her ours.  She's amazing.  You know you're in for a good time if Holly's around.  She's happy 99% of the time and lives to make people happy.  So proud to call her mine.