Friday, November 15, 2013

Halloween Recap

Another fun Halloween this year!  I was back and forth from the school a couple times to see the kids in their parades.  I caught a quick shot of Brynne during the kindergarten parade:
And I didn't even get my camera out for the older girls' parade because we were crammed in a tight corner, Tyson was grumpy, and I didn't want one more thing to hold.

This year we had a baby,

a fifties girl, 

a ballerina,

a train conductor,

and a Super Cooper!

Alex's parents stopped by for our traditional dinner of soup and bread bowls and the kids were lucky enough to have Grandma bring her face paint!

I love our neighborhood all the time, but I especially love it on Halloween.  My kids have lots of friends to be with and we love to see all the costumes that arrive on our doorstep.

 Holly with some of her friends.

 Tyson and Calla.

 Brynne and Tyson on their way to the first house.

 Olivia, Lauren, and Alli.

 Finally got a group shot of my kids, way past a sleepy Cooper's bedtime.

The Gardners stopped by at the end of trick-or-treating and the kids had fun sorting their candy together.  They were all a little hyper at this point!

 The girls.

I didn't even pose them.  This just happened.  This picture completely captures their personalities.  I love it.