Sunday, May 27, 2007

Santa Rosa!

Well, this is just a quick update since I haven't posted in awhile. We are in Santa Rosa visiting my family. These last few days Alex and I were in San Francisco helping put on a convention for Alex's work that he co-planned. We had a great time (though we are both exhausted!) and the convention was very successful.

We are now back in Santa Rosa and the girls were SO excited to see us this morning! I hate being away from them, but I sure didn't miss the diapers!

Tomorrow we are heading to Armstrong Grove, one of my favorite places on earth, for an annual Memorial Day breakfast. I'm excited to be out here for it this year. I don't think I've been to this breakfast since 2003, so I am definitely looking forward to it.

Anyway, that's my quick update for the evening! I hope all is well. I'm looking foward to getting together with you Utah gals when I get back!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Okay, I stole this idea from someone else

I took this "time capsule" idea from my friend's blog, and I thought it would be fun to do myself!

11 years ago...

~I was 12
~I was finishing up 7th grade
~I was probably dreading a final in Mr. Meinzen's class (pretty standard!)
~My best friend was Heather

6 years ago...

~I was 17
~I was anxiously awaiting graduation and moving onto BYU
~I was finishing up the badminton season
~I was writing about my high school annoyances every day in Mr. Dillilo's creative writing class
~I quit working at In-n-Out (but I still LOVE their food!)

2 years ago...

~I was 21
~I had Alli, who had just turned 1
~I was barely pregnant with Holly
~We had just moved to Logan for Alex's masters program
~I had recently graduated from BYU


~Alex and I went to the Jazz vs. Golden State game at the Delta Center
~I ate at Hires Big H (or something like that) for the first time and had their root beer freeze -- it was tasty. (Apparently, Alex used to eat there all the time when he was a kid and LOVED the freeze.)
~I dusted all the furniture in our family room
~I watched "Little People" with Alli
~I read "Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?" with Holly (adorable Dr. Seuss book!)


~I went to a play group
~I went to Target to get a gift for our friend who had her baby this morning!
~I went to story time at the library, only to discover they aren't doing it for a month
~I am lazy, so I popped a frozen lasagne in the oven for dinner
~I will straighten up the kitchen and family room before I go to bed
~I will watch "The Office" and laugh until I cry
~I will go to bed early so I can get up early tomorrow


~I will get up at 5:30 a.m. to go to my favorite exercise class
~It is my bathroom cleaning day, which I dread. But I love a clean house, so I will do it
~I will visit my friend and her new baby in the hospital
~I will stay home with the girls while Alex coaches yet another basketball game. That's right, the season didn't end in March like we (I) thought it would. The games and practices keep on coming, but without the measly paycheck the real season gave us.
~I will go outside with the girls early before it gets too hot to play outside.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Allison turned 3!!

I can't believe my little girl is 3 years old (happy anniversary, mom and dad!). We had a little birthday party for her, and she got spoiled rotten with princess things and other toys. Alex and I went upstairs last night and saw that her bedroom light was on. We opened the door to find her new presents laid out on her bed and Alli asleep on the floor. I'll share a few pictures of her big day!

The cake I spent way too many hours making . . . but Allison loved it!

Alli with her new Belle dress and princess shoes. I didn't get the picture with her new tiara, wand, necklace and clip on earrings (ack!) Maybe I'll get that picture today.

Alli and cousin Ella trying to escape to the front yard.

EXHAUSTED at the end of a very long and fun day!