Wednesday, August 1, 2007


This is my FAREWELL, i am now a full time coyote! Today is August 1st, the first day of official practices for my 2nd year of volleyball at CGCC! I am a slave to volleyball! The first few weeks i am going to be pretty much living in a gym, but when i find time i will hopefully be able to blog to you about how practices are going! So FAREWELL everybody!

Saturday, July 28, 2007



Monday, July 23, 2007

Pump'n Iron

Here is Rachel and me lift'n some serious weights! If your wondering what i did all summer this is pretty much it, four times a week! And i know that this picture doesnt look like there is much weight but we were doing power cleans and i did just as much as Rachel, and she is super strong!!!! We are getting super BUFF and in shape for our volleyball season this fall! We both are returning Sophmores for CGCC!!! There is also one more Sophmore named Jenna (best setter in the nation) and i can forget to mention her because i love her!!!! Last year we took 1st in AZ and 2nd in the NATION, and this year we hope to take first! Thats why we have been working super hard during the off season! If anyone wants to come to our games then check out our website and schedule!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Monsoon Season!

{Sweet picture of an amazing arizona monsoon}
I seriously LOVE arizona MONSOON SEASON!! It is one of my most favorite times of the year! Yesterday we had our first dust storm and rain! Even though it didnt rain in mesa it poored in pheonix which is still good! The weather is so perfect when its sprinkling out side and there is a light breeze! AH! Its my FAVORITE!!! Rain just makes me so HAPPY but seeing it in arizona makes it seem ten times better!

Monday, July 16, 2007


My friends and i made a delicous breakfast the other day so i want you guys to read all about it! Check it out on my friend BECKYS blog!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

6 dollar night!

Last night my friends and i went to a diamond backs game and sat in the nose bleeds for only 6 bucks!!! Good deal, right? NO! It was better! There was even a concert there after the game that we got to watch. Roger Clyne and The Peacemakers were the people who played!It was so much fun!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Just to let everyone know, i dont have a phone anymore! So if you want to get ahold of me your gonna have to call my house! You should all send me an email with your cell phone number in it so i can get ahold of you if i need to!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tootsie Roll

Today when we (whitney, melanie, me) went to go swimming at grandma's pool we decided to drive around the neighborhood for just a bit to look at all the beautiful houses! While we were driving we noticed this house that had been extremely heart attacked and it had confedy and hearts and TONS of tootsie rolls everywhere! Thats when the brilliant idea of free tootsie rolls popped into our mines! So whitney pulls over and starts picking up a butt load of tootsie rolls and puts them into her hat! That was one of my most exciting moments of the week so far! It could be in the top 3 of most exciting moments for this week for sure! We'll see!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

8 Again!

Yesterday for the 4th of July I went to the ward party and slide down the slipe n slides! i felt like i was 8 again! Rachel came with me so that i wouldnt feel like a loser being the only one there above 5 feet, that wasn't a parent! I have seriously missed these slipe n slides! They were so much fun and way worth it to slide down and end up in the soapy muddie water!

Monday, July 2, 2007


Photo Booth on the Apple MacBooks are so much fun to play with! I really want to get a MacBook for Christmas, and the little camera on the computer is one of the reasons why i want one! haha im just a dork i guess!

I Hate School!!

I hate school! I seriously am the worst student ever! Lets just say i am pretty sure im going to fail my computer class because there are so many assignments due at one time and i get so confused! Not to mention i lost my flash drive! AHHHH i think im gonna drop it and take it during fall!