Saturday, March 26, 2011

I bought this outfit when I was ....maybe 5 minutes pregnant...But it was on the CLEARANCE rack at a booth at the What Women Want expo. And I just had to have it! It was really cheap, so I justified buying even though I didn't know if it was a girl or not. So Glad I did!!!

So...I can't get this Lady to hold still for 30 seconds. No Matter What. Lucky for us all, I can get pretty creative! I was blowing bubbles AND taking the pictures. AT THE SAME TIME.
(if you were wondering about her distant gaze...)

Cute little embelleshed bummy.

Well, If you know anything about me, you know that I have loved owls for a very long time. They are just so fun. And these days you can find owl anything, anywhere! yay! You may also know, that I have a big soft cushy spot in my heart for pom-pom fringe :) This outfit was a win-win for this Mama.

When we moved out of T's mom's place, we left a lot of Lou's clothes there because we were just anxious to get into OUR place. And sadly enough, this piece was one that was left. I remembered it sometime last week and went the whole 3 blocks down the road to get the rest of her stuff. I was really sad thinking that we had missed the season for turtle necks and long sleeves....but then this horribly cold, windy, rainy week happened! I guess there was one good outcome.

mmmm....I just Love this little chicky to peices.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mac N' Cheese....sort of.

I have been told my MANY people to never let my kids eat macaroni and cheese or else thats all they'll ever want to eat (And face it...its not the most nutritionally sound meal) So I have taken this as good advice, seeing as I was probably one of those children who never ate anything but mac n' cheese. ( I was so picky, in fact, that I actually just wanted the noodles. no cheese. same with ramen noodles...)

Well, I found this in the store....
{Teeeny Tiny STAR shaped pasta}

...And have been dying to use them for something ever since. I guess I should mention that Ty isn't a chicken-and-stars-kind-of-guy. So that was out. Also, My 10-month-old is old enough for me to introduce more chunky food....and pasta is on the list!!

Today I got clever. Which doesn't always happen, but I was impressed with the result, so I had to put it up here so I didn't forget it!

I mixed....

1/2 C hot cooked stelline pasta
1 oz-ish pureed carrot baby food -thawed (however much is in one cube of frozen home-made baby food)
1 Tblsp shredded cheese

And got....

An adorable blob of cheesy stars.

Lilie reeeally wanted some!


She liked. A lot.

She even shared with Momma. Which actually ended up all over my camera. be a mom.

Turns out, I actually think Mac n' cheese is an important part of being a kid, BUT if I can health it up a bit...why not?

It was actually pretty good, and tasted a lot like traditional mac n cheese.

Its official. I've become a momnivore, or rather, the mom who eats her kids left overs from lunch. uh-oh.

Monday, March 7, 2011


We FINALLY bit the bullet and invested in ROAD BIKES!

I have been pestering Tyler forEVER about getting bikes.

First off, I drive a tank, and if gas is seriously going up to the prices everyone is saying....I'm pretty sure we won't be able to afford leaving the house ever again in that thing.

SECOND, there is a bike trail who's sole purpose could be to take me from my house to work. There is a tiny little portion from my driveway to the begining of the trail that is just paved road, the rest goes right to my work, and will only take me less than 30 minutes to do. HELLO! it is meant to be.

THIRD, We live in a beautiful community that is mild enough year round to be able to commute on a bicycle. (our summers are mild, right? i seem to always forget how hot 115 degrees is.)

FOURTH, its great excersize. (just in time for swimsuit weather!)

Need I say  more?

Here they are! Ty's is the red one, Mine is the silver one. They are both Specialized brand. Mine is a Dolce, which is a pretty nice bike, but a friend of mine works at the bike store and sold me a rental. Its actually a pretty good deal because it has had regular services and is past the break-in stage, so all the kinks are worked out, so to say. Ty's is brand new, but also came with a great discount. Even with getting a great deal on both bikes, I can't BELIEVE how expensive these things are! Holy Moses...

We also got this trailer becuase, whats the point if we can't take our favorite little companion along?

Her and that tongue...

She loved it in there. It kind of surprised me...I wasn't sure how she would react, but I didn't even need to worry about it!

I tried to get a picure of all of us, but Ty was ready to hit the old dusty...Aaaand, its kind of hard to take pictures and not fall off your bike. All in good time!

Oh, and PS, we rode all day the day we got them, and my bum is SUPER sore. Hope I get used to that seat!

10 months!

I don't see how it can be possible that my brand new, tiny, baby that I just barely brought home from the hospital can be turning 1 in 2 months? Someone, please explain this to me!

Miss Lilie Nilla's 10-month chair photo!

She was telling me 'Yay!' and clapping because it is VERY exciting to be 10 months old!

Oh, look! Lil's is sticking her toungue out! SHOCKING! haha.

Here are some things we need to remember about being 10 months:

-You are officially WALKING everywhere. All over the house...from room to room...chasing your ball, the dogs, momma and daddy...or just exploring. It is sooo funny to watch you zombie walk! LOVE IT.

-You have 3 teeth! 2 bottom, 1 top.

-Size 4 diaper (pretty big, but better than small!) Usually 12-18 month clothes, and size 4-5 shoes!

-Your very FAVORITE foods to eat include: oatmeal, bananas, apples, sweet potatos, carrots, tortillas, cottage cheese, and scrambled eggs. (you'll eat almost anything, but I can always count on those ones!)

-You are very busy getting into E V E R Y T H I N G. Tupperware, anyone?!

-Anytime you hear 'The Office' theme song, you stop what your doing and dance along. (If you know anything about this family, we usually have the office on...)

-All of the sudden, it is SOO funny to get in trouble. I'm pretty sure you do things your not supposed to on purpose, so Momma can tell you 'NO, NO' and you can laugh your head off.

-Getting dressed is STILL a nightmare. Even changing your diaper. You scream and cry and wag your finger 'no, no, no!' the whole time...please just be a phase!

-You still LOVE other babies...even though you are kind of a rough lover and the other babies are kind of scared of you :) haha

-You are a great sleeper for naps and bed time. We just rock you and sing to you, give you a bottle, snuggle and love for a minute, pop a bink in your mouth and lay you down. You usually spend about 5 minutes singing and playing, then your out!

-Daddy is your very favorite person ever in the whole wide world. When he comes home from work, you greet him with applause. Its pretty stinking cute, even though I never get applause just for showing up!

You are getting so big and so smart and we fall more and more in love with you every single minute! I will admit (and I think Dad does too) This is definately a challenging time with the walking and getting into everything! Even though it seems like it makes us crazy after cleaning up the tupperware for the 5th time today, it is honestly so cute, and so rewarding to see how much you are growing up and learning. This little Lady lights up my day every single day and even though nap time sometimes can't come soon enough, I almost always have to stop myself from going in and waking her up JUST BECAUSE I miss her.

Love you Lilla Babes!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sure glad...

...this little girl seems to like Tupperware as much as her Momma.

Makes me so PROUD!
Love you Lilienne.

Monday, February 21, 2011

9 Months

{My Big 9-month-old}

Here is what this little lady is up to:

-WALKING! its crazy, and luckily for me she still prefers to crawl.

-She is such a good eater! I make her baby food because it is super easy and so much better for her.
          her faves are: Bananas, carrots, peaches and cottage cheese, avocado, apples, peas, pretty 
         much anything I make for her!

-She loves to CLAP! (especially when she is in trouble.....)

-She just learned to finger wag 'no, no, no!' (momma's favorite)

-She will wave hello and goodbye.

-Is VERY shy around new people. For about 2 minutes...then she is a very friendly girl.

-Its getting much easier for her to give kisses. She gives them to just about anyone...but mostly momma and daddy!

-Getting dressed isn't only hard....its a NIGHTMARE! she hates this more than anything and has a melt down everytime she gets her clothes changed. Hoping she grows out of that!

-BABIES are her favorite thing ever! Human babies, dolls, pictures of babies....even the cute baby in the mirror!

-She loves the big bouncy ball her cousin Andy got her for V-day...probably her favorite toy next to the huge baby doll she loves.

-The words she says the most are:
          'Momma' 'Dadda' 'Baby' and I think she tries to say 'Dash' but it comes out just 'Daaa'
          She says a few more, but those are her favorites.

There is so much more she is doing right now...every day there is a new discovery, a new trick, a new something. Her daddy and I soak up every single second with her! She is a really funny girl with a hilarious personality. My family says she acts just like I did as a baby (UH-OH!) I am crazy about her! She makes my day every single day and we cant get enough of her....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Remember Us?

The past 4 months have been very eventful for this Christensen Clan...

We have:

-moved out of our old house and sold ALMOST everything in it.

-moved into Ty's moms AWESOME house, until we found a home to buy.

-found pretty much our DREAM house...

-bought said dream house. (also referred to as heaven on 630!)

-moved into heaven on 630 during the floods of 2010. FUN!

-had our basement flood on the 3rd night in the new house...even more FUN!

-Celebrated Halloween, Thanksgiving, Ty's Birthday, Christmas, New Years, My Birthday, aaaand Valentines. Yes, I think thats all the holidays.

-Baby girl got 2 teeth.

-she also started crawling.

-and is now starting to walk. :'( hardly my new baby anymore

-Ty got a great new job.

JUST to name a few of the highlights! Happy to say that we are back in the blogging business! The whole 4 months we were without internet, so needless to say, I'm excited to show off my baby girl :)

AND just in case you all forgot what we look like....

{mama's birthday date night}

{Lil's 7-month chair photo}

{Lil's 9-month chair photo}
{yes, somehow 8 got skipped}

{snow day in Pine Valley}

{my two lovies playing in the snow}

{And, of course, my boys}

Stayed tuned for more regular updates:)