Monday, September 27, 2010

Halle is 8 months old!

I needed to take some pictures of Halle for her 8 month mark. It was almost dark and she had applesauce all over her face. I almost didn't take them, but I am so glad that I did. She is so cute!

I can't believe that she is already 8 months old. Time flies! She is such a sweetheart and a joy each day. Here are some of the many things that I love about her. She loves stroller rides. I always have to buckle her in because she scoots right up to the front and hangs on with a death grip or she lays back all the way with her feet up. She has a total of 6 teeth. 4 on top and 2 on bottum. I love her cute smile! She is a good eater, but always prefers to nurse. She had real peas and bananas and banana puffs today. She gets so mad in the mornings if she doesn't eat right away. She loves her baths that she gets to take with her big sister, she loves to watch Avery. She loves to sit and play and stand up with help. She isn't crawling yet, but has just discovered that you can roll to get places. She is so close to scooting. She doesn't love to cuddle. I love her cute cheeks and kiss them all day long. She is very ticklish and has the greatest laugh. She thinks it is fun to spit and click her tongue. I always bounce down the stairs just because I love how she will hold on to me. She has got a lot of hair, but has several pieces that Aunt McCall calls rat tails. I can't bring myself to cut them. She is a big time Mama's girl. No one else will do if I am around. I love how excited she gets to see me. She could be completly chill, but the second she sees me her arms and legs start moving a million miles a minute. Well that is all that I can think to say right now. She is a beautiful baby, and we all love her very much!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What we have been up to!

Well we have been busy enjoying the last warm days of Summer.

Avery got her first Hair cut. She did so well, and thought it was so fun! She sat so still and loved all of the attention. I can't believe she is so old. Thanks Hil for the great haircut! (mine and hers), thanks Jen for making Avery's day and painting her toenails. They work at La Bella Vita Salon in Kaysville and always do a great job.

Aaron got Ute season tickets for his Birthday this year. We enjoyed the first game. I didn't pull out the Camara much because I was busy entertaining two girls. They did very well. Halle cried when it got too loud, and Avery had to go to the Bathroom 6 times. Lets just say that I got lots of exercise that night. I did snap this picture the last time she had to go to the Bathroom. It was at the end of the game and I couldn't bring myself to walk up the stairs one more time. That is some exciting news too, Avery is Potty Trained! It was actually pretty easy because she was ready. She had a couple of accidents and I had to bribe her to go #2 in the toilet, but she did great.

We celebrated Aaron's 30th birthday. We had a fun family party. On saturday, I arranged a babysitter and told Aaron we could go do whatever he wanted. We ended up watching football! I had no idea it was opening day for College football. We love you Aaron!

One of his gifts, a Ute Snuggy. I actually love this one.

The next weekend we went to Peach Days in Brigham City. This has been a tradition since I was young. We still love watching the parade, walking through the booths and spending time with eachother. I don't ride the rides as much anymore :)

Halle got scared with the Fire Engines. Her little face was so cute. Lucky Aunt Cally who got some Halle Cuddle time. Avery loved the Parade and got a grocery sack full of Candy.

Happy Birthday tomorrow to this wonderful Sister, Aunt and Friend! We love you lots!

I am going to post a bunch of pictures soon of just Halle. I can't believe that she is 8 months old now. She is so much fun!

I have been doing a preschool at home with Avery. She goes twice a week, but I wanted to have some fun things to do at home as well. We have been having lots of fun. We have weekly themes with activities that focus on the things that she needs like shapes and numbers. Past themes are Back to School, Numbers and Counting and this week is Circus. As you can guess we are going to the Circus on Thursday. Next week is Fall. Have a good day!