Well the last two days to be exact. We have been very busy and have had a lot of firsts. Avery had her first accident in the tub twice, first played with crayons, first ride in the big girl carseat and first tried tunafish and spagetti. She liked them both with some encouragement, but next time I give her spagetti, I am going to strip her down to her diaper. She is finally feeling better and back to her normal self. She is so much fun and makes me laugh. I am grateful for every first, even the messy ones :) Her latest is that she loves to go through my cupboards, I am forever putting my pots and pans away.
I have also been busy making 150 cupcake pops. For what you ask, why the scouting blue and gold banquet of course. Avery has been great while I have been doing this. She played with Sam a lot today. It was fun to hear her giggle.
Also, some exciting news. When my friends and I and our kids had our playdate last week, they talked about their favorite lense. I took some pictures with it and loved it. I had some Christmas money left so I was able to get it and it arrived today. Here are some of my first pictures. It takes awesome indoor shots.
Here is Avery eating, I mean drawing with the crayons. Don't you just love the depth of field.

And here is just a cute shot of her standing on the chair.

Have a great night.