Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What a day!

Well the last two days to be exact. We have been very busy and have had a lot of firsts. Avery had her first accident in the tub twice, first played with crayons, first ride in the big girl carseat and first tried tunafish and spagetti. She liked them both with some encouragement, but next time I give her spagetti, I am going to strip her down to her diaper. She is finally feeling better and back to her normal self. She is so much fun and makes me laugh. I am grateful for every first, even the messy ones :) Her latest is that she loves to go through my cupboards, I am forever putting my pots and pans away.
I have also been busy making 150 cupcake pops. For what you ask, why the scouting blue and gold banquet of course. Avery has been great while I have been doing this. She played with Sam a lot today. It was fun to hear her giggle.
Also, some exciting news. When my friends and I and our kids had our playdate last week, they talked about their favorite lense. I took some pictures with it and loved it. I had some Christmas money left so I was able to get it and it arrived today. Here are some of my first pictures. It takes awesome indoor shots.
Here is Avery eating, I mean drawing with the crayons. Don't you just love the depth of field.

And here is just a cute shot of her standing on the chair.

Have a great night.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thanks for coming to play

Today we got to play. We got together with Stef, Val, and Jami and their kids. It was so much fun to visit, eat lunch and have our kids play together. The only way we could get them to all sit still for pictures was to give them all suckers. It was really fun to get together. We definetly need to do it more and often.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Digital Scrapbooking Sale

Megan is having a Birthday Sale at ES.
She has lots of beautiful things for awesome prices. Here is the link to her store.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Avery 13 months

I can't believe my baby girl is already 13 months. She is so much fun, and a joy each day. We love her lots. Here are some pictures that I took of her today.

She is always making this face when she is happy, excited, hyper or when she thinks she is being funny.

Look at her go. You probably can't tell by these pictures, that she screamed, for about 3 hours this morning. So we went to the Doctor. She has another ear infection and she is teething, and she has some mild congestion. Poor baby! But as you can see, she is already feeling better. Unfortunetly, she has had 4 ear infections in 2 months. Ever since I weened her. She got her first one 1 week after being weened. So we are going to go see the ENT and discuss tubes.
Here is a little about Avery at 13 months. She talks all day long. The words that she says that we can understand are Mama, Dada, Bah (ball), Uh Oh (a favorite) baba (baby) and her newest is Papa (but we are unsure what this is in refernce to, we are thinking either Grandpa or Puppy, or maybe both). She is very affectionate, always giving hugs, wide open mouth kisses or blowing kisses. I love when she walks up to me and hugs the back of my legs. As you can see, she is always on the move. We spend all day going from one room to the next. Her newest adventure is getting into the cabinets. She loves to dance, play and tease. She is a great eater and eats almost anything that we give her. But she does love to share her food with Sam. The other day I caught her sharing her Dum Dum. She is shy around strangers, loves to sing, and is still a good sleeper. She hates getting dressed or getting her diaper changed, in fact, she will SCREAM if we attempt to change her diaper before she eats in the morning. That is a tough one. She is always making everyone laugh and can entertain us for hours. We play a game where I steal her binky and put the handle end in my mouth, then she gets it back with her mouth. She must think that I want a binky too. Today she found her Thermometer binky and brought it to me and tried to put it in my mouth. So sweet. We love her so much, and are grateful that she is apart of our family.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Aaron and I just listened to the most inspiring talk. It is "That which is of God is light" by Sheri Dew. You can find it here I loved when she talked about how you can tell if you or anyone is truely converted, it is by how we treat eachother. After listening I want to be a kinder person. So if you have time, you should listen.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Long Time no blog

Well it has been awhile since I have posted. We went on a little mini Vacation to Las Vegas. It was fun. We went to the Utah vs UNLV game, walked alot, shopped, went and saw Body Works and went to the Self Storage Expo. It was a fun and nice to get away for awhile. Avery had her first Airplane ride. She did pretty good, but unfortunetly never slept. I am just glad that the flight was only an hour long.

Oh, and have I mentioned yet that Avery is WALKING!!!! I can't believe it. It is so much fun, and she loves it, probably because we clap everytime she takes a step. She is getting braver and braver.

Also, I am so excited, I am on my first Creative team. It is for Megan Turnidge designs. I am also a little nervous, I hope that I can be creative enough. But look forward to working with all of her designs. She has some amazing stuff. (and most of it is girly too)
Here is her latest kit, Tween Queen

It is so fun with all of the foil accents, sparkles and fun colors. Here is the page that I scrapped with it.

Have a good night everyone!
