Monday, April 22, 2013

5 Months Old

Today Brianna is 5 months old! Here are some of the things she is up to. I am still nursing her but only about twice a day, the rest of the time she takes bottles, usually anywhere from 4 to 6 oz. I have tried to feed her rice cereal a few times but she will not have anything to do with it, maybe I need to try something else. She is getting her first tooth which is crazy to me, seems way to early but what can you do? She is still sleeping great for the most part, she usually goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 and sleeps until around 6:30am when she eats again, she usually goes right back to sleep until around 8 or 9. Sometimes she will wake up in the middle of the night but she usually just talks for a bit and goes right back to sleep. She is rolling over from her tummy to her back and I even saw her roll from her back to her tummy but I think it was an accident, she was pretty upset :) She doesn't really LOVE her play mat anymore, she gets bugged that she can't put the toys into her mouth. Everything goes into her mouth these days, she loves to suck on her bibs especially which means I have to change them often. She will watch an entire Baby Einstein episode now and seems to like them pretty well, she also like to watch Abby's movies with her. She still likes her swing and LOVES her Bumbo, it makes her so happy that she can watch everything going on around her. I just introduced her to her saucer and she has fun playing in that for short amounts of time. She is still so smiley and pretty happy most of the time. She is getting less content just laying on the floor, she either wants to be sitting up where she can see everything or have someone sitting on the floor playing with her and showing her different toys. She is growing up way too fast!

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Friday, March 22, 2013

4 Months Old

I can't believe Brianna is 4 months old already, she is growing so fast. Brianna is such a happy baby and she is usually all smiles. Lately she has been bursting into tears when some strangers try to talk to her, but otherwise she is usually pretty good with anyone. Brianna is still nursing about every 3 hours during the day and takes about one 3 to 4 oz bottle a day. She usually goes to bed around 8:00pm (in her bed, not a car seat yay) and will sleep until about 6:00am when she wants to eat, but then she will go straight back to sleep till around 8:30 or 9:00. She takes about 2 naps during the day, a shorter one in the morning around 10:00 and a longer 4 hour nap around 1:30. Brianna still loves her play mat and she loves grabbing and batting at the toys hanging down, she talks all the time and has started doing a happy gurgling sound (like Abby) all the time. She hates tummy time and has rolled over once but I haven't been able to get her to do it again, maybe soon, she seems like she is really close. She still loves her swing and has recently been examining her hands a lot. She doesn't take a binky very well at all but she LOVEs to chew on her hands, I am thinking one of these days she might find her thumb (just like her mom). She drools like crazy, so she needs to be wearing a bib pretty much all the time. She likes to watch about 15 minutes of a baby einstein dvd every once in awhile, and she will occasionally watch a little bit of Abby's movies too. She is in the 25 percentile for her weight and 75 percentile for her height. Brianna concentrates really hard on people's expressions and loves to watch and take in everything around her. She likes to look at books and toys. She recently has started giggling when she gets tickled which is ADORABLE and she loves it when Abby will play with her. Can't wait to see what she will start doing next!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2 Months Old

Today Brianna is 2 months old! Time has gone by so fast and I wanted to document what she has been up to this month. - Brianna has been nursing really well and usually wants to eat every 3 hours, sometimes 4. - At night she usually wants to go to bed around 8:30 or 9:00. I get her up to feed her one more time before I got to bed around 11:00, then she has been sleeping until 7:30 or 8:00 which has been really nice for Mom. - She still sleeps in her car seat and the past 2 days I have been trying to get her to nap laying down flat so that I can transition her to her bed. So far she won't nap very long if she is laying down flat in her bed. - She is so smiley and usually smiles the most for her big sister Abby - She loves to swing in her swing and play on the floor under her play mat. - She has a binkie but doesn't LOVE it, lately she has been sucking on her fists a lot, I wonder if she will eventually find her thumb? - She has become less and less tolerant of tummy time and doesn't like it very much anymore. We LOVE our baby girl, can't wait to see what she will learn this month!

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Two Weeks Old

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Going Home

Getting Ready to leave the hospital and go home.
When we got home there was a houseful of people there to greet us. Melissa and her family and Matt and Deidre were there to meet Brianna and to have a day late Thanksgiving dinner. All the kids wanted to hold Brianna right away.
After everyone else left my Mom stayed for a week to help out, then she took Abby home with her to Utah for a few days to hang out with her cousins while I rested. A few days later Abby returned with Grandma Kaaron who also stayed for a week.

Before my Mom left we gave Brianna her first sponge bath...Brianna wasn't a huge fan, but she did much better after she was wrapped in a towel.             
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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Meeting Big Sister and Grandma and Grandpa

Abby picked out a present to give to Brianna on her birthday, she was excited to give it to her, and excited that she got to open it.
Suprise! Brianna got a gift for Abby too, how fun!
That evening, after a little Thanksgiving dinner, Abby and Grandma and Grandpa came back to the hospital for one more visit before going home to bed.

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The Labor Story

Looking back I am so happy I wrote about Abby's labor story so I decided I better do it again for Brianna before I forget. Brianna's due date was Tuesday November 20th, well that day came and went and no baby. I had gone to the Doctor the Friday before and I was dilated to a 2 and 70% effaced. On Tuesday morning at about 4:30 am I began having a few mild contractions but they were only about every half hour and they went away as soon as I got out of bed. However on Tuesday night they began coming hard every 10 minutes apart, I didn't get an ounce of sleep all night long because I was curled up in a ball in pain every 10 minutes. I had a doctors appointment on Wednesday morning and was expecting to hear some good news about my progress, however I found out that I was still a 2 and still 70% effaced. I was super frustrated because I had been up all night in pain with nothing to show for it. I had already called my mom and told her to drive up because I was pretty sure the baby would be coming soon. All day Wednesday nothing happened, I was having one or two contractions an hour but they were pretty painful. On Wednesday evening the contractions started coming again about every 10 minutes. I went to bed and was so miserable and tired, at about 1:15 I went to the bathroom and was pretty sure that I lost some of my water, immediately the contractions started coming every 3 minutes so Alex and I rushed to the hospital. When I got there I was dilated to a 5 and 100% effaced. I was able to get an epidural about an hour after I arrived. At around 5:10 the nurse came in to check on my progress and I told her the rest of my water broke and that I needed to push ASAP. She checked me and sure enough I was a 10, she told me not to push and to wait for the doctor, I told her he better hurry up or this baby was coming without him. A few minutes later the doctor arrived, 2 pushes later Brianna was born at 5:24 am. She was 6lbs 15oz and 20 1/2 inches long. Everything about her was perfect and we were so happy she was finally here.

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