Tuesday, July 1, 2014


This week for Spanish 101 we are focusing on Spanish Verbs. Spanish Verbs are a must when learning Spanish, what am I saying their a must in every language, but they can be a little bit more complicated when it comes to Spanish. Feel free to SHARE and PRINT as many as you need. I've also attached the link to a few other sites that give you great info on Spanish Verbs.


You know when you tell yourself you want something so much and then when you have it you don't want it anymore, then you start appreciating all the beautiful, little things that you had before... Well that was me just a few months ago and to my surprise it was harder then I ever imagined.

For the last 10 years I couldn't wait to go back to work one day,  I loved been a Stay Home Mom, took my title very proudly and was truly lucky to not have to worry about leaving my kids with a complete stranger to watch over them and enjoy their little milestones. I was blessed to be there for them and to know that if they ever needed me I was right there for them.

I got offered a part time job and loved it very much, but after the 2nd week I realized that I had spend the last 10 years complaining about getting a job and not to much time preparing myself in productive way, balancing my home life. I went from been a super over compulsive person to been a very laid back person at home and to my disadvantage that didn't help that much when it was time to go back to work. I guess you can say I took my mother in laws advice that she gave me 10 years ago, that she had received from her mother in law a little to far. When my oldest was just a baby she came to my house and saw me cleaning all the time, I wanted to be the perfect pretty little wife, with a clean home with a toddler. One day in one of our many visits, she noticed I was feeling stressed because I had been cleaning all day. She looked at me and said "Honey, your house can wait but Drake will only be little once, it's better to have a messy home then to have a grouchy mommy"  I took her advice and tried little by little to try to live by that rule... but somehow I translated that advice through out the years to " Good Moms, have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens & happy kids" yep... now I dislike that quote.

I had a complete new appreciation for full time moms, single working moms. By the 3rd week of working I was crying in my lunch breaks in my car, because I felt like I was so behind on things at home. I barely was home and with dance, baseball and skate competitions the weekends were out of the questions to catching up on work at home. I felt guilty talking to anyone about it, after all this is what I had wanted for so long and now that I was working I was wishing I was home been productive doing things to better my home. I felt that I had taken everything I ever had for granted for so long and now it was to late to go back.

Thankfully I have a husband that tries to listen to my feelings the best he can and friends and family that actually listen instead of judging me. I was so excited for the last day of work, it almost felt like the last day of school... Silly, I know. I'm so grateful for the experience I had to realized all the things that I could work on to better my life. It was definitely an eye opener and now I see my home in such a different way, I hope that when I do go back to work in the fall it will be a better experience, a positive one. I'm learning to balance my life and I don't think I will ever stop learning how to do so, but that's ok. I'll take it one day at a time and Appreciate and be grateful for what I have in front of me.

Monday, June 9, 2014


It's the 1st week that the kiddies are out of school for summer break and also our 1st week of Spanish 101 in our home. To those who know me know that I am fluent in Spanish, since it is my 1st language and very proud of it. When I had kids I decided that I was going to teach them one language that they could completely feel comfortable in (English) and when they were ready I would introduce another one (Spanish). 

Well I've been a mom for 11 years and let's just say it's been so much easier to just speak in English, but that's about to change. The hubby really wants to learn and has been asking forever, seriously forever for me to teach him and the kids and now Drake has started too. So we decided to start this Summer. Wish me luck because I'm definitely going to need it, specially since I have a child that is very eager to learn and one that is not very excited at all.

p.s. I'll be sharing some free printables once in a while in case you want to join the fun!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Father's Day is just around the corner and one of our favorite things that we love to do for Birthdays, Father's and Mother's Day at our home is homemade cards. This year I made a little template for the kids to make it more fun for them. Hope you enjoy it.

Monday, June 2, 2014


This last week we got to experience my little brother graduating from High School. I couldn't be more proud of him and the young man he has become even with all the trials in life he's had to face. He has so much greatness and love in him and I can't wait to see where he goes in life. I couldn't had asked God for a better brother because he gave me an extraordinary one. Congratulations Efrain!!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Our Angel Charlee

 Credits to Brendan Clary Art

“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.” 

 Love you Forever... I've read this book a million times to my kids and not once have I been able to truly finish it without a tear in my eye. This last week I've had more of an eye opening experience of making sure that I remind my babies how much they truly mean to me and how lucky I am to be their mommy.

As a mom I can only imagine how hard it would be to say goodbye to your child for the last time or to give them their last kiss, to hold their little hands for the last time, to sing them their last song, or read them their last story.

My heart aches to know that I know someone that is going through all of those things right now and there is nothing I can do or say that will make things better. But the one thing I know, pray for them to have the strength and faith that one day this beautiful little girl will see her Daddy and Mommy in heaven again.

I met Charlee and her family about 6 years ago when we moved to Salt Lake City. A beautiful family with full of life. A husband and wife that love and adore each other and 3 amazing little kids. You could say a pretty perfect, happy, healthy family. Their lives turned around in May 2011, when Charlee was just 3 1/2 years old. It all started with her having seizures and so much more along the way then just a year ago, Charlee was diagnosed with a genetic disease called Late Infantile Batten Disease, a condition that will take her life within a few short years... In the last week those few short years have become a few days for sweet Charlee to be on this earth with her loving earthly parents and brother and sister.  

I am asking all my readers, my friends and family to Please, Please help this family, take a minute to share Charlee's story and help this amazing, loving family in donating at least $5.00 it would make a difference, a blessing to this family. A Go Fund Me has been created for sweet Charlee to help with all her medical and funeral expenses. So please Share her story and let's keep her and her sweet family in our prayers. 

 Donations Go Fund Me Account: Our Angel Charlee

Sunday, November 24, 2013


A few months back when they had announced that Selena was going to be coming to Salt Lake City to the Energy Solutions Arena for her Stars Dance Tour... Me and my husband knew that we needed to get a pair of tickets to Selenas Concert for little Miss Annita and of course Mommy to celebrate our November Birthdays. Selena's 1st Concert we went to in 2011, was amazing and we loved every single part of it, even standing outside a few hours before the concert and 2 hours after the concert was done in hopes that she would come and meet her fans.... even though that didn't happen then, we still had fun and met so many great new friends that we have stayed in touch with until now.

So the story behind this picture was one that I want to keep forever for her to remember. It had been such a long time that Annita has hoped to meet Selena, and as I always tell my kids "Never Stop Dreaming, because you never know when your Dreams will come true". That's just what happened that night of her concert.

But before I continue... About a week before the concert Annita started getting things ready, like her Official Fan Club Laminate and her big Poster that she had exactly planned of how she wanted it to look and what she wanted it to say. The cutest part, she had been practicing what she would tell Selena if she met her.

The day of the concert, was perfect to say the least. The music was amazing, from her heart felt messages she gave before some of her songs, filled with inspiration of loving who you are having your own voice.Which honestly is a great example to younger girls now days. To the dance Choreography to each song that were beautifully performed, to her fun and still classy outfits.

Then came one of the songs that most of her fans know that she wrote when she was going through heartbreak "Love Will Remember" and Annita got a little bit emotional to say the least, she didn't want anyone to see her. But until the end of the concert we sang and danced to an amazing well put together concert.

Now back to the story of the picture, when the concert ended we ran outside as quick as we possibly could to the barricaded area that a group of teens from St. George had told us she would be coming out from an hour after the concert. We were in the second line of people and this sweet lady offered to let Annita go in front of her, Annita looked at me and said "How about you Mom" and I said "I'll be right behind her". For an hour we waited, waited and waited while holding her little hand between me and this lady. She had her big poster in front of her and while holding to her sharpie waiting anxiously for when Selena would come out and I kept reminding her to tell Selena what you wanted to tell her.

Then she came out and the crowd started to scream and push, her security had to remind the crazy crowd that if Selena saw that her little fans could get in any danger she would go back inside, as a parent I was so happy to know that. Then she came up to Annita, said hi and smiled and signed her poster and her laminate... Annita was seriously in shock, until that sweet lady said "Selena, this little girl wants to tell you something" and Selena goes to Annita and says "What is it Sweetie?" the crowd seriously stayed in silence and Annita with her soft spoken, sweet voice says "I Love You", that's when that picture was taken. Then Selena smiled at her and says "oooh, thank you sweetie...can I take a picture with you." and while all of this is going on of course I'm all emotional behind this lady, because my little Annita was able to have another one of her dreams come true.

So of course, my luck my phone had died by then. So I didn't take a single picture of her experience. So when Selena posted this picture on her Instagram, I was so thankful and you could imagine Annita jumping on the couch... She did say I can't see her face though...lol!!! Still Thankful.


I see moms day by day with their beautiful long acrylic nails and wonder how do they do it?. The last time I got my nails professionally done was when my oldest was 3 years old, so almost 8 years ago. I use to love getting acrylic nails aka "My FAKE NAILS".... in fact I started at a very young age, 16 years old and continued until my early 20's. You could say it became one of those obsessions that you keep going back for. 

I loved the glamorous look it gave to my nails, but disliked a) the long hour of sitting in a chair smelling the strong fumes of all those chemicals, while having most of the time Asian descent ladies talking to each other and laughing and not communicating with their clients. b) the process of removing the nails or when they would break and for a mom with a toddler at that time for me I was lucky when that didn't happen. c) the fact that I didn't know if the nail salon was properly cleaning their instruments like they should be. d) the way my natural nails looked when my FAKE nails were out... by the way not a pretty view. All those dislikes were enough for me to stop getting my nails done by a nail salon 8 years ago.

For a mom with 2 kids, it's hard enough for me to have enough time to paint my nails at least once a month. I know... there should be no excuses for a mommy not to take care of herself. I've heard it over and over again. Now that my kids are both full time at school I have more time to myself but waiting for the nail polish to dry it's such a hassle, so I was very thankful when I met the ladies at Glamour Gels.

I had heard about Gel nails for a while but never tried them, because I didn't want to experience the same thing that I had experience with my acrylic nails. But to my surprise they were the complete opposite, a great alternative to acrylic nails. 

From the moment you walk into Glamour Gels at Fashion Place Mall they greet you with such sincerity and friendliness. They have the most amazing location at the mall located right at the middle surrounded by all high end stores.  Their station is clean and very well taken care of and they make you feel right at home as they show you all the options that you can choose from for your nails.  They have such a great variety of hundreds of colors, they also offer Glitter Gel Toes, Semi-Glitters, Solid Gel Toes, Embedded Accessories and they love doing custom work on your nails. The nails technicians at Glamour Gels, which they are required to be Licensed Nail Professionals are so kind and love working at Glamour Gels, which means they will give you the best service and best looking Glamorous Gel Nails.

I also love that Glamour Gels product line has highest quality ingredients. The gels won't damage your nails, instead the gels protect and strengthen your nails. My favorite part of Glamour Gels is their guaranteed to last at least 3 weeks, but most of their clients have been able to wear them for up to six weeks and Touch Ups are free within three weeks of service.
Which for a busy Mom like me is the perfect solution to Glamorous Nails.

Glamour Gels has incredible savings on Black Friday!. Add a little pampering to your holiday shopping tradition this year with Glamour Gels at Fashion Place Mall or Go Online and Shop away.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Black Friday 2013 Infographic

Black Friday is fast approaching and you know you want to get the best deals out there. But do you know what this Season's Most Wanted items are this Holiday Season. Thanks to Coupons.com we now know... they conducted a consumer survey involving more than 5,000 shoppers to assess this season’s most wanted items.To find out what they are go to Coupons.com