Thursday, January 01, 2015

Smile like you mean it

Alright, here's the biz, I started writing this junk a few weeks ago and got pretty sidetracked, so since it's a new year and blah, blah, blah, I figured I'd finish this post I started. Enjoy! :)

Oh, why, hello!
Gee, it has been ages since I last posted anything. My blog has really gone downhill over the years. I remember when I started this back in college. I think I posted a lot mainly because I was usually sitting in the library and procrastinating writing some paper or somethin. But yahhh, I don't do that anymore. At least not just sit for hours in a library doing anything but actually working. Ha! That's how you get 4.0s and an academic scholarship. Procrastinate til the last moment and then *BOOM* inspiration, you get an 'A'. ;) Great strategy for everyone out there! But even those blog posts were just about random ponderings. I should probably just do that again instead of trying to think about life updates and jazz like that. Because I frankly forget about my life updates and/or they just don't seem so interesting to write about. But I should give an update, since I've only written like 3 times this whole past) year! Ugh! Horrible, but whatev, it has been a busy (past) year. Let's start from wherever I left off.

Once upon a time, I lived in Arizona and was a HS Spanish teacher. It was hot, school was stressful, good experiences were had, I met nice people, things were what they were, and then I left. Goodbye AZ, I moved to Utah. Snap! Everyone who thinks it was a hasty decision, it was not. I had been thinking about it for some time, but just didn't tell anyone. In case you don't know this about me, let me tell you how I operate, pretty much I don't vocalize anything unless there is a good possibility I am actually going to do it/ I actually do it. Meaning I think about things a lot, probably more than I should, but I don't go blabbing about it to everyone because I want to make sure I am making the right decision/I want to decide for myself and not have others tell me how foolish I am or whatever. Nope. I think about it, then I make up my mind that it's what I'm going to do, then I tell people and I do it. That way when others tell me I'm foolish, I have already made up my mind and I can't be persuaded otherwise(usually).

Moving on about moving on, I moved on, to Utah, to be precise. I moved my things to Utah the end of July, but I really wasn't in Utah myself for good until September, becausssseee, I went to Spokane to visit the fam, then I went to Alabama to visit one of my best friends Cortnie and her family. I was roommates with Cortnie in college and have remained good friends with her throughout the years. I'm mega grateful for that. Cortnie is amazing.  I was there for about a month and we had a lot of fun. We visited Ohio, Kentucky, and Louisiana. I also experienced attending my first collegiate football game. Seeing as how BYU-I did not have collegiate sports, I never had gone to a college football game. Anyways, my first game was at Auburn University. It was a good experience, lots of crazy fans and lots of fun.

(Alright, here I am adding more to this. It's now the first day of the new year 2015! Wow!)

So, now it's the new year. The last year was good. Lots of changes, well, just the city I live in really, and job. Seems like I'm making that a thing, moving every year or so. I like to keep life interesting, mix it up. :) ha! So I live in Utah and am working as a sub for now, it's enjoyable actually. It's flexible and I get to be in a lot of different classrooms. I like it so far. I like the sense of not feeling trapped in my job, feeling like I am the one who controls what I do, and even though I have to work, I can still make choices about what I do and not just do something to do it because I have to pay my rent, but do something because I semi-enjoy it, and not let it define all of who I am. I am much more than a substitute teacher. My job is not my identity.

Anywho, so this next year seems like it will be pretty good. I have some other jobs I'll be doing this year too besides subbing. One of which I will be working up in WY for a little bit, not permanently, just for bit and then I'll come back. Some other jobs I might be doing could take me other places in the U.S as well, but we'll see about those. Hopefully I'll get to do some out of country traveling again at some point, maybe not this year, but it would be nice to get back to Ecuador. I miss all my pals over there, it'd be nice to see them again. Hopefully I'll also be able to attend many awesome concerts. :)

Well, it seems my foot has completely fallen asleep, like I can't even move it. Whoops! It feels weird to not be able to move my limb no matter how much I am trying to. So strange. Oh, looks like it's coming around. Good.

Hmmm...yah I have nothing else to say at this point in time. Maybe I'll be better about blogging this year, but we know what happens when I make promises about blog writing, I always fail. Anywho, life is good, I'm content. The end.