Heyyy, I went on a trip to Philly to visit my pal Jillicious (friend from BYU-I who I hadn't seen in 6 yrs) so I figured I owe it to the world (y'all) to blow the dust off my blog and document my adventures from the land of brotherly love (phileo adelphos).
Captain's log stardate: 05.24.2014-06.01.2014
I arrived to Philly late Saturday night, Sunday I went with Jill to church, met some interesting peeps and coincidentally enough ran into the brother of one of my old roomies from college who I actually will be living with again in Utah in a few short months. Crazy! After church we went to a surprise birthday party for a ballet dancer girl from the ward and I was able to speak Español with some girls from Guatemala and Mexico! It was dang awesome, or as I like to say en Español "Super chévere." We then went to our second dinner at the Low's house which are Jill's friends. It was some tasty dutch oven cooking mmmmm soo good!
Next day would be Memorial day! Holla for 'Merica! We went to a parade in the morning with the Lows and then went to a BBQ at their casa with a bunch of peeps. We created an epic slip 'n slide, had a home-run derby, lawn mower races, and played croquet. Overall, it was a great day. Here are some pics to depict the events.
parade |
Jill and I, can't contain our slip 'n slide excitement |
epic slip 'n slide |
We love slip 'n slide |
Take yer mark
Croquet fun times, Low's awesome house! |
but first...let us all take a selfie! These peeps are cool kids! |
Low's dog, Max, cutest, most cuddly lil dog EVER! I loved him so! |
Next day it rained some and we went and saw "X-Men: Days of Future Past," ummmm...it was AWESOME! We loved it! It basically erases all the past movies tho, so now we are back at square one and they can make 5 more X-Men movies if they so desire. Thursday we ended up watching the first 3 X-Men movies cuz we needed a recap of what was now being erased.
X-Men, days of now you can have a whole new future |
Wednesday we went downtown Philly to check out some historical sites and junk. Here's some pics.
Reading(pronounced Redding) Terminal Market, lots of food! |
One of the best sandwiches ever consumed, pot roast sandwich. mmmm...soo good! |
Liberty Bell, line was hecka long so we went to a secret side window and took a pic. |
Rocky steps |
Statue of Rocky |
Champ! |
There were a lot of these blobby type people statues all over, can't tell you anything about them, except they are blobby and usually hugging(or killing?) each other. |
I stood where Rocky once stood. |
Green trees! I love how green it is in Philly, definitely something I really miss living in a barren desert. |
Inside of an old church |
Dang it! Plans foiled. |
All you need is... |
They had a bunch of giant game pieces just randomly in front of some building. |
Iron |
Domino |
Love is all you need! |
Another blobby people statue, lots of hugs(or killing?) |
just a piece in a game |
Old church of some sort |
Hmmmmm... |
River |
Go web, GO! |
Interesting name for a children's museum! We tried to go but it was pretty pricey and it didn't look that cool inside anyways. |
I may actually be disappearing in this pic! Ha! Not an invisibility cloak, just a poncho for all the hardcore rain. Dweeb! |
Phillies game, we had dang awesome seats thanks to someone Jill knows! Holla for that dude! Yah! |
A player getting a hit and a runner scoring. RBI yo!
Where the Phillies play |
At the game with Jill, brrrrr it was mega chilly! Phillies ended up pulling off a win despite being down the whole game. |
Andddd...that brings us to Thursday which Jill was sick and we needed a rest so we had a "X-Men" movie marathon that day.We also played some "Heads up" that game is dang fun and we kicked major trash on the songs category and also movies. We know what's up in the entertainment bizzznaasss!
Friday was pretty chill also. Jill was still not feeling great, but had to go to work, she dropped me off at the B&N and basically I read books for a few hours! It was way awesome actually! I read "The Alchemist" graphic novel(the whole thing), some Spiderman comics, an "Adventure Time" short stories book, and I perused a book about
Hayao Miyazaki(if you don't know who he is, for shame! Google that junk!). He is a flippin genius!
“One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”
Spoiler alert! |
Friday evening we headed back downtown for an Ingrid Michaelson concert! It was pretty legit! I love concerts a lot! Ingrid is super mega talented! She plays a bazillion different instruments and has a wonderful voice! Plus her crowd interaction is entertaining! It was tons of fun! I loved singing along to the songs I knew and just jammin out pretty much! We had a late night Friday but it was totally worth it.
Clip from the show, not best video quality and not whole song.
Saturday we went to the
"Collegiate Rugby Championship USA Sevens" and it was daaaang amazing! Rugby sevens is basically like a fast pace, more intense rugby. It's played with only 7 players instead of 15, each half is 7 mins with a 3 min half-time, so games go really quick. I really enjoyed watching it. I'm a pretty sporty gal and I enjoy watching most sporting events anyways, but this seriously had me captivated the whole time. We were there the whole day but it seriously felt like not that much time at all. I was really into it. Rugby sevens gained at least one new fan that day!
CRC 7s |
University of Arizona Tearin it up!
Just chillin with the bridge! |
The rugby crew! Fun peeps! Had a blast! |
This guy outta nowhere in front of us just starts dancing and totally bustin it on
this song! It was awesome! They put him on the jumbo-tron and he had a dance battle with that other guy that stood up a few rows in front of him.
That's New Jersey on the other side of that bridge! Whoa! |
A real Philly cheesesteak! Truthfully, the pot roast sandwich I had at Reading Terminal was better! |
Saturday night after rugby we went to the Low's and had one last meal with them and all the other Philly peeps I met. The Lows and everyone I met are seriously such great people. I'm glad I was able to get to know them all a bit in the week I was in Philly.
Sunday we bummed around the house, Jill was still pretty sick. We watched an
old movie about a boy scout troop with a young Kurt Russell. It was pretty cheese-ball but heart warming, dragged on a lil too long overall but had a good moral and such. We also watched more rugby and the softball college world series. Overall, it was very enjoyable.
Annnddd then... I peaced out from Philly and flew back to AZ where it is
106 degrees (on a good day) and one cannot even think without melting! Not cool...literally...not cool!
In the end I had buckets of fun in Philly with my friend Jill! I'm so glad I was able to visit and hang out with her. After 6 yrs of not hanging out it was still like old times. I'm super grateful she was able to spend so much time with me and show me around (even when she was sick!). It was way great! Jill you rock yo! This one's for you pal!
This is flippin the longest blog post ever! Way to be a trooper and stick it out til the end!
Paz afuera!