Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So I know that my posts lately have been pretty lame, and pretty much not super detailed about my life or junk like that! And this is prob no different :) ha! I actually am not up to very much therefore I have nothing to report, unless you want pics of me reading books, or watching movies, or...looking at my fish...yah..told you! Boring!! But you know, it's good and I'm happy!! :) Something cool is that The Hunger Games movie is gonna be coming out in just 163 days..I know that seems so far away..but before we know it...BAM! It will be out, and it will be awesome!! They released the teaser trailer a few months ago and I just wanted to throw it up here because I think it's awesome! Maybe you really don't see too much in the preview, but the fact is that it's gonna be a movie! Woop! That makes me happy! I wish that all the books I love would become movies (true most of them have!) but I wish they would be like how I picture it all in my mind while I'm reading the book, who cares if the movie is 6 hrs long, it will be awesome! And those would be the quickest 6 hrs of your life, just you wait and see!! Fun fact: In India many of the movies are like wayyy super long, not your typical 1 1/2 to 2 hr flick...and they actually have like spots of intermission built in the movie!! I watched a movie called Lagaan, (which was super excellent by the way), but it was like 4 hours long, I had to watch half one night, and than they had an intermission...and I watched the other half a different night! But it was actually an awesome movie, lots of dancing and singing and a good story(plus the main actor fella was pretty good looking...even if he is Indian(like from India..Indian :) I'm just sayin...) Soooooo....point being...somehow someday they should figure out how to transmit our thoughts to a screen but not a movie...like a movie...but not a movie(don't get confused!), it will be exactly how we picture it in our minds...EXACTLY! Is it just me or would that be the COOLEST!!!! It will be way more awesome than a movie...just sayin!! Other point being...I love to read and I love to imagine the story unfolding before me in my mind! It is rad!! Other point being....here is the trailer for The Hunger Games

And just to show you the coolness of Lagaan here's one of my favorite songs/dances!!

I know, it's cool right!!! I LOVE IT!!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm a MORMON!!!!

Hey everyone!! Check out my profile on mormon.org
I'm a Mormon.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!!!

Ok, so for those of you who don't know, I totally LOVE "The Hunger Games" When I got home from my mission it was the first book I read! Than I read "Catching Fire" and "Mockingjay." They are just about as amazing as they come!! If you have not read these books I suggest you do so! AND....that you read them all before the movie comes out!! Now that "Harry Potter" (which PS it was flippin amazing!!) is over and done with there is a void left in my soul, this void has been replaced by... well... "Twilight Breaking Dawn part one"(which comes out 18 November 2011! Holla!!)...but ALSO by "The Hunger Games!!" They are making the first movie right now and it's scheduled to come out 23 March 2012!! That is exactly one day before my birthday and I can't think of any greater gift!! Anywho to help you all be totally excited for this movie I have added a few fotos and a poster of the movie!! And to convey my own excitement and the moment I am eagerly anticipating I have added a countdown poster that counts down each day, hour, and minute til the premiere of this totally flippin awesomeness that is "The Hunger Games!"

Katniss Everdeen

The Hunger Games
23 March 2012

Gale Hawthorne and Peeta Mellark

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair!

I felt inspired while reading my friend Cortnie's recent blog post about her hair that I decided to write a blog about my own hair. While it's true I haven't had a haircut recently or anything dramatic happen, I just wanted to write about some hair experiences I have had in my life. I too, like Cortnie, will never have short hair again in my life! Let me share with you why:

Once upon a time, I was a little girl and I had incredibly long hair! I was like 3 or so and my hair was like taller than I was! Well maybe not really, but it felt like it! Anywho my mother would brush my hair after each bath and I would scream as she brushed through the rats in my luscious locks! Well after years of me yelling bloody murder every time I got my hair brushed, my mom was ready to throw in the towel. So when I was 5 or so, my mom being the all powerful parent who has all control over her young child's hair cut decided to cut off all my beautiful hair! And I mean ALL of my hair!! It wasn't just a trim to my shoulders to make my hair a lil more manageable, it was like a full fledged boy haircut! Ok, and that isn't even the end of the story! Here is why I was scarred for life and never will cut my hair short like that again in my life! When I was entering kindergarten there was a day when we went to meet our teachers with our parents and as we entered the class and were meeting the teacher for the very first time, the first thing my new teacher said to us was, "oh what a cute little boy you have!!!" UGHHHHHHH!! Seriously!??!!? That definitely left a mark, I have never forgotten that comment in all my life and it will take a heck of a lot for me to ever cut my hair short again!! NEVER AGAIN!!! hahahaha!!

Anywho, so to all the mothers who read this blog, please just remember that if you have a lil girl, and she has long beautiful hair that may require a little effort to brush after a bath, she does not deserve to be scarred for life by giving her a boy hairstyle! Just don't do it! The physical pain of the brushing totally outweighs the lifetime of emotional pain caused by a "what a cute lil boy you have!" comment! I'm just sayin....

stay tuned for more!

Monday, May 09, 2011

Maybe in the future you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back around!

Sup all?? So yah yah, I have been completely HORRIBLE at blogging since I've been home...basically there is no excuse, just that I don't think about doing it much! Ha! Anywho, so what's up?? How y'all been?? Ya know, I hope you are all doing so so great!! I miss you guys!! I'm doing pretty good I guess!! Just at home still, pretty boring, working as a sub, I'll be hopefully getting a summer job working in a laboratory that makes allergy medications and junk. They invented the Epi pen way back when!! So we'll see if I can get that!! It would be semi cool maybe....I would either be a Pollen collector....a Venom extractor, or...a packaging manufacturer...so yah! I'll keep ya posted....or I'll try to keep you posted :)

Anywho, it's way hard sometimes being home from the mish...I just miss it so so much like everyday fo real. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about something or someone from Ecuador and from being a missionary. Yesterday for instance was a very special day for me...not only because it was mother's day...I love my mom, she is totally the greatest and I just love her so so much! I would not be who I am without her..well obviously! haha!! But there is so much of who I am that came from my mother! She is amazing!!

Mother's day of last year was a very special time for me, I was a missionary in Ecuador. Me and my companion called our families the day before mothers day, it was Saturday. While my compa was talking to her fam in the cabinas(the place we go to make calls) there was a guy who was also waiting to call his fam, he was from Perú, his name is Miller. So we started talking to him about families and about the gospel and we had a great convo with him. He agreed that we could visit him the next day...so we did and it was amazing and a couple months later he was baptized!!

But Mother's day last year is also very special for another reason... one of our investigators, María Barrera, was able to be baptized. It was a miracle for many reasons. First of all, let me back up...rewind to like 3 mths before...we had met María she was the friend of a member in the ward. Anywho the first time we taught her it was completely amazing, the spirit was seriously so so strong, María accepted to be baptized in the very first lesson!! María was seriously a woman of much faith, she knew from the very beginning that the Gospel is true! She had been preparing her whole life for the Gospel. She had heard the missionaries before, but she had denied them several times, her life had been hard. Anyways what changed? Well...María found out she had cancer, I think like colon cancer/stomach cancer. I hate cancer, it is such a horrible sickness. But having an illness as such really opened María's eyes...and heart. She allowed the spirit to finally touch her and she decided that she needed to follow what she had known was true for most of her life. Anyways to make a long story a lil less long, María couldn't be baptized for so long because she was so sick with the cancer, we planned her baptism several times only to have it be cancelled because María was in the hospital again or she didn't have the strength to get out of bed that day without passing out.

Finally, on mothers day of last year...actually it was this date to be exact, May 9, 2010, a miracle occured and despite her weakness and constant pain, María Barrera was able to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized! It was in the very early morning before church, we woke up at 5am to travel up the mountain to bring her to her baptism. Her husband thought she was crazy and said, "what are you doing? You can't get out of bed, you can't leave the house. You are too sick!" and I will never forget her response, she said, "No, this is my Salvation!" and she walked out of her house and was baptized! She is seriously a woman of so much faith and so much courage. She was baptized and she received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The day after she became really sick again and had to return to the hospital, for the next 3 weeks she was in and out of the hospital many times. When finally on May 30th 2010, 3 weeks exactly from the day she was baptized, she passed away in her home surrounded by family members, and friends from the church. I know that the choice that she made to be baptized has given her the salvation that Jesus Christ offers to each and everyone of us. That through Him we are able to live with our families and with our Father in Heaven for all of Eternity! I know that María Barrera is happy! She made the most important decision of her life and after she did so the Lord called her back home!! I am so grateful for the blessing that I had to be a missionary of Jesus Christ in Ecuador, to teach María Barrera about the plan that He has for her, and that her life does not end at death, but really just begins and will continue for all Eternity!! I know that I will see her again, this is not the end! Because Jesus Christ loves us each so much He has made this possible through His Atonement!! This is the truth!! I know it is!

I am so happy to know and live the plan God has created for me !! I know that He loves us, we are His children, we must not wait for the perfect time in our life to follow Him, but we must start today and continue each day to do what He would have us do!! When we do this, we are so so blessed and we are happy!! Miracles are real and they happen each day! We just need to open our eyes and our hearts and realize that the Lord is guiding us in all that we do! When we are faced with difficult times, may we respond as María, "This is my salvation!" and may we keep on enduring to the end! Every step we take forward is a step closer to Him!!
It is true!
I love you all!!

the baptism of María Barrera!