Here are some pictures of me and various people throughout the years mostly from this last year but some from the year before. They are pretty much just random pics that I had my bro scan onto a disk for me so I could put them on here, that's why they are not the best quality and sometimes they are crooked and stuff, but oh well, they are good!!I could probably write a ten page story about every single picture on here, they are good memories with good people. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!!

What can I say it gets very cold in Rexburg!! I decided that it would be cool to make a pyramid out of our kitchen stools, melissa thought it would be cool too, but it was very dangerous.

When I was home for break in between semesters I hung out with some of my old friends, they are from left to right, Kim, Emily, and Katy, they are crazy girls, next pic is me, Michele, and Amelia, then me and Megan at some waterfall, then me on my birthday when I was blowing out my candle on my fried ice cream.

These are great pics the first is me and Cort eating pumpkin chocolate chip bread from Great Harvest(Delicious stuff!) and we were watching a 3D Shrek movie thing, Cortnie, Megan and Me at our apartment in the winter, Megan Me and Cort at the sand dunes last summer, Cort and I after some shin dig at "R" mountain(you can see cort only cares about one thing in this pic, the S'more!!)

Roomies I have had left to right Me with Melanie Dean(one of my roomies sister) Doing some Westside gangster stuff, Me and Melissa laughing because we were taking a secret picture without Cort knowing on her camera(and I think I had just tripped), Me and my room roommate Carly Dean she's an awesome person, Me and Cortnie at the ORC(Last time I saw her before I left, it was very sad when I left. I cried all the way home)

First 2 pics softball team at our banquet at Craigos(from left to right back row, Nani Britt Jessa Genn Me Krista Kathryn Stevie Whitney and Sarah), Me with Genn, and me with Stevie!!

Beautiful Rexburg sunset, Roommates and Tim at Fall Creek Falls, Roommates at our apartment, Brienne and I in I.F on 4th of July.