Monday, December 10, 2012


Okay, I started a new blog. You can start following me at:

I just added our recent family pictures.   :o)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Okay, maybe I was wrong. It says the same thing when I try to upload a picture for the top of my new blog. Perhaps the photo size is just too big. I don't know how to fix that. Anyone???
Apparently there is only so much room on blogs to store pictures. Someone computer savvy can correct me if I am misunderstanding. I am creating ANOTHER blog so that I have room for more posts and pictures. It should be for anyone who wants to follow. Please give me a few days to get things up and running.

I was glad to see I have only been absent from my blog for about 6 weeks. I ended up having gallbladder surgery almost 4 weeks ago. Wow. I can't believe how much better I feel now that that darn thing has been yanked out of me!

I'm almost scared to hope for a great 2013, as I was hoping 2012 would be great, and it ended up being too eventful for my taste! LOL

Anyhow.. hop over to my new blog in a few days. I've got new family pictures that should be posted by then.  :o)


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Two Toothless

Zack lost one of his top baby teeth a little while back, and had been hanging onto the other tooth. It was really loose, and I kept offering to take care of it for him and he wouldn't let me. Finally I ceased my chance. That darn thing had a root in the back that must have been a mile long! It wouldn't come out!!! I had to really give it a good few yanks, but finally, right before Zack was going to not let me pull again, it came out. 
So now he will be perfectly tooth-less to sing "All I Want For Christmas (Is My Two Front Teeth)" next month.

Choo Choo!

A few days ago I went to see my chiropractor, and luckily he is close to the mall because I somehow lost my sunglasses again this year, and I desperately needed another pair. You can't live in Vegas and not have sunglasses, and I had been without any for over a week. (Bad news for these peepers)
While we were in the mall a little train came by. Trever was trying to run after it. I wasn't going to have us ride it, as I usually just try and get in and out of places quickly when I have T in tow, but I had flash change of heart, and thought how riding the train wouldn't mess up his nap time, or my schedule, and we were at the mall by ourselves, so it would just be he and I to pay to get on.
Trever was THRILLED when we started walking the direction of the train and I told him we could ride it. He took off running and was yelling "train!". 
We got into our blue box car (That T chose) and settled in for the ride. I wish I knew how to download videos from my iPhone onto blogger because I got a couple really cute videos of Trever singing and dancing to the music they played. He had so much fun, and I have to admit I enjoyed it myself. 


I was really excited to go vote this year. I live in a swing-state, so we have been bombarded by commercials and all kinds crap and I'm really just ready for it to be over. 
I went to vote at the YMCA and checked my ballot several times to make sure it hadn't changed my vote. (When we had our voting for Senate, the machine changed my answer twice before it kept who I really wanted)
Anyhow, no glitches on my machine, although it's been on the news that there have been many reports of machines changing Romney votes to Obama votes. 
Interesting eh...  
So I'll just say really quickly...

Room With NO View

This last Monday I had a HIDA scan to check my gall bladder. Here was my lovely view for 1 1/2 hours. It was super entertaining. (sarcasm) At least it wasn't as bad as I had feared. I was scared it was going to hurt when they injected the stuff that makes your gall bladder contract. I felt like someone was pressing on my abdomen, but that was it. (THANK GOODNESS!)

The results came in today, but of course they won't tell me. I have to see the Dr. I'll see him next week for my other two tests. Yippee...