Friday, February 27, 2009

Couldn't Agree More

This was forwarded to me-

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

~Thomas Jefferson

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Blake

Blake is officially 2 years old today. I can hardly believe it.
I was looking back at some of his baby pictures and it really is amazing how fast they change.

His baby fine hair used to stick straight up, no matter what we did with it.

I guess it's true that you do eventually see pictures like this and smile instead of see a huge mess.

Wow, I just love this little guy so much. He has the sweetest spirit and is so affectionate. He loves to cuddle which is why I call him "Cuddle Bug." I feel so blessed to have him.

I love you Blake!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Growing Up

Within three days Blake grew out of 3 pairs of pajamas, he peed in the potty and he moved into a big boy bed. He must know he is turning two in a few days.
I know he is turning two because his new solution to every problem is to hit mom. He is still sweet and cuddly, but he now has a temper.
Moving from the crib has been unbelievable. I know I shouldn't compare, but...when Kyle moved to a big boy bed it was so hard. He jumped on his bed, kicked the wall, played, came out of his room, cried, screamed and jumped around some more. But Blake just walks in, climbs in bed, and closes his eyes. I check on him three or four times, amazed that he is actually asleep. It is pretty cool.

Please ignore the shockingly ugly wall paper in the background. I am in the process of fixing up Blake's room. Pictures of his newly decorated room should be coming in the next few weeks.
So I guess I can't call Blake my baby anymore. I sure still feel like he is. I even feel like that with Kyle, who is almost 5. Time marches on. Better enjoy them while they are young.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Snowmobile

We were given a new "beel." It is anything but new. However, we have already had lots of fun on it. Here it is:

Kyle is starting to be quite a good driver. He listens well, is careful and can maneuver pretty well. Although he was only allowed to drive the small snowmobile, not this big one.
So, here it is, our fulfillment of the commandment to have "wholesome recreational activities."