Sunday, February 24, 2013

The lil kit lesson

First thing I noticed is the lil pic hurt my eyes. I found a blog that spoke of enlarging the pic to see the the details better. So I did. Yes it was easier on my eyes. Next I put the key hand written on the side .
Thirdly I used colored pencils and highlighters to mark my progress.

Small kits give large rewards

Times came and left and I felt I had no feeling after a finished piece . My son came to me and said mom stitch something small and you will feel the finish bug to do more. He was rite. Wraping my head around the beauty and cuteness I glowed again. I finished.! I am on the way once again. Sometimes I think we have to recharge in our hearts to help our hope be come beliefs .

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Small kits big effect

This lil humming bird started a change that showed me lil kits have big effect. I bought the kit from hobby lobby. I stitched it using dmc floss. I think it is nice enough to be a brouch. I may make it up as a beaded kit next.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My first lil chef. He was a chart from country cross stitch mag. He also was stitched on canvas. I used dmc thread to give hime life. I t was fun playin with colors. The original chart has. The outfit white and gray. That was no adventure in that so I .

Recipe for love

Hello everyone this project comes from the cross stitcher issue march 2007.
The name of the chart is recipe for love
, I stitched it on canvas. I'm using dmc floss for the stitch work.

This chart re surface at the very moment I prayed for inspiration.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The next phase of this is done . Know I just have to work on the background .