Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 (My lame attempt at a Christmas letter)

To our wonderful family and friends!

Where has all the time gone?

Some days seem to drag by while others speedily race me to the end of the week.  A lot has happened in the past 10-11 months.  We have been in Pueblo now for 16 months.  I can't believe it!  We love our home and all that comes with it!

Jon has been very busy with his church calling as the Young Men's organization president.  He has been trying to activate boys and prays more families with boys will move in to the area.  He is also very busy with work and misses a lot by being on shift, but we won't complain because it pays the bills!

I am crazy! I decided that I didn't have enough on my plate, so I enrolled in college again. This time I am working on my bachelor's degree in Healthcare Administration that I started with the University of Phoenix and finishing it with BYU-I online.  I start 1/6 when the kids go back to school,  I am also starting out the year as the new Primary chorister.  I am scared out of my mind for this calling!  Give me Relief Society or rowdy sunbeams and I'd be more at peace!

Kyra turned 12 this past year.  She is babysitting and LOVES it!  She is in 6th grade and is learning how to play the trumpet.  We have to remind her that she is only 12 and not 16.  I think she wants a lot more in independence that what we are willing to give her.

Megan is 10 and is our baker.  She prefers to spend her money on cookbooks and this year Santa brought her decorating tips and supplies so that she can dress up her baked confections.  She is all girl and lets you know when she isn't happy about something.  She is a great help to me and I am very thankful for that.

Jacob is 7 and is working on his Wolf rank in cub scouts.  He loves playing on the Wii.  He is a great reader and very bright in Math.  His teacher is impressed with how intelligent he is, he just needs to learn to speak when spoken to and have some patience with other kids in the class who aren't "getting it" as fast as he is.

Ethan is 5 and likes his first year of Kindergarten.  He goes all day and that was quite an adjustment for him and for me.  There are days when I really miss my "hang out" buddy.  He is learning how to read and is just growing up so fast!

2013 brought a lot of new things and a lot of stress.  I'm praying that 2014 will bring more exciting an new things, but less stress!

Happy New Year!

Pamela, Jon,
Kyra, Megan, Jacob & Ethan

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pictures of our Great Sand Dunes Nat'l Park Adventure

The mountains on our way to Alamosa and Great Sand Dunes National Park

Jacob, Megan, Tate, Kyra, and Ethan: enjoying the ride!

you can't even see the peak of this mountain

walking across the dried river bed portion on our way to the dunes.

They seem to go on forever!

footprints in the sand

shot of the kids

Hollywood filmed parts of the original Star Wars movies here.  The kids loved being in the same place!

running up and down the sides of the dunes

On our way out, he was minding his business when we drove past.  He didn't even budge when we backed up to take the picture.

We went to Alamosa to find a fabulous little Mexican restaurant that has huge fruit filled sopapillas.  This was pretty much the reason for the whole trip!

This guy was drinking melted snow and ice off the sidewalk in the middle of town.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day Trip with Grandma Anderson

My mom came to Pueblo for Thanksgiving and on the day after, we took her to Bishop's Castle and to the Royal Gorge.  Here are some of the pictures.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kyrba is 11

OK, technically she is 11 in 22 hours, but I may be worn out tomorrow to write about this.

The last 11 years have had many challenges as I've learned how to be a parent.  I feel for Kyra because she is the oldest and because of that, she is our practice dummy (for lack of a better term).  She tries so hard to be a kid, but wants to be so grown up at the same time and that is tough for anyone.  I honestly cannot believe that I am old enough to have a baby that is 11.

Kyra is growing up to be a beautiful, smart, compassionate young lady.  We get more compliments on her pretty blue eyes and her smile.  She is on track to be in the gifted and talented program at her school.  This will help her in Middle School and High School and if all goes well, she will be able to have part of a college degree by the time she gets her High School diploma.  She is always looking for ways to help her sister and brother with their homework and her teacher's say she is that way with other students at school as well.  She is always trying her best even when her intentions are a little bit construed.  She cares about those who have less than her.  She is going to be our forever missionary.  The Spirit of our Heavenly Father radiates through her so much that her friends are wanting to come to church and church activities with her.  She knows the gospel well and is not afraid to let everyone know that she is a member of the church.

Kyra loves to be artistic which is something that she gets from her dad and from her aunt.  I draw stick people, badly.  She wants to be making things all of the time and she also loves to write stories.  Jacob loves to "play" school with Kyra and she is teaching him so many valuable things.

I am thankful for the opportunity to have such special spirits in my home.  They teach me so much about being a mom and about myself.  I am thankful that Kyra is so willing to help when I need it and that she looks to me to teach her the things she needs to be successful in life.  I knew being a parent would be difficult, but it is also very rewarding. to get some sleep before tomorrow...