Have to say I had quite a bit of fun . Our party was short a man (our two handed fighter guy off to play X-Wing) but the rest consisted of a Halfling warlock, a cleric, a paladin, a rogue and a totem warrior barbarian (me)
The only house rules we used were random stat generation (which lead to pretty high stats) and a ruling that Paladins need to be Lawful but not necessarily Good. Ours is the Oath of Vengeance guy and like my totem warrior/pirate is Lawful Evil and an all around ruthless bastard, His player T and I work well together in game so it makes for some fun play.
On the whole system was decent, didn't get in the way and in general helped make for a fun experience. 5th edition did its job well, which in its case was to be D&D.
But as said not the kind of game system that inspires me and honestly I think it could use more support for mundane encounters like the bandits we fought . Regardless everyone seemed to have a good time. We also now have several print Player's Handbooks at the table so its doing well with my group. I'm happy to play it. I might even buy that PHB after all.
Mechanically 5e feats are very neat and mine (Shield Master and Resilience) I can knock people around, block dragon breath and in general kick some backside in a strong but balanced way.
Another nice bit, the 5e Barbarian is superb, rage works well and smoothly and the other class abilities are pretty neat . For example my guy doesn't wear any armor and has still an AC of 20 with his +1 shield . Sword +Target Shield is very fun.
I might eventually want a few extra feats butt as no one gets more than 6 (5 if not human) , its not a needed thing for the time being. I suspect a few will end up in some clever homebrew or in Wizard's generous regular Unearthed Arcana Support long before I need them.
Also not system related and most of all I really like the home-brew game world, the kind of mythic fantasy meets sword and planet place called Arlowen.
Its very flavorful and in general a fun setting to game. my DM tonight, B is a little rough around the edges as a DM but the man is a good storyteller and a gifted world builder. Arlowen is among my very favorite game worlds and the most interesting D&D homebrew I've every played. I love things like mummy kings, storm towers, ash covered islands, dragon people and all the rest. I want to explore and interact with more of it and I liked it in Pathfinder and I like it in D&D.
In the end I'd say 5th Edition played well, the Barbarian is the best version of the class yet and the feats are really excellent. Sure 5e is a bit of a one trick pony , good for playing its own idiosyncratic form of D&D and probably little else unlike the more versatile older D&D or 3x variations but sometimes one trick is plenty.
Fight On! Issue 16 now available – dedicated to DA Trampier
One of the best things to happen in the “old school” gaming community in
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