The Little Bigs
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Koby's question
Today Koby posed this question to Paul, "Does a caterpillar know it will become a butterfly?" I'd love to know what your answer is.

Paul's brother was in town on Tuesday for a deposition so the brothers went to the driving range- with Owen in tow. I arrived after a while to pick up Owen. When I parked, I got out of the car and began to walk towards the boys. I was about 30 feet away when Owen turned and spotted me. He smiled so big and began running (my favorite 2 year-old waddle/run). When he got close I heard him saying over and over, 'That's my mom. That's my mom. That's my mom." I have been a great deal of things to a lot of people. But nothing touches what I am to Koby, Luke, Naomi and Owen. I am a mother- it is who I am, what I do, why I do, where I do, and how I do it. By that I mean that being a mother is the reason for the music I listen to, the clothes I wear, the words I speak, the friends I make, the books I read, the car I drive, the food I cook, the way I save my money, the time I go to bed, the reason I get up in the morning. Motherhood is thread through ever aspect of my life. It is my greatest blessing because it is the source of my life's joy. Having children has been a beautiful gift. I know I am inherently a mother without having children, but for me, having children gave me motherhood. And that gift is eternal and has changed me profoundly for I am a mom, I am a mom, I am a mom. Happy Mother's Day to all of you beautiful mothers and for the reason you do the amazing you do!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
A cold
My beautiful little Owen started with a cough a few days ago. After adding a runny nose yesterday, I was wiping said nose and said to him, "My darling, do you have a cold?" I wasn't expecting any answer, but that sweet boy responded, "No, I have a warm." I love this age when vocabulary is literal and context is 2-dimensional!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I eating da bugs
Owen and I were in the office this morning. Our office has an east -facing window that pours in sunlight at this hour. He was standing in the shade "catching the bugs". You know how you can see the dust and other particles in the air when the sun is shining on them- apparently he thinks they are bugs. Well, Owen was his very observant, two-year-old self and all the sudden he started taking bites into the air. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I eating da bugs." And he keeps blowing and swatting at them! Too cute!
Just one more thing....
I have been forgetting lately to write things down because I tell myself, "That was so adorable, I will definitely remember this and write it down later!" Nope, five minutes go by (sometimes less) and I am racking my brain for recall. So, last night I was putting all of the children to bed and I was working my way up the line. I had Naomi in bed. I had read stories, said prayers, tucked in, kissed, hugged and I had just cued the lights, when I heard, "Mom, just one more thing..." "Yes, Naomi?" I asked, in a normal tone- unlike my regularly exasperated voice at this point in the evening. "I just want you to know I love you so much." Melt my heart! I am so grateful that I didn't ruin such a wonderful moment and thankful for this sweet lesson from my little girl. I learned to treat every day, even every routine, with fresh eyes and not hinder my future because of a few tired experiences/expectations from the past. Last night I was given a present from the present- recorded in real time!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sap Trivia
I am a sap- which could be an acronym for "sarah and paul"- but in this case it is what I is. Did you know that tree sap is mostly made of water with a bit of hormones, sugar and minerals? I know- crazy, right?! That's what I am made of and what I am. And I am sappy. I love romantic comedies and on tonight's list, I watched Leap Year. There was the sweetest moment where a newlywed couple is sitting at their reception and the bride stands to toast and says to her husband, "May you never steal, lie or cheat... but if you must steal, steal my sorrows away. If you must lie, lie with me every night of our life. And if you must cheat, cheat death- for I could not bear a day without you." Are you kidding me? I wish I would have said that at my reception- I don't even care if I came up with it or even if it was those exact words- anything remotely like it would have sufficed! I think I said something like, "You are dreamy," and then drooled a little, who knows? Anyway, I love romance and I will pursue it riding off into the sunset and skipping all the way! It is so fun to be in love! On that note, when Paul asked me to marry him, he said, "Will you be mine forever?" And I answered, "Forever and a day." So, in case any of you movie writers are reading my blog, you have the right to use that line from my own personal love story! Ten years, can you believe it? This picture was 9 years ago- time flies when you're having fun (and no, I didn't come up with that one)!

Sunday, July 11, 2010
We heart the Snow Shack!
Our friends own the Snow Shack on Locust Grove and McMillan, behind the Maverick station and we try to get there as often as possible (is twice a day so wrong!)... last night the lighting was gorgeous and the camera happened to be in the car. I think the dyed tongues were a bonus- they add a little something to our pics.
In case you thought I fell off the earth
Hello! I cannot believe the last post was in September! Yes, September of the o-niner! Where does the time go? We're already more than half-way through the 0-tens. Well, I couldn't help but post this- too funny! Naomi got a hold of the camera unbeknownst to me or Paul and this is what she did... here is the portrait stylings of NaomiSpice. Enjoy!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Smartie pants
At church I was handed a reminder for enrichment and taped to it was a roll of Smarties. Naomi peeled the candy off immediately and handed me the paper (may I interject with an "I don' t blame her"- they are a great candy). Anyway, the cute part was that she gave one to each brother first and ate all of them except for two. I thought they were reserved for say, MOM and DAD, but she held them up and asserted they were for her friends. Can you picture her walking into a nursery class of eight kids with only two Smarties? Yikes. I tried to persuade her otherwise but she was insistent that these were reserved for her favorite friends. This was at the beginning of church, however, and as time went on I noticed that her hands were empty. I thought nothing of it, but when I looked again, there were the Smarties- a little less crisp than before. I asked, "Did you put those in your mouth and spit them back out?" Her answer: "uh-huh, these are so yicious (delicious)." Again, who can blame her?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Naomi is THREE!
My mom sent Naomi some Hello Kitty make-up (among everything else from Hello Kitty land)... that's right- MAKE-UP. Should a three year old who draws on the couch and the wall and wrecks all things cosmetic of mine be allowed a kaboodle of glitter and gloss? Grandma's answer is yes- and after seeing her scream with excitement, so is mine. I love you little miss!
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