Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, July 24, 2021

April 2021

Grae like watching Pixar movies!  We are starting him young to be a Disney fan.

These cute little feet!

We kept Easter very simple this year.  In hopes that we still get to go to Disneyland this year (we've had tickets since feb 2020).  Terry and I got each of the kids a Star Wars hoodie to wear.  We did get Grae a little something egg-stra (see what I did there) and got him a swimsuit too.
Grae's first Easter!

Also Cobrin and his family came to spend a couple days with us.  So all four of us kids and our families came to St George to spend time together. The only ones missing were Teegan (on his mission) and Kayson he couldn't come he just started a new position at his job and coudn't leave. But we had so much fun being together.  All we wanted to do was just hang out so we had a BBQ and Fire on Saturday and on Sunday had Easter dinner together.

I am so sad.  I am just too much in the moment and enjoying it and always forget to take pictures.  We at least got one with the 4 of us but none with our mom and dad.

We went over to Nielsen's for Jake's  mission call opening.  He is going to Mexico!!!

More of Jantzyn's pictures from track.  She had so much fun and she was actually awarded Female Track Athlete of the Year at the sports banquet.  We are very proud of her. She got a cool pin and and certificate.  Another iIdidn't get a picture of.

More pictures of Grae!

Love this one of him and Gpa chilin.

We went on a family walk by Bloomington and saw a crane.

Jaice and Kiel went to Jackson Whole with a couple of their married friends.

Jor and Bridger had family pictures.  This is one of my favorite!


Just know from now on pretty much every post will have pictures of Grae in them.  He is just too fun to photograph.  These are all the pictures we took of him in March.

...and can't forget this cute little grand pup!

We went to Paula's for dinner with Gma Gpa Robyn Adam Brandon and Tracy and they would only let 8 be in a booth together so Jantz and Gentry got their own table.!

We went to all of Jantzyn's Heat comp league season games.  This one Terry got to coach because the other two coaches were gone.  I think we won 16-0.  Everyone was teasing Terry saying it was because of his coaching.  haha

Tav and Brit were down for Grae's blessing so they came too and Em loved playing on the field during half time.

Since all the kids were down we thought it was a good opportunity for Jantzyn's BF to really see how our family is and see if he stuck around. 
He loved it and said.  He felt like he was a freshman getting to hang around with the seniors. I loved his analogy.
While the kids played Em and I read princess stories and played with her princess dolls.

Grae's blessing.  Jake did an amazing job and gave a beautiful blessing.

Our good friends (and if Jay had them they would be the god grandparents to Grae) the Nielsen's.

Another beautiful sunset.  This is the main reason I don't want to ever move from our house.

We took Jantzyn to dinner for her grades.  And we got 16 for our number so had to document it.

Jaice and Kiel went to Florida to visit his dad and his side of the family and to go sky diving for Kiels 25th bday.

I dont know if you can tell from this picture or not but I dont know if they will be going skydiving anytime soon.  They both got sick. I think part of it was they chose to jump from the highest height you can for their first time.  haha

Terry loves seeing where the girls are this time he liked how it showed how they were on opposite sides of the country.

We went to all of Jantzyn's track meets.

And more of her league games.  This game they were so far a head they put Jantzyn in as goalie.  she actually did touch the ball and had a fun time.

Terry took Jantz on a daddy daughter date.  They went mini golfing and got Zeppes.

Jantzyn's team played in the Rage tournament here and they won!  We know these are becoming less than more so we enjoy every second of each time these girls play together.

We tried to get pictures of Grae rolling but didn't get it on the camera.

He such a happy smiley baby.

Waiting for Carter to pick Jantzyn up for Junior Prom.  Jay decided to cut Grae's nails.  

Jantzyn's Junior Prom with Carter.  She looked stunning and so grown up!

I wish they made boutineers as easy to put on as corsages.  As you can tell from the following pictures it took us a while.

Jaice finally got it.

Carter's dad let  him drive his car and he was so excited in fact the first thing he said when he came in (after how beautiful Jantz was)  was Jade Bridger and Kiel come see my dads car.  He loved showing it off.  And it matched Jantzyn's dress perfectly.  They had soo much fun at the dance.  And he even got a 1:00 am curfew so they got to hang out longer than usual.

Dad and Grae watching basketball together.

Now he's a baller!