Our Family

Our Family

Friday, July 31, 2020

Jantzyn High School Soccer Camp Junior Year

Jantzyn's soccer camp was the day after we got home from San Diego.  They left mon morning at 6:00 am and headed to Ephraim for the Snow College soccer camp.  They did awesome and ended up winning the camp championship games for JV and Varsity.  Janztzyn played awesome and ended up being chosen for the all star game and also voted at MVP for the whole camp.  She was given a $100 soccer ball and she had a blast.  We are so proud of her for how hard she works and the leader she has become both on and off the field.

Her and Emalee (her best friend) were also asked to be in charge of team night for the Juniors. So they brought a whole bunch of games and had a game night.  The girls loved it!  
It so strange to see this picture and see her up there being the center of attention.  It's just opposite of how she was at Snow Canyon.  I am so thankful she made a prayful decision and chose to go to Crimson.  It was definitely the best choice for her.  Not only because of soccer but because she has made amazing friends and feels like she belongs and she loves her teachers and classes also.

While she was gone her cute friend Emma left her a cookie.  They call each other bug-z (jantz) and 99 cents (Emma).

Jantz said she really didn't say that it was just her coach teasing her but I thought it was funny. 

We have a family group chat and I had put that jantz had gotten MVP.  This was Kiel's reply.  We laughed so hard.  He said he'd found the picture on facebook and had been saving it. haha

ST. GEORGE — The Crimson Cliffs High School girls soccer teams made a strong showing at a recent weeklong camp held at Snow College in Ephraim.

Andy Yergensen, who has been the Crimson Cliffs head coach since the inception of the new school a year ago, said the Mustangs had 44 girls at the camp, grouped into one varsity and two subvarsity teams.

The camp, which ran from July 6-10, featured teams from several Utah high schools and one from Preston, Idaho. Other Southern Utah teams participating included those from Dixie, Canyon View and Hurricane high schools. Hurricane was also one of a handful of schools that had a team in the boys camp held concurrently with the girls team camp.

Yergensen said some Crimson Cliffs athletes served as reserves for multiple teams, meaning a few players saw action in as many as 20 different games over the four-day camp.

Crimson Cliffs girls soccer players at Snow College Soccer Camp, Ephraim, Utah, July 2020 | Photo courtesy of Crimson Cliffs High School Athletics, St. George News

“They got quite a workout,” Yergensen said.

After finishing varsity pool play in second place with a 5-1-1 record, Crimson Cliffs faced 6-0-1 Cedar Valley in the championship contest, with Crimson Cliffs winning the game 1-0. Incoming freshman Paisley Hinton scored the lone goal off a rebounded shot from Kamryn Brown 15 minutes into the second half. Crimson’s defense stifled the 2019 state scoring leader from Cedar Valley as junior-to-be Ellie Nielsen earned the shutout at goalkeeper.

Crimson Cliffs used 22 players in the final game, with many underclassmen chipping in, their coach said.

The top two teams at the JV level were the Crimson Cliffs B and Wasatch C teams, both of whom finished tied after pool play with 7-0 records.

Despite being considered an underdog against 5A powerhouse Wasatch, which sent 70 girls to the camp, Crimson Cliffs ultimately defeated the Wasps in a dramatic shootout to win the JV championship. 

In the final game, both regulation play and overtime had ended with the teams deadlocked 2-2, sending the game to be decided on a shootout. Both teams sent their first five shots into the net. Then, on the sixth attempt, Crimson Cliffs incoming freshman Avery Cardenas stepped up and made her kick, opening the door for incoming freshman goalkeeper Kenadee Richey to try to block Wasatch’s sixth kick for the win.

Crimson Cliffs player Kenadee Richey carries fellow freshmen Marley Meng and Zoie Perkins during Snow College Soccer Camp, Ephraim, Utah, July 2020 | Photo courtesy of Crimson Cliffs High School Athletics, St. George News

“Kenadee had gotten her fingertips on a few of the PK shot attempts but just couldn’t stop them,” Yergensen said, “On this sixth attempt, Kenadee got full extension as she dove to her right and reached out to block the Wasatch shot to give Crimson JV the championship.”

Meanwhile, the Crimson Cliffs C team finished pool play with a 5-1-1 record, good enough for third place but just missing out on advancing to the group championship.

Altogether, the Crimson Cliffs teams won 19 games during the camp, against just two losses and two ties.

Crimson Cliffs junior Jantzyn Losee was named Snow College Camp MVP. Defender Alissa Stelter was also named a camp all-star.

“If I had to try and describe last week’s camp in one word, it would be ‘Incredible,'” Yergensen said. “The team building, bonding, and gameplay was a perfect escape from the pandemic for our players. I can’t say enough to how all three Crimson teams performed.”

“It was definitely an incredible week for Crimson Cliffs soccer,” he added. “Our coaching staff expects a lot from these players and despite being underdogs for almost every game, these girls blew away any expectation we had going into camp. We are excited for upcoming season play and hopeful that our players bring that same energy and determination that they brought to the team camp.”

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San Diego Family Vacation

Since we weren't able to go to CA for Jantzyn's regional soccer cup tournament we decided that we would go to San Diego over the 4th and spend it with Jor and Bridger.  We left Wednesday night after work and got to San Diego around 12 we stopped at Jorrin's to meet Kiel and take him to the hotel with us.  On Thursday we slept in and then went and picked up Jor stopped and got lunch at Chick filet to eat in Balboa park and walk around after wards.  We were able to see the apartment Jorrin stayed in the first couple of weeks while waiting for their apartment to get done.  I remember one night during all the BLM riots her face timing us with fires and loud noises in the background.  After she showed us that she lived literally across the street from where it was happening I was so thankful she was safe and moved away from this area.  But I am so proud of her for how she has handled living in a big city and getting a job and driving there everyday.  I don't know if I could do it.

I was telling Terry I thought there was a fountain up ahead so he made me get my picture with it.

The lily pond was so cute 
and this little guy was happy to let us get his picture

The buildings were so cool and different.  This one was steam punk looking and I loved it.

after Balboa we drove over to look at Old Point light house but the road was closed so we got as close as we could.

Jaice borrowd my phone to look at something and this is the surprise I got back!

That night we went to Sunset  Cliffs to watch the sunset and it was so so pretty.  I think it was one of my favorite parts of the trip.

Jadyn and Jake drove down Thursday night and we all got up to head to La Jolla Beach.  It was busy but we still felt like we were able to social distance.  We had stopped at subway to get sandwiches and as soon as we got there the stupid Sea Gulls stole both Jorrin's and Bridger's whole sandwich.  You had to be there to believe they could take a whole footlong sandwich but they did.  So the rest of us shared ours with them.

Jaice and Kiel were the first to try out the water.  

Then Jantz and the rest of us followed.  Jantz has never really been in the Ocean before.  We have stopped by on our way home from Disneyland before but it's always been too cold to get in.  So she LOVED it.  We body surfed, played spike ball, and cornhole, took a walk down the pier to look at the shops and just relaxed.  We finally left around 4.

That night we went over the bridge (Terry was so excited to go over that bridge for some reason) to Coronado Island to eat mexican food and walk around.  While we were waiting for the other kids to get there we stopped at a park right on the edge of the island.  Terry got out to take a picture and then sent a text that said "Tell Kiel pull up contest" so Kiel hopped out and he and Terry had a pull up contest (Kiel won haha) and then when the rest of the kids got there we all got out and walked around for a while.

Jadyn and Jake didnt get the smolder look memo for this picture haha

Jadyn and Jake were trying to take a selfie and Jaice got behind the scenes

Kiel found a chair to relax on..for a second

We ate at Miguels and it was very yummy.  We had to wear our masks while we waited outside and then as we walked through but were able to remove them at our table.

After our dinner we went and walked around the Coronado hotel and beach.  It was so pretty we decided that we would come back tomorrow to visit again.

The next day was the 4th of July.  We decided we would go shop at seaport village and then some of us wanted to go to the beach and some of us forgot to put sunscreen on the day before so they wanted to go back to Jor's and play games.  I forgot to get pictures of Coronado beach but we will definitely be going there next time.  The beach was so clean, had no seaguls, and Jantzyn found so many sand dollars and cool shells there.

Jantz getting her pressed penny for her collection.

That night since Bridger's team met there goals we had a BBQ with them at Jor and Bridger's apartment complex.  We had yummy burgers (and vegan burgers), fruit, chips, cookies, and salads.  It was fun to meet all the other couples that were there selling along with the guys.

remember me mentioning someone forgetting to sunscreen.  Jay's feet hurt so bad and got so swollen.  She could barely walk.

After dinner we drove to a little town called Poway to watch the fire works.  Everyone else decided to do the same since it was one of the few places having fireworks.  Jaice and Kiel got stuck in traffic and ended up having to watch the fireworks from his car.  It was a very short show so we decided since we still had time we would go to the beach and do a firepit.

I spent most fo the show trying to see where Jaice and Kiel ended up.

As soon as we got to the beach the boys got busy making the fire.  Kiel was able to find a pallet behind a store they stopped at on the way.  He started making the pit while Jake and Bridger got the pallet ready and set up.  Then everyone enjoyed the ambiance for a couple hours before heading back to the hotel. 

The next morning we got up and headed home.  The other kids had stopped at the temple on their way home the night before but we wanted to stop and get a quick picture before heading out.

We made our way to Anaheim and stopped at our favorite pizza place Pizza Press.  They still weren't allowing us to eat inside but we were still able to get it to go. 

After we finished we left our cars in their parking lot and headed accros the street to walk around the outside of our favorite place...DISNEYLAND

While we were getting our picture one of the cast memebers came walking by.  He waived and we told him you should come get in our picture.  He said "Im late but sure I can do that".  haha he was so cute!

They moved walt's hollywood star to the outside of Disneyland.

It was hot but Disneyland does such a good job that they even think of their guests walking and had shade for most of our walk.  It was fun to look through the gates and see the behind the scenes of Disneyland.
One of the old Entrances

We were there on the 5th and downtown disney was opening on the 9th we were bummed we missed it by a couple of days but hopefully Disneyland will open again and we can go.

It's still so weird to be there and see how eerily quiet it is.
We tried to go to a famous ice cream store for Jaice's bday but they were closed due to one of their employees getting covid.  
So after our stop Jor and Bridger headed back to San Diego, Jaice and Kiel headed to Fresno and the rest of us headed back to St. George.  We had such a fun time and my favorite part was just having all my kids together in the same place.  We will definitely do this again next summer (if Jor and Bridger go again).