Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April more self isolating and Easter

I am glad we have been working on our back yard because since this covid stuff has started we have been spending so much time outside!! Last Father’s Day Jor got Terry a outdoor multi game kit. We have played volleyball, lawn darts, badminton, horseshoes, frisbee, and pretty much any other outdoor game you can think of.  But it has been so fun!!

Jantz and the rest of the family have played with covi as much as we can!

Jaice has even come up with a badminton wardrobe!!

The girls camped in the back yard all Easter weekend. It was their reward (along with a yummy winger take out dinner) for completing their fasts. I was so proud of these girls, fasting is not easy in our household and for them to do it not once, but twice (and be happy about it) just made me feel very blessed to be their mom. This pandemic has been hard on me. I go through so many emotions each day. Up and down all day long but one of the good things to come from it has been to see their strength and their testimonies grow. I still have a hard time and I’m so ready to have things back to normal, but I do know I have my family to lean on when I need them. 
 We also had Dutch oven chicken potatoes and sausage to keep the Easter tradition going. It was yummy and fun!!

Even my parents have been enjoying the outside weather. My mom sent me this of my dad. With the caption “your father is a very very stubborn man” haha
I replied “at least he’s wearing a mask”

We had a driveway visit from gma/Gpa losee.

Jaice and Kiel found a quiet spot in Pine Valley that we are going to try out soon.

Jantz did a zoom with two of her friends and painted rocks together.

I feel ya babe!! If you can’t read it, the rock says covid 19 sucks

We have also played on the wii. My kids are becoming Mario cart experts. They’re even betting on who gets to pick the shows they watch with Mario cart tourneys.

One night Jantz said I’m so bored. So we said let’s try a puzzle at first she was like no that’s dumb. But I can tell you she has put many hours in to the 2 puzzles (so far) we have completed.

Jantz has also helped a lot in the kitchen since she has foods. This time she made us stew!

We have also been cleaning out the storage room and Terry found a bin with some treasures of our little Jaice!

Found this on my phone one morning!

I have been one of the few to still work at our office and one day the ups man brought us flowers it made our day!! They teamed up with a local nursery milgro (where Kiel’s mom works) and took flowers around to all the doctors offices ups delivers to! I love the sense of community this has brought out.

It took 3 to give Covi her bath. She looked and smelled so pretty after but of course I forgot the after pic.

Easter 2020
This year the Easter bunny was very distracted with all the things going on in the world and didn’t remember to put out baskets or get everyone’s swimsuits or dresses ordered in time to get here l, but around 2 he finally got the kids baskets out!!
 We took what ended up being a walk because the trail we went on ended up being closed to protect the wild life (which I thought was weird since houses have basically been built right up to the trail since we last went). But oh well it was a nice walk and we saw a tortoise so that was cool. 
After our walk we came home and ate. And then has our Easter come follow me lesson, followed by terry and the boys administering the sacrament. We watched some Easter videos put out by the church and then the kids played Mario cart to end the weekend.