Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, November 10, 2018

More soccer

This year I chose to help with the first team dinner.  They had it at Graves house and we had taco salad for dinner.  I made (had my mom make) Lemon Bars.  The girls all came hungry (like always) woofed down their food, listened to the guest speaker and headed home all within an hour.  I love soccer team nights!!!

 Jantz and the Heat team from PV.
 Addie, Taylor, Emma, Jantz, Kaitlyn, Brinley, Belle, and Ruth

 Sc Soccer girls annual ride in the Homecoming parade!!

 Jantz and the Freshies in the truck

 Jaice and the older girls rode 4 wheelers

Daisy was on the Homecoming Court so all the girls got their picture with Royalty!

Team Pictures



Some fun action pictures of the girls that were posted on the internet and newspaper.

This year the team focused on doing several service projects.  It was great for team bonding and for learning there are things bigger than themselves out there.

Surprise Concert

This year we were at the Park City tournament on our anniversary and I thought that was an amazing way to spend it but Terry always out does himself and had planned a surprise getaway to Las Vegas to watch the Def Leppard and Journey concert on Saturday Sept 8th.  He didn't tell me until the day before and I was so excited.  The girls stayed over with Jake and Jadyn (they love doing that) and Terry and I headed headed to Vegas.  We stopped and ate at Cheesecake factory and checked out the Outlets before heading to our hotel to check in and get ready to go to T Mobile arena.  We got there a little early like we always do so we could walk around and enjoy everything.  When we walked in to our seats Terry was really surprised by how close they were to the stage from the picture he picked them out from it looked pretty far away.  We were right by the side of the stage.  While we were sitting enjoying our seats all of a sudden Terry gets up and goes over to the railing and says thats Rick Allen.  And then tried to hurry and get a picture before everyone else figured out he was there too.  The concert was AMAZING.  We have been to Journey and Def Leppard both before at different venues but being so close we were able to see everything and it made it 99% better.  We enjoyed every minute of the concert!!! Journey was so good we could have left after them and been happy.  But Def Leppard took it to a whole different level. After the concert we were both too tired to eat so we headed back to the hotel.  We slept in until 9:00 our time and then went to do Terry's favorite thing.  We got his made to order omelet!! He loves these and this might of been his favorite part of the trip...haha (jk).  After we packed up and headed home.  It was a fun, quick getaway and was very much needed.  I am so thankful for Terry and all the fun things he plans for us (as a couple) and for our family.  We have both learned that the memories are so much more fun the than the stuff!