Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

This year it was very hot on the 4th so we decided to head up to Pine Valley for the day to enjoy the cooler weather and family.  Jantzyn's team decided they wanted to practice that morning so after she got done we picked her and her friend Jayden up and headed up to meet everyone.  We had treats and played games.  Then headed back down around 4:00 to eat our annual BBQ and then headed over to the college to a new location to watch the fireworks. It ended up being a perfect spot not too crowded and we could see them right in front of us.

Jor also had a fun weekend staying at her friends cabin in Panguitch and going to the hot air balloon festival.  They hiked  and then headed home for a BBQ and fireworks.  (Jaice also had fun with friends but didn't get any pictures).

Jaicelyn's 17th Birthday

Jaices summer b-days are always pretty low key.  She had her first day of work at her summer job that day.  She worked until 3:00 then came home and opened her gifts then Sam and Aizy blindfolded her and took her to dinner and a movie.  This year My mom took her clothes shopping for her birthday and she got some really cute new things for school.  She also got, Alex and Ani bracelet, perfume, Clothes over bros shirt she had been wanting forever, sunglasses, more clothes, nail polish,  and a certificate to get her eye brows waxed and colored.  

 The next night she went to a little fair in town with her friends and had more fun celebrating

Dixie State Soccer Camp

Dixie State Camp was from June 26-29th This year and they played 2 games each day.  Jaice played wing and every once in a while defense.  They played some hard schools but looked really good against them.  Jaice was exausted but loved playing each day.

Jantzyn's coach Montana reffing one of the games!