Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Fall Festivities

 On the Wednesday before Jadyn's wedding they had the homecoming parade.  This year Jor and Jaice were both in it.

We carved pumpkins!

can you guess what Jantz's was...yep an owl!

Jaice was so excited her play room project got an A, she snap chatted me about it.

Jadyn and Jake took me and Terry to Thriller for my B-day present and it was sooo fun!!!

Jor celebrated her 18th B-day with her best friends.  They were so sweet they decorated her room with pictures of them and her together and took her on a hike all day (they even sluffed school for her, now that's true friendship)
Late (I mean late) that night we sang happy b-day to her.  She got a cute necklace from Duncan and we gave her money to pay part of her I-phone 6 she so desperately wanted.

Halloween came and went.  Our  last school parade went by too fast.

We had Jack O Lantern pizza (except jay, she had a corn dog), and salad for dinner at our house, then headed out to do some trick or treating, and met back up at Robyn's to play some fun (disgusting) games.

Jantzyn was a cute little owl!

My Disneyland nerds!

Dancing at the Dance Party.

taking our chances with Jelly Beans, some were ok and some were not (skunk, smelly socks, grass clippings, throw up, dog food, and many more disgusting things to taste).

Last but not least Jorrin was chosen to represent Snow Canyon for Drill team All- state again this year!  We are so proud of her dancing!

Football Games, Soccer Games, and more

September and October are always full of games...football, soccer, and family.

Eshelle's awesome hip hop routine this year was choreographed from the one and only Jorrin.  She did amazing it's one of my favorite dances the eshelles have done.

They also got together with the Jettetes and did one of their camp routines to Thriller.  It was fun to watch.

Jaice's soccer team finished first in their bracket and Jaice learned how to play lots of different positions.  She did awesome as keeper.

Our annual BYU (freeze) game.  This year Jake and Jadyn were one their honeymoon so we took Jantzyn's friend Sophie and Jaice's friend Ashely with us.

the line for the womens rest room in beaver on the way home Sunday (it was fall break weekend)

The fun snap chat pictures Jadyn sent me so we could be part of their honey moon.  Jake hadn't been to Disneyland since he was little and didn't remember very  much of it, but he loved it and is now hooked like the rest of us.