Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Misc. May Happenings

We went to all of Jantzyn's softball games and watched her learn to enjoy the game.

she liked playing catcher and did a very good job at stopping the ball.

Jaice played her last game of the season with these girls.

she got to play with Calli and had a very fun time

Jay was around just long enough to watch a couple episodes of My little Pony, with Jantzyn

Jaice drew and painted this picture for her final honors art project.  I am so proud of the artist she is becoming.

We wend to visit Gma Kendall for mothers day and give Gma Losee the shirts she wants everyone to wear at the cabin this year.

Jor's May Happenings

Jor is a very busy girl.  We enjoy seeing her when we see her.  So I had her give me her phone to keep everyone updated on her life.

She had a job change.  Osh Gosh closed and so ended her first job.  She loved that job and everyone she worked with there.  She will miss it.

She started working at US Snow in the Lin's parking lot.  She has loved that job too and has fun working with her best friend Jordyn and seeing all the customers that come to visit.  This is one of her good friends "Kiwi".

She has been to a lot of mission fair wells.  This one was one of her co-workers at us snow.

She loved being in the Angel Mutual and her special friend Chelsey.

She and Jordyn Made good lucks for all their Rugby friends and took them around.

She turned "Blonde" for real.

She went up to the State Rugby tournament with some friends and had a blast!

Clara, Kenna, Jor, Jordyn, and Ashley

she went shopping and was proud of how good she did.  She got 3 shorts, 4 shirts, a dress, and a sweatshirt for $80, and she was even more proud she did it on her own without me to help her.

she watched her friends take state for Rugby

Jor and her best guy friends: Mason, Kade, Brecken, Jordyn, Cole, Jor, and Kiwi (Adam).

These boys are all Seniors.  She is going to miss them so much next year.  They will all leave for missions this summer.

tuckered out on the way home at 12:30 am

They kidnapped all the new Eshelles and took them to breakfast

did what she does best, hung out with her bestie Jordyn.

Went to graduation for all her senior friends.

Had a very fun time at "Senior Sunrise"

 I am so glad she comes home long enough for me to download her pictures on the computer so we along with everyone else can keep updated. She is on her way to EFY today so hopefully i can steal it long enough to get those memories.
 I can't believe I have my 2nd Senior.

Jantzyn Turns the big 1-0!

Jantzyn's Birthday was busy as usual this year.  Having a birthday at the end of school is hard for her because there is always so much going on.  We try to make it as special as we can.
She got an early b-day present that she bought herself at the school store.  She saved up all her Golden Horseshoes and spent them on a fish, getting her hair colored yellow, getting her nails painted, and a couple of other trinkets.  I wish i would have been prepared with my phone camera when she came walking out to the car.  Her face had the biggest smile I have ever seen.  So on Sat I took her to walmart and we bought the fish (flippers) a home.

On Mon we had a free night so we let Jantzyn pick a friend and we took them to dinner at her choice Dairy Queen.  They had a good time.

Her friend sophie brought her a gift...

a baby boo racoon.  It was sooo cute and she loved it!

Jantzyn and her BFF Sophie

Jantzyn sporting her new outfit from Gma Cowley on her b-day

She also had her last softball game that night.  She played awesome and even got a triple.  She wasn't so sure about softball at the beginning but has really come to love it.

at 9:30 we had everyone meet at our house to watch her open gifts and have cake and ice cream.  I love when they are 10 and so easy to please.  She got everything she wanted and was so happy about it!

her new Nike flip flop shoes.

ticket to see Malificent.

Ever after high book

doll clothes

My little pony pj's

hair clips, earrings and shoes

Ever After High dolls