Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Senior Night for Soccer

I did OK at Jadyn's Senior Night.  I didn't get emotional or feel very sad, but as I sit and write this blog post it has been a little harder.  I think it is finally starting to hit me.  Especially now that every game she plays  these next two week could be her last (maybe high school or for good not sure yet).  Looking at these pictures hasn't helped.  The last 4 years of Jadyn's high school soccer life has flown by.  I remember how nervous she was to try out her freshman summer.  I remember practically kicking her out of the car the first day of tryouts. I remember watching her play at her first camp with the team on the C (nobody know who you are) team, having the coach put her in as a forward that she had never played before and her scoring a hat trick.  I remember the coaches asking who she was and who she had been playing with.  I remember being soo nervous to check the computer the night they found out who had made it and how excited she was  that her name was on the list.  I remember looking forward to Tues and Thur nights for the last four years and wondering what I am going to do the rest of the year with my Tues and Thurs nights.  I remember how she immediately started to form friendships and bonds with each of the girls on her team.  I remember how excited she and we were when she started JV and how she made some goals for herself to start a varsity game that year, to become a varsity starter, to letter all four years, to be an all region then an all state player, and to even just maybe be a captain.  Well she achieved every one of those goals.  She started a few varsity games her freshman year.  I remember her being so nervous about trying out again, if she would make it again or not.  I remember her deciding she wanted to give up softball to be able to focus more on soccer and being invited by the other freshman to play on the (elite) Bombers club team and how excited she was to be able to say she was a "Bomber".  
She only played a couple JV games her sophomore year and started every Varsity game.  She also received All Region that year.  I remember watching the Hurricane game when she went down with her knee and waiting for her to be able to walk it off.  I remember seeing how disappointed she was when she had to stand on the side lines and watch her team finish that season without her and how excited she was when she was able to play again in the playoffs.  I remember watching her play against Timpanogos as a starter in the semi-final playoff game.  I remember her crying when they lost, but knowing she had done her very best in that game. 
 I remember her having a awesome Junior year.  She was named to the All-State team that year.  I remember going to her preseason game seeing her without her brace and thinking she will probably be just fine.  I remember all the emotions I felt when she did go down, and how much worse it was than the first time.  I remember the blessings she was given during that time and I remember her going through a little depression.  But she came back to play again.  I remember the day her teammates voted her captain and how honored she felt, she really didn't think she would get that goal.  I remember all the fun team nights she went too and told us about, I remember hosting the team nights and how fun it was to watch the girls interact with each other on and off the field.   I remember her telling us how much fun it was on the road trips and seeing all the fun and silly things they did on those trips.  I remember the Ogden playoff game that they lost in a heartbreaking pk contest, and how those girls rallied around each other. 
 I will always remember her wonderful teammates  and how they are all good girls who would do anything for each other on and off the field.  I remember the parents and the student body yelling at the refs for the usual awful calls each game.  I remember the parents calling us to check on Jadyn and always telling us how much they love watching her play.  I remember people telling us she needs to play in college and feeling so inadequate on how to get her recognized.  I remember Terry putting lots and lots of hours into making her highlight film and while watching it with her, her asking "Am i that good or does it just look like it."  I remember loving every minute of these last 4 years and I am so glad I kicked her out of that car.  I know she has loved every minute of it also and she will have wonderful memories of her high school years because of soccer. 
 Even if she decides to be done and not play in college, soccer has been a huge part of her and our lives and has helped make her the wonderful girl she is.  It has given her confidence she would have never developed with out it.  It has also given her life long friends and memories.
 Thanks to the coaches for taking a chance on a no name and making her someone who people will remember.

The seniors: Maddie Burger, Macey Gates, Janel Prince, Callie Stewart, Sarah Henderson, McKenzie Jolley, Jadyn, Megan McKenna, and Autumn Shipp

I think this night was sureal for Jadyn too.  She said "This should not be happeing".  But she didn't really get emotional either.  I think she was still not happy that she couldn't play in her last season game.

 All the girls and their parents who have all been huge supporters of these girls.

 The Walking Wounded.  The three starters that were injured.  What a huge difference it makes with them in the game.
 What they did during warmups

 Coach Kunde giving instructions

 One last "Who's House" cheer
 Jadyn/Senior and cousin Calli/Freshman.  It has been fun for Jadyn to have her on the team with her this year and to watch Calli grow she has had a great freshman year and also a great support and friend to Jadyn.
The "Red Card Club".   There have been 2 red card given in the last 4 years  Can you guess who they were given to?

Jadyn's senior gift they gave each girl an individual picture in a frame, some candy, and the pictures at the beginning of this post with their name and number.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


 The Tres Amigos...

We gotta be us even in Delta.

 We think of Jake as part of our family so he joined us in a few (Terry loves having another man to help even things out).

My favorite of the kids

Jadyn and Jorrins Team Pictures

The girls both got their team pictures and they turned out way cute.

Summing Up September

September is always one of our busiest months with soccer, dancing, back to school, choir, and last minute family get aways we were moving from one thing to the next.

My last time hosting a team night.  It was fun to be able to sign up with Robyn and then we enlisted the help from Mom and Dad Losee to use their backyard, and have Dad Losee be our chef with his YUMMY BBQ ribs and dutch oven potatoes.  The girls enjoyed the food and company of their teammates.

 This month has been another up and down month for Jadyn and her soccer career.  She has loved being captain but she has been having problems with her knee still and on Fri. scrimage she went down again.  We took her to the doctor on Mon and he still wants to wait on surgery (an answer to my prayers) he thinks she will be able to play and should be able to play in college (if she wants to) but she needs to make sure she is doing her strengthening exercises and icing (all the time).

 The girls always love going to Jadyn's soccer games.  The other night Jantzyn told Jadyn she played good and Jadyn did even play because of her knee.  It was pretty funny.

 The parents and grandparents also love going to the games (we do know when she plays in the game)  We have quite the cheering section and the refs know it!
 Our September friday nights have been filled with tail gaiting and football games.  The younger girls have loved getting their faces painted and hair colored before the games.
 The Eshelles have had some really cute dances this year and they have looked better than I have seen them in the last couple years.  This is their kick Routine to Some Oldies through the ages.  It is my favorite of all their dances this year, and those girls can kick!

 We also had a horrible flood on Tues September 11th that flooded some the businesses we frequent and 61 homes alot of them friends of the girls and Terry and I.  But out of awful things do come some wonderful things.  The girls and Terry all volunteered helping and they loved every minute of service they gave.  Jadyn said that Desert Hills High School bused their football and girls soccer teams over to help.

We also spent time enjoying SC Homecoming week.
 Jorrin and Jadyn were both in the parade.

Eshelle fans getting ready for their awesome military routine during half time.

They did so good!!

My second favorite dance is their hip hop....Ghostbuster Style.

 Jadyn went to homecoming with one of her friends Greg.

 She looked gorgeous as always.

Jaicelyn has also still been improving her soccer skills and we watch her every sat as she plays.

 We were lucky and were able to win 8 free Lagoon tickets. So we of course invited Jake and Jorrin brought her friend Kathleen.  We had soo much fun.  It was the first night of FRIGHTMARES so we got to see the park all scaried up (we even stayed the whole time although we had to try to avoid the zombies the 2 little girls didn't like).  I only made it on 4 rides before I was done, Terry made it through most of the day.  I think he was finally done around 8:00 but even though everyone else kept saying they felt sick they kept going.  They even went through a haunted house.

After we ate at our favorite place JCW's  (the kids were so tired they almost fell asleep).

Jantzyn has also kept us going she has followed in Jadyn's footsteps and made Sunset Express Choir.  Their first performance was at a Assisted Living Home.  They did great and Terry and I have fun watching the audience too.