Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jadyn's Sadies Sweatshirt pictures

Some pictures of Jadyn, Jake, Jenna, and Nakoni before they went to the dance.

Jadyn's Sadies Day Date

For Jadyn's day date they met at Jenna's house then they split off into groups of 2 or 3 couples for a scavenger hunt. Jadyn and Jake went with Jenna and Nakoni.

They had to blow a bubble
take a picture of 2 hot people
do a back flip on a tramp
shoot a basket
ride a what a ma call it around a thing a ma jigger
make a piramid
hold a baby (that is jantzyn by the way)
play ring a round the rosie with kids
wear a halloween costume
hug a bishop
play a wii game
sing a song in the mall
get a picture with mall employees (those are jadyn's bosses)
ride a bike
shake a DI employee's hand
rake leaves
brush their teeth
and i'm not sure what this was supposed to be.

I do know that they had a lot of fun running around doing these all day long.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jorrin dance performance and Powder Puff Football Game

Jorrin's Dance Co was asked to perform at the high school Sadies Assembly. This years Sadies them was Circus Du Sadies, so they did a weird circus number that i loved when i saw.

The middle school also had their annual Powder Puff game between the 8th and 9th grade girls. Needles to say the 9th graders won. 18-0 Jor loved playing (although she didn't get the rules her meaning of blocking was holding on the the girl for dear life aka Holding) she got away with it a couple times but finally did get called.

one of Jor's good friends Dallas Kitrell was a cheeleader so i had to get a picture of him too.

you can kind of see what i mean in this picture

i love her stance when she is on the line

Jor and one of her besties Jordyn celebrating after the game

the 9th grade Lady Warrior's team and their coach Mr. Oliverson