Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Night To Remember!!

Terry and I wanted to see Bryan Adams since we found out he was coming but Terry didn't think he would sell out and by the time we thought about it again tickets were gone. So on the night of the concert we being such spontaneous people (jk kidding you that know us know we are anything but spontaneous) decided to see if we could buy some tickets from scalpers. As luck would have it there were actually 2 people trying to get rid of their tickets and we were the lucky ones to get them. We offered them $50.00 for the 2 tickets together, and they laughed at us then a couple minutes later they decided $50.00 was better the nothing and sold us the tickets! It was a packed house but the seat in front of us was empty so we could see him perfectly. The show was everything we had hoped for. He sang awesome (it was just him, his guitar, and his pianist), was funny, and we had a fun time being together on our spontaneous date.

His voice sounded really good and I would definitly go again if we had the chance.

Friday, November 5, 2010

End of Soccer Season Banquet

Jadyn's sophmore high school soccer season was officially over last night. We had her banquet last night, and it was fun to be with the team and the parents again one last time this year. Although a lot of the girls are going to do a club team together (Soccer is our life). We had yummy food, lots of great speechs from coachs, senior players, and moms, watched a video of the year, and the girls received their region champ shirts. What a great night and perfect way to end the year.

When Halloween is on a Sunday

Since Halloween was on a Sunday this year and I love Halloween, I wanted to do something fun to still be able to celebrate the day. So I made a Halloween dinner. We had Mummy Meatloaf, Ghost mash potatoes, moldy salad, and slimy worm punch. Then we made Halloween sugar cookies, carmeled apples, and watched the old 1987 version of "A Disney Halloween Special" on you tube.
Jorrin enjoying her carmel apple.


Family Halloween Party...2

The Losee Family Halloween Party has made it into it's 2nd year...Yea I think it is so fun and hope we make it an annual tradition. We met at the church at 7:00 ate dinner, played a round of "Pull Out" Watched the annual performance of "Thriller"

This year we had two perfomances the older kids and the younger kids. They both did a great job.

And for our finale this year we had several rounds of Speed.

This is what Jantzyn and Gentry did for most of the speed game and towards the end they decided to play speed and did very well.

And of course we had lots of fun just talking and being together on the spookiest night of the year.

Halloween 2010

Jaicleyn was a very cute Roaring 20's Flapper. She said noone at school new who she was. Sounds like the history books are getting a little dusty at school.
Jantzyn my beautiful mermaid. Sometimes she said she was Ariel and sometimes she said she was one of the other mermaids (not sure who that is though).

Marching along in the parade.

Jantzyn was done with her marching and watching the rest of the parade go by.

Jorrin and Jamie in their 80's workout attire and the ward Trunk or Treat. I didn't get very many pictures of the girls trick or treating this year as I was riding along w/ Jadyn as she drove herself, Tavin, and her friend Ashlee to Thriller.

Jorrin's B-day Celebration

Jor's special day started off with breakfast in bead...Yummy! According to her it went down hill from there. But it did go back up after we finished cleaning the basement (thanks jor and grandma). It took all month long but Jorrin finally found the B-day items she wanted this year. She got a new phone (she left her other phone in her pants pocket and it got washed a couple of months earlier and had been using Jadyn's very beat up phone until it was getting too hard to use). She also got...

some earring's and necklace.....

"Miss Me" pants......

a new coat......

and something Jaicelyn crocheted for her. ...and a new shirt that I took her to the mall to find on her B-day and while we were gone her best friend Jamie decorated her room....

It was TP'd and inside joke notes with candy were everywhere.
I think all in all another great year and B-day for Jorrin!